MMS OCS Region: Alaska
Title: Trace Metals and Hydrocarbons in Sediments of Beaufort Lagoon, Northeast Arctic Alaska
Total Cost: $167,000 Period of Performance: FY 2003-2005
Conducting Organization:


MMS Contact: Chief, Alaska Environmental Studies Section

For comparison to OCS development areas, it is important to establish measurements of trace metals and hydrocarbons in sediments of Beaufort Lagoon, located at the eastern margin of the Alaskan Beaufort Sea. The lagoon sediments of the North Slope may be a sink for both organic and inorganic anthropogenic compounds. Sediments may serve as transfer pathways to higher trophic levels.  Environmental accumulation is of particular concern in the Arctic where marine organisms, being lipid rich, with relatively simple and short food chains and low biodiversity, may be especially vulnerable to bioaccumulations.


The primary objective of this study is to estimate the concentrations of 12 metals (V, Cr, Cu, Ni, Zn, As, Cd, PB, Sn, Ba, Fe and Mn) in the mud fractions (<63 um size) and HG and hydrocarbons in gross sediments of the Beaufort Lagoon that are known to have been exposed to: a) long-term natural oil seepage; b) anthropogenic activities with refined petroleum products input; and c) pristine conditions.  This objective will help to develop criteria for detecting metal and hydrocarbon accumulation resulting from marine and other human activities in the Beaufort Lagoon region as well as elsewhere in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea.


1.   Use a vanVeen grab sampler to collect sediment samples from the Beaufort Lagoon at 20 selected stations spread over three location types, areas of natural oil seepages, recent impact from human activities, and little or no human impacts.

2.   Split samples into 3 sub samples for a) trace metal in mud fraction; b) granulometric and mercury analyses; and c) hydrocarbon analysis.

3.   Using statistical analysis, assess the relative abundance of the natural oil seep, refined petroleum, fresh crude oil and natural terrestrial or marine biogenic hydrocarbons in the samples.

4.   Examine differences between these samples and North Slope samples from an industrialized (Prudhoe Bay/Colville River) and an urbanized (Elson Lagoon near Barrow) region.

Importance to MMS

This study will increase a baseline of existing sediment conditions along the Alaskan Beaufort Sea for monitoring potential effects of offshore oil and gas activities.  The study will provide information for analyzing the existing conditions in prelease, exploration, and development-related NEPA documents. Findings will increase knowledge of the mechanisms of environmental change.

Current Status:

Field sampling is complete.  Laboratory and statistical analyis is in progress.

Final Report Due:


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Revised date:

April 2004


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