File Type: SAMMC Data File File Name: d0g-p13.05.00_CAEP-off_Geo-plate_walker_wz_mcp13_ic_3480_03006180717 File ID: 2386355 File Size: 105307 [KB] CRC Data: unknown crc value [unknown crc type] File Start Time: 01/07/2003 20:54:55 File End Time: 01/08/2003 04:22:55 Physical Stream: notstreamed File Format Info: unknown file format First Event: 1 Last Event: 250 Total Events: 250 Application Family: simulator Application Name: d0gstar Application Version: p13.05.00 Import Process ID: 0 Node Name: Work Group: wz User Name: walker Produced For: steinbru Produced By: walker Origin Location: ic Origin Facility: ic Physics Channel: Description: wz request for z/gamma* to tautau MC Phase: mcp13 Run Number: 232381 Run Type: monte carlo Run Start Time: 01/07/2003 20:54:15 Run End Time: 01/07/2003 20:54:55 Run Description: wz request for z/gamma* to tautau Run CM Energy: 0.0 Parent Files: ['gen-pythia-p13.05.00_Dec-tautau_NumEv-250_Prod-z_walker_wz_mcp13_ic_3480_03006180717'] Split: 0 Merge: 0 Key: description = wz request for z/gamma* to tautau (Category: global) Key: facilityname = ic (Category: global) Key: groupname = wz (Category: global) Key: originname = ic (Category: global) Key: phase = mcp13 (Category: global) Key: producedbyname = walker (Category: global) Key: producedforname = steinbru (Category: global) Key: requestid = 3480 (Category: global) Key: runtype = monte carlo (Category: global) Key: stream = notstreamed (Category: global) Key: workrequestid = 03006180717 (Category: global) Key: appfamily = simulator (Category: simulated) Key: appname = d0gstar (Category: simulated) Key: appversion = p13.05.00 (Category: simulated) Key: customrcplist = null (Category: simulated) Key: d0release = p13.05.00 (Category: simulated) Key: firstevent = 1 (Category: simulated) Key: geometry = plate (Category: simulated) Key: keepparticlecalenergy = off (Category: simulated) Key: lastevent = 250 (Category: simulated) Key: numfiles = 0 (Category: simulated) Key: numrecords = 0 (Category: simulated) Key: parents = gen-pythia-p13.05.00_dec-tautau_numev-250_prod-z_walker_wz_mcp13_ic_3480_03006180717 (Category: simulated) Key: simranseed1 = 4167921 (Category: simulated) Key: simranseed2 = 1294936 (Category: simulated) Key: skiprecords = 0 (Category: simulated) Key: totalevents = 250 (Category: simulated) Key: usemaxopt = 0 (Category: simulated) Request ID: 3480 Data Tier: simulated