First Author: Reeves, G. D., Co-Authors: M. G. Henderson, and P. S. McLachlan, Title: The CEPPAD/CAMMICE/RAPID (CCR) Web Pages, Reference: AGU Spring Meeting, Baltimore, MD, May 27-30, 1997. Reference Type: Invited Talk CEPPAD: true CAMMICE: true RAPID: true Abstract: In the spirit of ISTP members of the CEPPAD and CAMMICE instrument teams on POLAR and the RAPID instrument team on CLUSTER decided to pool data processing resources and to provide a common interface to the three data sets. The combined "CCR" science team is comprised of nearly 80 individuals from 20 different institutions scattered across the United States and Europe. The team decided that the best format for sharing data and ideas was through the world wide web. The CCR web pages serve three main purposes. They provide; (1) a central repository of important CCR-related information (software, documentation, publications, etc.), (2) an open forum for the discussion of targeted "science thrusts", and (3) a convenient up-to-date summary plot browsing tool. A science thrust can be proposed online by anyone, including non-team members. Once created, each science thrust page contains 4 main elements; a topic leader or principle contact, a list of active participants, an abstract, and an on-line dialog. Anyone (including non-team members) can read and participate in the discussion via a forms-based interface. Each time a posting is made to a page, the page is immediately updated and the contribution is automatically e-mailed to each person on the active participant list. Currently there are 16 active science thrusts defined. The summary plot browsing tool (a cgi Perl script) allows users to view 19 different pre-generated (24-hour format) summary plots at three different sizes for any date since launch. This utility is also freely accessible by anyone including non-team members. The script is written in such a way that users can; (1) jump to a specific date/plot-size/plot-type via (forms-based) pull-down menus, (2) page one day at a time forward or backward from the currently displayed plot, or (3) jump directly to the desired product via a properly constructed URL. Currently, summary plots from IPS, IES, HIST, HIT, and MICS are available online. In addition, a number of supplementary data sets are linked into the browser including LANL geosynchronous energetic particle data, LANL geosynchronous plasma data, Provisional Dst Index, POLAR ephemeris plots, as well as data from other POLAR instruments. These auxiliary data sets are linked in such a way that the user is sent directly to the date of the currently displayed summary plot. In order to keep the summary plots as up-to-date as possible, the files are processed automatically from Level Zero science files received from standing requests placed with the NASA's Central Data Handling Facility (CDHF). When definitive attitude and ephemeris files are available on CD-ROM from the CDHF, the level zero files are re-processed. In addition, since internet connections across the Atlantic are typically quite slow, we (automatically) maintain identical copies of the CCR website at RAL in the U.K. and at MPAe in Germany.