% % % % automatically generated % % ../bin/bibtex2html -force -with-icons ALL.bib % Date: Fri Apr 4 17:31:46 2003 % Author: tjn % % % @Book{beowulf:Sterling02linux, author = "Thomas Sterling~(Editor) et~al.", title = "Beowulf Cluster Computing with Linux", publisher = "MIT Press", year = "2002", series = "Scientific and Engineering Computation Series", isbn = "0-262-69274-0", } @Article{Ferri:lj02, author = "Richard Ferri", title = "The {OSCAR} revolution", journal = "Linux Journal", year = "2002", month = jun, number = "98", note = "http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=5559", } @InProceedings{PDCP02, author = "M. Brim and R. Flanery and A. Geist and B. Luethke and S. Scott", title = "{C}luster {C}ommand \& {C}ontrol ({C3}) Tools Suite", booktitle = "To be published in, Parallel and Distributed Computing Practices, DAPSYS Special Edition", year = 2002, keywords = "C3", bibdate = "Fri Apr 4 16:26:31 EST 2003", } @InProceedings{Mugler02ols, author = "John L. Mugler and Thomas Naughton and Stephen L. Scott", title = "{User Interfaces for Clustering Tools}", booktitle = "The $4^{th}$ Annual Ottawa Linux Symposium (OLS'02)", year = "2002", month = jun # "~26-29, ", address = "Ottawa, Canada", url = {http://www.linuxsymposium.org/}, annote = "John was the major author on this paper and I added some SciDAC:SSS NodeMgr material (and some misc. proofing)." } @InProceedings{Naughton02sci, author = "Thomas Naughton and Stephen L. Scott and Brian Barrett and Jeff Squyres and Andrew Lumsdaine and Yung-Chin Fang", title = "{The Penguin in the Pail -- OSCAR Cluster Installation Tool}", booktitle = "Proceedings of SCI'02: Invited Session -- Commodity, High Performance Cluster Computing Technologies and Applications", year = "2002", address = "Orlando, FL, USA", keywords= "OSCAR", bibdate = "Fri Apr 4 16:24:42 EST 2003", } @InProceedings{oscar:ols02, author = "Thomas Naughton and Stephen L. Scott", title = "Tutorial: {Clustering with OSCAR}", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Ottawa Linux Symposium (OLS'02)", year = "2002", month = jun # "~26-29, ", url = {http://www.linuxsymposium.org/}, keywords= "OSCAR", abstract= "This tutorial by Thomas Naughton and Stephen L. Scott will discuss the Open Source Cluster Application Resources (OSCAR) project. OSCAR is a cluster installation and management tool based upon industry ``best practice'' software. The latest release of OSCAR has been enhanced with the inclusion of the System Installation Suite (SIS) from IBM. This enhancement helps to streamline much of the initial installation process. The latest release, OSCAR 1.2, retains the standard cluster components such as PVM, LAM/MPI, MPICH, OpenPBS, OpenSSH and C3. The integration and configuration done by OSCAR allows for quick and easy construction of a cluster. Development is currently under way toward OSCAR 2.0, which seeks to increase installation flexibility and extend management capabilities once the cluster has been installed. The tutorial will discuss the current status of the OSCAR project as well as highlight the roadmap to OSCAR 2.0. Also, the research being conducted into the SciDAC: Scalable Systems Software (SSS) project will be discussed. The goals of the OSCAR and SSS endeavors are different in scope but share many similarities, which will be outlined and discussed during the tutorial.", bibdate = "Fri Apr 4 16:19:51 EST 2003", } @InProceedings{Naughton02sci:long, author = "Thomas Naughton and Stephen L. Scott and Brian Barrett and Jeff Squyres and Andrew Lumsdaine and Yung-Chin Fang", title = "{The Penguin in the Pail -- OSCAR Cluster Installation Tool}", booktitle = "The $6^{th}$ World Multi Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI 2002)", year = "2002", series = "Invited Session of SCI'02, Commodity, High Performance Cluster Computing Technologies and Applications", address = "Orlando, FL, USA", } @InProceedings{Pettey02ccsc:se, author = "Chrisila Pettey and Ralph Butler and Brad Rudnick and Thomas Naughton", title = {Simple Maintenance of Beowulf Clusters in an Academic Environment}, booktitle = "The Consortium for Computing in Small Colleges the $16^th$ Annual Southeastern Conference (CCSC:SE 2002)", year = "2002", month = nov # "~8-9", address = "Greenville, South Caroline, Furman University", annote = "(Chrisila Pettey presenting)", } @InProceedings{Pettey02icse, author = "Chrisila Pettey and Ralph Butler and Brad Rudnick and Thomas Naughton", title = "{A Rapid Recovery Beowulf Platform}", booktitle = "The $15^{th}$ International Conference on Systems Engineering (ICSEng 2002)", year = "2002", month = aug # "~6-8", address = "Las Vegas, NV, USA", url = {http://www.icseng.org}, abstract= "The tools for building and maintaining a Beowulf cluster platform for use in a research/teaching environment are presented here. This platform is characterized by its simplicity and ease of use. Specifically, all tools other than an open source operating system can be stored on a single floppy disk. Since the cluster can be quickly rebuilt, it is possible to allow students complete freedom, even including root access -- thus providing an invaluable learning tool for students while at the same time providing a research environment for the faculty.", annote = "This was presented by Dr. Ralph Butler. The material relates to the construction and configuration of the MTSU Beowulf cluster. The focus is simplicity to due staffing issues. Also, the need to qickly reconstruct the cluster to a sane state due to instructional/pedagogical reasons, i.e. rebuild after 1pm OS class so the 3pm Parallel class can experiment.", } @InProceedings{oscar:sc02, author = "Stephen L. Scott and Thomas Naughton and Brian Luethke and John Mugler", title = "Tutorial {S4}: {Cluster Computing: The OSCAR Way}", booktitle = "Proceedings of SuperComputing 2002 (SC2002)", year = "2002", month = nov # "~17, ", address = "Baltimore, MD", url = "http://www.csm.ornl.gov/oscar/pubs/sc02/", keywords= "OSCAR", bibdate = "Fri Apr 4 16:19:51 EST 2003", } @Manual{SystemImager:3.0manual, title = "SystemImager v3.0.0 Manual", author = "Brian Elliott Finley and Dann Frazier and Austin Gonyou and Ari Jort and Jason R. Mastaler and Greg Pratt and Ben Spade and Denise Walters and Curtis Zinzilieta", year = "2002", month = nov # "~10, ", pdf = {http://www.systemimager.org/manual/systemimager-manual.pdf}, } @Manual{rocks:userman, title = {NPACI Rocks User's Guide}, year = "2002", url = {http://rocks.npaci.edu}, note = "viewed at least v2.2.1", } @Misc{SciDAC:SSS, author = "Al Geist et~al.", title = "{Scalable Systems Software Enabling Technology Center}", month = mar # "~7, ", year = 2001, note = "http://www.csm.ornl.gov/scidac/ScalableSystems/", } @Book{Sterling:beowulf99, author = "Thomas Sterling and John Salmon and Donald J. Becker and Daniel F. Savarese", title = "How to {B}uild a {B}eowulf", publisher = "MIT Press", year = "1999", month = may, } @Misc{wiglaf:www, author = "Phil Merkey", title = "{B}eowulf, {I}ntroduction - {H}istory - {O}verview", year = "1998", month = may, note = "Revised May 2000. http://beowulf.gsfc.nasa.gov/overview.html" } @Article{Gropp:1996:HPI, author = "W. Gropp and E. Lusk and N. Doss and A. Skjellum", title = "A high-performance, portable implementation of the {MPI} message passing interface standard", journal = "Parallel Computing", volume = "22", number = "6", pages = "789--828", month = sep, year = "1996" } @InProceedings{modules:lisa96, author = "John L. Furlani and Peter W. Osel", title = "{Abstract Yourself With Modules}", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 10th Large Installation Systems Administration Conference (LISA'96)", year = "1996", month = "September 29~--~October 4,", pages = "193--204", address = "Chicago, IL", pdf = {http://modules.sourceforge.net/docs/absmod.pdf}, } @TechReport{Tridgell96rsync, author = "Tridgell, A. and Mackerras, P.", title = "The rsync algorithm", institution = "Australian National University", year = "1996", month = jun, type = "Technical Report", number = "TR-CS-96-05", address = "Department of Computer Science", note = "(see~also:~http://rsync.samba.org)", } @TechReport{Tridgell96rsync, author = "Tridgell, A. and Mackerras, P.", title = "The rsync algorithm", institution = "Australian National University", year = "1996", month = jun, type = "Technical Report", number = "TR-CS-96-05", address = "Department of Computer Science", note = " http://rsync.samba.org", } @InProceedings{beowulf:Sterling95icpp, author = "T. Sterling and D. Savarese and D. J. Becker and J. E. Dorband and U. A. Ranawake and C. V. Packer", title = "{BEOWULF}: {A} Parallel Workstation for Scientific Computation", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Parallel Processing", volume = "I, Architecture", pages = "I:11--14", publisher = "CRC Press", address = "Boca Raton, FL", month = aug, year = "1995", keywords = "practical multiprocessors,", } @Misc{Switcher:web, key = "Env-Switcher", note = "Env-Switcher, http://env-switcher.sourceforge.net", } @Misc{rsync:web, key = "rsync", note = "{\tt rsync}, http://rsync.samba.org" } @Misc{lam:mpi, key = "LAM/MPI", note = "LAM/MPI: Implementation of MPI, http://www.lam-mpi.org", } @Misc{Top500poll:web, key = "Top500", note = "Poll: \emph{What Cluster system (Distribution) do you use?}, http://clusters.top500.org/pollbooth.php", } @Misc{pvm, key = "PVM", note = "Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM), http://www.csm.ornl.gov/pvm/", } @Misc{OCG:web, key = "OCG", note = "The Open Cluster Group, http://www.OpenClusterGroup.org", } @Misc{scyld, key = "Scyld", note = "Scyld Beowulf Scalable Computing, http//www.scyld.com", } @Misc{sce, key = "SCE", note = "Scalable Cluster Environment (SCE), http://www.opensce.org", } @Misc{OSCAR:web, key = "OSCAR", note = {Open Source Cluster Application Resources (OSCAR), http://www.OpenClusterGroup.org/OSCAR}, } @Misc{clustermatic, key = "ClusterMatic", note = "ClusterMatic, http://www.clustermatic.org", } @Misc{cheos, key = "Cheos", note = "Cheos -- LLNL, http://cheos.llnl.org", } @Misc{LUI:web, key = "LUI", note = "Linux Utility for cluster Installation (LUI), http://oss.software.ibm.com/developerworks/projects/lui/", } @Misc{top500.org, key = "Top500.org", note = "Top500 Supercomputer Sites, http://top500.org", } @Misc{maui, key = "MAUI", note = "MAUI Scheduler, http://supercluster.org/maui/", } @Misc{mpi, key = "Message Passing Interface (MPI) Forum", note = "Message Passing Interface (MPI) Forum, http://www.mpi-forum.org", } @Misc{rocks, key = "Rocks", note = "NPACI Rocks Cluster Distribution, http://rocks.npaci.edu", } @Misc{score, key = "SCore", note = "SCore Cluster System Software, http://www.pccluster.org", } @Misc{msclinux, key = "MSC.Linux", note = "MSC.Linux, http://www.msclinux.com", } @Misc{pfilter, key = "Pfilter", note = "Network Packet Filter, http://pfilter.sourceforge.net", } @Misc{metamenu:web, key = "MetaMenu", note = "MetaMenu: menu-based framework, http://metamenu.sourceforge.net", } @Misc{SystemImager:web, key = "SystemImager", note = {SystemImager, http://www.systemimager.org}, } @Misc{C3:web, key = "C3", note = {Cluster Command \& Control (C3) Power Tools, http://www.csm.ornl.gov/torc/C3}, } @Misc{openssh, key = "OpenSSH", note = "Secure Shell (OpenSSH), http://www.openssh.org", } @Misc{openpbs, key = "OpenPBS", note = "Portable Batch System (OpenPBS), http://www.openpbs.org", } @Misc{mpich, key = "MPICH", note = "MPICH: Implementation of MPI, http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/mpi/mpich/", } @Misc{ka-tools, key = "KA-Tools", note = "KA-Tools, http://ka-tools.sourceforge.net", } @Misc{SIS:web, key = "SIS", note = "System Installation Suite (SIS), http://www.sisuite.org" } @Misc{mpich:web, key = "MPICH", note = "MPICH A Portable Implementation of MPI, http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/mpi/mpich" }