NOTICE ********************************************************* NOTICE ********************************************************* This document was originally prepared in Word Perfect. If the original document contained-- * Footnotes * Boldface & Italics --this information is missing in this version The document format (spacing, margins, tabs, etc.) is changed too. If you need the complete document, download the Word Perfect version. For information about downloading documents (FTP) see file pnmc5021. File pnmc5021 (.txt & .wp) is in directory \pub\Public_Notices\Miscellaneous. ***************************************************************** ******** $// MO&O, NCP Cellular Limited Partnership, DA 95-594//$ $/ Assignment application/$ $///DA 95-594 3/23/95///$ ///newjob/// Before the FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20554 DA 95-594 In re Application of ) ) NCP Cellular Limited Partnership ) File No. 00865-CL-AL-1-94 ) For assignment of Station KNKQ383 ) in the Domestic Public Cellular ) Telecommunications Service on ) Frequency Block A, in Market 675, ) Utah-3-Juab ) MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER Adopted: March 23, 1995 Released:March 29, 1995 By the Chief, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau: I. INTRODUCTION 1. NCP Cellular Limited Partnership (NCP) filed an application for authorization to assign its interest in Utah 3 to Triad Utah, L.P. (Triad). This assignment application was listed on public notice December 2, 1993. No petitions were received within 30 days of this notice and the assignment application was granted on January 13, 1994. On February 14, 1994, Catherine Ferri filed a petition for reconsideration of this assignment of license. NCP opposes the petition and Triad has filed a motion to strike Ferri's petition for reconsideration. For the reasons stated below, we dismiss Ferri's petition. II. DISCUSSION 2. Ferri's petition is defective. The assignment application seeking authorization to assign the Utah 3 license to Triad was listed on public notice on December 2, 1993. Ferri did not object to that assignment, and the application was granted January 13, 1994. Ferri's petition, filed on February 14, 1994, fails to comply with Section 1.106(b)(1) of the Commission's Rules. That rule requires that a person not a party to a proceeding state with particularity the manner in which [her] interests are adversely affected by the action taken. It further requires that the petitioner show good reason why it was not possible for her to participate in the earlier stages of the proceeding. Ferri offers no explanation for not doing so. Therefore, Ferri's petition is dismissed. III. CONCLUSION AND ORDERING PARAGRAPH 3. We find that the petition for reconsideration filed by Catherine Ferri is procedurally defective. We therefore dismiss Ferri's petition for reconsideration. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED THAT Catherine Ferri's petition for reconsideration of the assignment of license from NCP Limited Partnership to Triad Utah, L.P. IS DISMISSED. 4. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT the opposition filed by NCP Limited Partnership and the motion to strike filed by Triad Utah, L.P. ARE GRANTED TO THE EXTENT INDICATED. FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Regina M. Keeney Chief, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau