159 [ 237 2 Chenopodium album, (Linn.) Banks of Devil's lake ; July 26. Chevopodium hybridum, (Linn.?) Dry woods, valley of Shayen oju river; July 24. Chenofjodium, (new species ?) A small annual ; whole plant hoaryfurfu- raceous ; leaves linear oblong, attenuated at the base into a short pe- tiole, entire ; flowers in glomerate spikes. Conical hills about Devil's lake ; August 2. Mriplex laciniata (p.) Americana, (Torr. Fl. N. W. and N. tes.) A. Purshiana, (Moq.) Low saline places in the prairies betweei mes (Jacques) river and Devil's lake ; July 5. Salsola (?) depressa, (Pursh.) Saline depressed situations between jues river and Devil's lake ; very abundant ; July 5. Moquin Ta i re- fers Pursh's plant to sueda prostrata (Pall ;) and Nuttall conaiuers it as identical with sals, salsa, (suœda maritima, Moq. ;) but the seed is vertical. Micornia herbacea, (Linn.) With the preceding. POLYGON AC EaE. Rumex salicifolius, ( Weinn.) Hook. FL Bor. Amer. 2, p. 129. R. pal- lidas, (Bigel.) Margin of a saline lake near Jacques river; July 6—/r. This is the hi. verticileatns of our northern botanists ; but, according to Hooker, hardly of Linnaeus. Rumex persicarioides, (Linn.) Sandy banks of the Missouri. Rumex venosus, (Pursh.) Hook. 1. c. t. 174. Hillsides, Upper Missouri ; June—//-. Rumex Britaunicns, (Linn.?) Wet meadows, valley of the Missouri; June 10. The specimens agree well with the European plant, but they want the fruit. Polygonum articulatum. Sandy plains, Upper Missouri. Polygonum aviculare, (Linn.) Borders of ponds and lakes in prairies ; July 6. Polygonum amphibium, var. strigosum, (Torr.) Sand bars of the Mis- souri, near Council Bluffs. Polygonum Persicaria, (Liun.) Saline borders of Devil's lake ; July 30. LAURACEaE. ,Laurus benzoin, (Linn.) Low woods, banks of the Missouri. ; April 6. ELEAGNACEaE. ileagnns argentea, (Pursh.) Between Shayen-oju and Red rivers ; abun- dant about Devil's lake. x Shepht-rdia argentea, (Nutt—Hook., 1. c, t. 178.) Hippophàe argentea, (Pursh.) Upper Missouri and Upper St. Peter's rivers ; June 10—-fr. SANTALACEaE. fkmandra umbellala, (Nutt.—Hook. 1. c, t, 179, A.) Dry prairies'near Council Bluffs ; April 29.