Human immunodeficiency virus type 1B proteome

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[59214-59236 (1-23)]

Single chain protein id Protein name Protein type Locus tag Description / User comment Database name Database id Genbank accession Length Start on contig / cds translation End on contig / cds translation
59214 gag-pol hypothetical Gag-Pol genbank 28872819 NP_057849.4 1435 1637 4642
59215 mature peptide hypothetical Gag-Pol Transframe peptide genbank 28872821 NP_787043.1 54 1637 1798
59216 mature peptide hypothetical Pol genbank 28872823 NP_789740.1 995 1655 4639
59217 mature peptide hypothetical protease genbank 25121906 NP_705926.1 99 1799 2095
59218 mature peptide hypothetical reverse transcriptase genbank 25121907 NP_705927.1 560 2096 3775
59219 mature peptide hypothetical reverse transcriptase p51 subunit genbank 28872822 NP_789739.1 440 2096 3415
59220 mature peptide hypothetical integrase genbank 25121908 NP_705928.1 288 3776 4639
59221 gag hypothetical Gag genbank 9629360 NP_057850.1 500 336 1838
59222 mature peptide hypothetical matrix genbank 28876542 NP_579876.2 132 336 731
59223 mature peptide hypothetical capsid genbank 19172948 NP_579880.1 231 732 1424
59224 mature peptide hypothetical p2 genbank 19172950 NP_579882.1 14 1425 1466
59225 mature peptide hypothetical nucleocapsid genbank 19172949 NP_579881.1 55 1467 1631
59226 mature peptide hypothetical p1 genbank 28872820 NP_787042.1 16 1632 1679
59227 mature peptide hypothetical p6 genbank 19172951 NP_579883.1 52 1680 1835
59228 vif hypothetical Vif genbank 9629361 NP_057851.1 192 4587 5165
Single chain protein id Protein name Protein type Locus tag Description / User comment Database name Database id Genbank accession Length Start on contig / cds translation End on contig / cds translation
59229 vpr hypothetical Vpr genbank 28872817 NP_057852.2 96 5321 5396
59230 tat hypothetical Tat genbank 9629358 NP_057853.1 86 7925 7970
59231 rev hypothetical Rev genbank 9629359 NP_057854.1 116 7925 8199
59232 vpu hypothetical Vpu genbank 9629366 NP_057855.1 82 5608 5856
59233 env hypothetical Envelope surface glycoprotein gp160, precursor genbank 9629363 NP_057856.1 856 5771 8341
59234 mature peptide hypothetical Envelope surface glycoprotein gp120 genbank 28876544 NP_579894.2 483 5855 7303
59235 mature peptide hypothetical Envelope transmembrane glycoprotein gp41 genbank 19172954 NP_579895.1 345 7304 8338
59236 nef hypothetical Nef genbank 28872818 NP_057857.2 206 8343 8963

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