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Jicarilla Apache Nation Water Subcontract
to the city of Santa Fe
Final Environmental Assessment and
Finding of No Significant Impact

The Proposed Action involves the Bureau of Reclamation approving a subcontract between the Jicarilla Apache Nation (Nation) and the city of Santa Fe (City). Under the subcontract, the Nation would make available for delivery to the city at the outlet works of Heron Dam up to 3,000 acre-feet per year (ac-ft/yr) of the Nation’s San Juan-Chama Project water entitlement under the Federal Contract. The term of the subcontract would be limited to 50 years beginning in 2007. The subcontract provides that the city is solely responsible for conveyance of the water from the outlet works at Heron Dam to the point of use. Thus, the Proposed Action does not involve the new construction, or additional operation, maintenance, or repair of any conveyance, diversion, treatment, or delivery works by the federal government. The city’s development of its distribution system, located near Santa Fe NM, is covered by a separate EIS.

The subcontract limits the city’s use of the leased water to use within the city’s Water Utility Service System or for meeting legal, regulatory or offset requirements associated with the city’s Water Utility Service System. The city’s use is further limited to purposes authorized by the San Juan-Chama Project Act, and other applicable Reclamation laws and interstate compacts.

Jicarilla Apache Nation Water Subcontract
to the city of Santa Fe
Final Environmental Assessment and FONSI
 Cover and Title Page
1.4 M B
 Acronyms and Abbreviations
 Summary of Resource Effects by Alternative
 Table of Contents
 Chapter 1 - Purpose and Need for Action
 Chapter 2 - Alternatives
 Chapter 3 - Affected Issues and Environmental Resources
 Chapter 4 - Environmental Consequences
 Chapter 5, 6 & 7 - Mitigation Measures, Preparers, Bibliography
 Entire Document
 Finding of No Significant Impact



Last updated: January 19, 2007