2003-12-18 17:37 Ed Larty * setup/packages-R1.3.0-tmp: # added new tmp file for next release 2003-12-18 15:42 Robert Hatcher * RerootExodus/UgliGeometryReroot.cxx: make UgliDbiScintPln, UgliDbiScintMdl, and UgliDbiStrip entries even for planes with no scintillator, in order to get VLD entries that would obscure any existing ones in the database. Also for FarDet generate blank VLD's for these tables for planes in the range [486:498] to obscure previous GMINOS entries for when both SM's had 249 steel planes. 2003-12-18 15:41 bgreen * CVSROOT/check_access: added Cluser3D 2003-12-18 15:36 Robert Hatcher * UgliGeometry/: UgliStripHandle.h, UgliStripNode.cxx, UgliStripNode.h: new methods for accessing the bypass fiber length via "WlsBypass()" and partial strip lengths via "PartialLength(StripEnd)" from UgliStripHandle's for strips that are split by the coil. 2003-12-18 15:33 Robert Hatcher * DatabaseInterface/DbiWriter.cxx: Having only the VLD insert (and no data rows) is no longer a reason for not entering anything into the database -- though it will generate a stern warning that one is doing so. 2003-12-18 15:31 Robert Hatcher * DatabaseInterface/: DbiSqlValPacket.cxx, DbiSqlValPacket.h: Add a Print() method. 2003-12-17 23:34 vahle * CalDetPID/data/TOFRangeTable.rawinput: Minor changes to ranges in TOFRangeTable.rawinput 2003-12-17 23:33 vahle * CalDetDST/macros/StdProduction/uber-all.C: Moved a stray ; in uber-all.C 2003-12-17 22:38 Ed Larty * OfflineMonitor/: NtpSR.C, reco.C, textfile.f, textfile.s: # modified to read from textfiles without duplication of last file read 2003-12-17 21:14 Robert Hatcher * DataUtil/: TruthHelper.cxx, TruthHelper.h: move many #includes from .h to .cxx (where they don't need to be reparsed by code that #includes "DataUtil/TruthHelper.h"). eliminate unnecessary include files. Convert instances of CandXxxSR to CandXxx base class to eliminate dependence on SR libraries from base "loon" executable. 2003-12-17 16:47 Costas Andreopoulos * AltReco/: AltAlgSliceList.cxx, AltAlgSliceList.h, AltModuleSliceList.cxx, jcm/AltRecoSlice.C: Tidy up. Some work on the k-Means clustering (which will need some tidy up tomorrow but it works). Resolved the problem with the assert(slice_q(view) > 0) failing before k-Means clustering had converged, as some small slices were completely striped out during strip exchanges... In this case, the slice list is re-filtered and the k-Means step exits raising a not-converged-yet flag. 2003-12-17 16:34 Brian Rebel * CandFitTrackSR/: AlgFitTrackSR.cxx, AlgFitTrackSR.h, AlgFitTrackSRList.cxx, CandFitTrackSRHandle.cxx, CandFitTrackSRHandle.h, KalmanPlaneSR.cxx, KalmanPlaneSR.h: Make several changes involving KalmanPlaneSR object including: -remove FitFrom, Predict, Filter, Calculate*, Swim methods and putting them into CandFitTrackSRHandle. these changes mean that KalmanPlaneSR objects now only know about the various state parameters and matricies for a given plane but cannot operate on other KalmanPlaneSR objects. those operations are done by the CandFitTrackSRHandle now, which knows about all KalmanPlaneSR objects in the track -make data members for state vectors and matricies private -add Get/Set methods for various state vectors and matricies -adjust AlgFitTrackSR and CandFitTrackSRHandle to reflect the above changes to KalmanPlaneSR 2003-12-17 15:51 Robert Hatcher * RerootExodus/RerootExodus.cxx: another case where 'M' planes with 'W' rotation are more like 'U' rotated planes than 'F' planes with 'V' rotation. 2003-12-17 15:40 Robert Hatcher * RerootExodus/minos_extra_pdg.txt: Add entries for Neugen3 resonances. 2003-12-17 15:39 Robert Hatcher * MINF_Classes/MINFAttParticle.cxx: Add Hughon3 and Geantino to list of known particles in order to avoid warning messages when reading GMINOS events generated by NEUGEN3. 2003-12-17 11:57 Nathaniel Tagg * DetSim/: DetSimLightInjectorModule.cxx, macros/mc_li.C: Tidy up the old fake LI injection. 2003-12-17 02:26 George Irwin * CandEventSR/: AlgEventSRList.cxx, EventSRListModule.cxx: Secure new CandShowerList & CandClusterList when modified by AlgEventSRList 2003-12-17 02:19 George Irwin * DataUtil/GNUmakefile, DataUtil/LinkDef.h, DataUtil/TruthHelper.cxx, DataUtil/TruthHelper.h, EventDisplay/EVD.cxx, EventDisplay/GNUmakefile, EventDisplay/GfxMCVecList.cxx, EventDisplay/LinkDef.h, EventDisplay/TruthHelper.cxx, EventDisplay/TruthHelper.h: Move TruthHelper class from EventDisplay to DataUtil. 2003-12-16 23:40 avva * Swimmer/: SwimDefStepper.cxx, SwimStepOnceAction.cxx: Fixes to path and range calculation. 2003-12-16 16:47 Nathaniel Tagg * DetSim/: SimPmtM64Full.cxx, SimPmtM64Full.h: Move some globally-declared functions into the class. 2003-12-16 15:47 hartnell * CalDetTracker/CDPreFilterModule.cxx: Handle better the case where you get two or more errors in the same snarl 2003-12-16 14:32 hartnell * CalDetTracker/CDPreFilterModule.cxx: Another small bug fix to prevent filling the screen with printout. It's coming in useful at the mine already!!! 2003-12-16 12:02 Nathaniel Tagg * PhotonTransport/: PhotonDefaultModel.cxx, PhotonDefaultModel.h, PhotonMuonComputer.cxx, PhotonMuonComputer.h, PhotonTransportModule.cxx, PhotonTransportModule.h, ScintHitToDigiPE.cxx: Changed "bogus geometry" message to be more informative for debugging. Added a running total of how much energy is thrown away in each event. Added warning messages for some of the saftey-check cases. (Why do we get zero-energy DigiScintHits?) 2003-12-16 11:26 Nathaniel Tagg * PhotonTransport/macros/: mc.C, simple.C: Change default applyTrigger mode to 3, with modified description. 2003-12-16 11:25 Nathaniel Tagg * DetSim/SimDetector.cxx: Added "applyTrigger=3" mode, which turns DAQ triggers off for the ND and for Caldet, and turns them on for the FD. I am implimenting this mode (now the default) despite my objection: people should understand these modes and they should NOT be handled automatically. Note that running ND cosmics will NOT do the right thing. Running ND->FD spill mode (a hardware feature we are developing) will NOT do the right thing. Note that turning the DAQ trigger off is not exactly equivalent to spill mode, since noise will not be generated in the correct spill window. 2003-12-16 10:46 Nathaniel Tagg * DetSim/: LinkDef.h, SimPmtUTM16.cxx, Truthifier.cxx, Truthifier.h: Remove Truthifier to DataUtil. Add a few explicit casts to SimPmtUTM16 to remove compiler warnings. 2003-12-16 10:38 Nathaniel Tagg * DataUtil/: GNUmakefile, LinkDef.h, Truthifier.cxx, Truthifier.h: Move Truthifier to DataUtil. 2003-12-16 03:23 vahle * CalDetDST/: CalDet2003PlotsModule.cxx, ParticleFilterModule.cxx, UberModule.cxx, macros/StdProduction/uber-all.C: made the name of histo file from CalDetPlots configurable from macro 2003-12-16 03:22 vahle * CalDetSI/: Cutter.cxx, Cutter.h: made the filename for cuts histos configurable from the macro 2003-12-16 00:41 George Irwin * Contrib/anatael/PedStability/.cvsignore: Added for Anatael. 2003-12-16 00:38 George Irwin * Contrib/anatael/.cvsignore: Added subdirectory for Anatael. 2003-12-16 00:30 George Irwin * CVSROOT/check_access, CVSROOT/modules, setup/packages-development: Add Anatael's SexyPedestal package. 2003-12-16 00:16 George Irwin * SexyPedestal/.cvsignore: Create SexyPedestal package for Anatael. 2003-12-16 00:16 George Irwin * SexyPedestal/.cvsignore: Initial revision 2003-12-15 23:46 vahle * CalDetPID/data/: CERRangeTable.rawinput, CERTimeWinTable.rawinput, TOFRangeTable.rawinput: updated db pid values 2003-12-15 23:22 hartnell * CalDetTracker/: CDAnalysis.cxx, CDAnalysis.h: More work towards the absolute energy calibration 2003-12-15 21:35 avva * CandFitTrackSA/plotTrack.C: A simple script to plot hits and fitted track from a snarl. 2003-12-15 19:34 Costas Andreopoulos * AltReco/: AltAlgSliceList.cxx, AltAlgSliceList.h, AltModuleSliceList.cxx, jcm/AltRecoSlice.C: Lots of changes in the slice merger which was mostly broken before and quite a few structural changes... Default config parameters are probably not very good yet - I will try to optimize them tomorrow... 2003-12-15 16:55 hartnell * CalDetTracker/macros/: tracker.C, tracker_prefilt.C, tracker_prefilt_beam.C: Was getting segvs because CalDetSI is dependent on the candrecord already existing, thus it has to be put after "DigitListModule::Get " in the path. 2003-12-15 15:44 hartnell * CalDetTracker/CDPreFilterModule.cxx: Couple of bug fixes 2003-12-15 15:34 hartnell * CalDetTracker/macros/: tracker_prefilt.C, tracker_prefilt_beam.C: updated macros, probably best to use tracker.C from now on though 2003-12-15 15:32 hartnell * CalDetTracker/macros/tracker.C: Updated macro, runs beam tracker by default but has an option to run the cosmic tracker. 2003-12-15 13:11 hartnell * CalDetTracker/: CDPreFilterModule.cxx, CDPreFilterModule.h: Finished... well for now. Everything is configurable from a JobC macro. All the cuts can be anti-enabled, i.e. set to cut in exactly the opposite way. I may add cutting by individual error types sometime. 2003-12-15 13:09 hartnell * CalDetTracker/macros/prefilter.C: A macro to demo the use of the prefilter. Everything is on by default. 2003-12-14 22:26 George Irwin * WebDocs/external_products.html: Fix spelling errors. 2003-12-14 05:11 George Irwin * WebDocs/external_products.html: Update dCache instructions to use new dcap_v2_26_f1107_Linux+2.4.tar.gz 2003-12-13 22:24 hartnell * CalDetTracker/: CDPreFilterModule.cxx, CDPreFilterModule.h: More intelligence now. It only prints error reports if ND or FD errors are being filtered. Configurable from JobC now too. Got to get the big snarls only cut to work still. The default is no cuts at all. 2003-12-13 18:23 hartnell * CalDetTracker/: CDPreFilterModule.cxx, CDPreFilterModule.h: More work on the error and snarl filtering. Now counts individual error types. More intelligence needed still... 2003-12-13 12:53 hartnell * CalDetTracker/: CDPreFilterModule.cxx, CDPreFilterModule.h: Added the filtering of snarls based on errors and FFFFs 2003-12-13 04:45 cbs * CalDetTracker/CDBeamMuTracker.cxx: Some code added to help prevent obvious x-talk hits from being included at the end of tracks 2003-12-13 00:59 Nathaniel Tagg * PhotonTransport/: PhotonConfiguration.cxx, PhotonConfiguration.h: Missing files, as usual. 2003-12-12 21:21 Brett Viren * PerfTools/python/perftool/CallGraph.py: Another bug sussed out by Sergei (thanks!). Not sure how this ever was working.... 2003-12-12 21:19 vahle * CalDetPID/data/TOFRangeTable.rawinput: tweaked pid number 2003-12-12 21:18 vahle * CalDetDST/macros/StdProduction/: uber-all.C, uber-t11-2002.C, uber-t7-2002.C: new macro to run in any beam configuration 2003-12-12 20:53 hartnell * CalDetTracker/: CDPreFilterModule.cxx, CDPreFilterModule.h: This module now prints out a summary of what it filtered. Could be useful in a general sense for looking at the health of a (caldet) file. It's a work in progress, I plan to add filtering for channels/snarls with the lookup table FFFF errors and general FEE errors. It maintains the same functionality as before except I fail the snarl if there is no rawrecord, don't know why this wasn't done before. Also general code tidy up and comments added. 2003-12-12 18:53 Nathaniel Tagg * PhotonTransport/: PhotonDefaultModel.cxx, PhotonDefaultModel.h, PhotonFastBlueModel.cxx, PhotonFullBlueTracker.cxx, PhotonFullFibreModel.cxx, PhotonFullGreenTracker.cxx, PhotonMuonComputer.cxx, PhotonTransportModule.cxx, PhotonTransportModule.h, ScintHitToDigiPE.cxx, ScintHitToDigiPE.h, macros/mc.C, test/CompareToReroot.cxx: Changed the way configuration happens: now all configurable parameters are in a single file. Default class parameters are gone, which may cause problems if they remain unintitialized.. I HATE THE MINOSSOFT MODULE CONFIGURATION SYSTEM. It's already caused me many many problems due to the fact that parameters are declared at least four times, are intitialized three times, and have no way to automatically print out their values. Pant, pant. Re-fixed the overall light levels so they work properly: NB Photon is tuned so that the light output from the Far Detector matches the light output from GMINOS. It is NOT correctly tuned for the ND or CalDet. Fixed a bug in the Noise generator; it was generating 100x too little fibrelight hits due to a typo. Fixed up mc.C to reflect (small) changes... light output will move by ~10%, but it's not well tuned anyway. 2003-12-12 18:20 Brett Viren * PerfTools/python/perftool/CallGraph.py: Hold address in long int to make python 2.2 happy 2003-12-12 14:15 Nick West * DatabaseMaintenance/doc/ChangeLog: Record tag version: V01-01-02. 2003-12-12 14:07 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/doc/ChangeLog: Retag as V01-01-01. 2003-12-12 13:53 Nick West * Navigation/doc/ChangeLog: Retag as V01-01-01. 2003-12-12 13:47 Nick West * LeakChecker/doc/ChangeLog: Record tag version: V01-01-01 2003-12-12 13:37 Nick West * LeakChecker/doc/ChangeLog: Retract last update; no need to tag. 2003-12-12 13:24 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/doc/ChangeLog: Record tag version: V00-14-00. 2003-12-12 13:18 Nathaniel Tagg * PhotonTransport/PhotonMuonComputer.cxx: Change muon computer to match default computer. 2003-12-12 13:16 Nathaniel Tagg * PhotonTransport/: PhotonDefaultModel.cxx, ScintHitToDigiPE.cxx: Decrease light output back down a factor of 4. Something very strange is happening that I don't understand. The overall light output has moved once more; I am certain that this is NOT a PhotonTransport effect; the code from 1 week ago (Dec 1) now gives a different result than 1 week ago, indicating that something else has changed. Database? Reroot? Geometry? I dunno. 2003-12-12 12:46 Nick West * Navigation/doc/ChangeLog: Record tag version: V00-05-06 2003-12-12 12:39 Nick West * LeakChecker/doc/ChangeLog: Record tag version: V00-02-05 (V00-02-04 was already in use). 2003-12-12 12:32 Nick West * LeakChecker/doc/ChangeLog: Record tag version: V00-02-04. 2003-12-12 11:32 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/DbiConnection.cxx: Downgrade "Unable to close connection ... it is still active statements." from Errror -> Info. If multiple concurrent connections are made the connection will not close until the last DbiConnection is deleted. 2003-12-12 10:32 hartnell * CalDetTracker/: CDAna.C, CDAnalysis.cxx, CDAnalysis.h: Added methods related to the absolute energy calibration. 2003-12-12 10:31 hartnell * CalDetTracker/CDTrackedHits.cxx: Small bug fix by Chris to do with range calculation. 2003-12-12 09:03 thomson * AltDeMux/: AlgAltDeMuxBase.cxx, AlgAltDeMuxBase.h, AlgAltDeMuxCosmics.cxx, AlgAltDeMuxCosmics.h, AlgAltDeMuxDevel.cxx, AltDeMuxDisplay.cxx, AltDeMuxModule.cxx, DBtxt_AlgAltDeMuxCosmics_default.C, MyAna.cxx, MyAna.h, MyAnaX.cxx, MyAnaX.h, MyVeto.cxx, MyVeto.h: Further tidying up: o Remove unnecessary files o Fix compliation warnings o Fix problem with AlgConfig 2003-12-11 23:57 avva * CandFitTrackSA/: AlgFitTrackSA.cxx, AlgFitTrackSA.h, AlgFitTrackSAList.cxx, AlgFitTrackSAList.h, CandFitTrackSA.cxx, CandFitTrackSA.h, CandFitTrackSAHandle.cxx, CandFitTrackSAHandle.h, CandFitTrackSAList.cxx, CandFitTrackSAList.h, CandFitTrackSAListHandle.cxx, ConstFT.h, CovMatFT.cxx, CovMatFT.h, DataFT.cxx, DataFT.h, FitStepInfoFT.cxx, FitStepInfoFT.h, FitTrackSAListModule.cxx, FitTrackSAListModule.h, GeoFT.cxx, GeoFT.h, LinkDef.h, NtpFitSA.cxx, NtpFitSA.h, NtpFitSAFit.cxx, NtpFitSAFit.h, NtpFitSAModule.cxx, NtpFitSAModule.h, NtpFitSAPlane.cxx, NtpFitSAPlane.h, NtpFitSARecord.cxx, NtpFitSARecord.h, NtpFitSAVtx.cxx, NtpFitSAVtx.h, README, TrackFT.cxx, TrackFT.h, reco.C, recoMC.C: Committing the second version of the fitter. 2003-12-11 23:05 avva * Swimmer/: SwimDefStepper.cxx, SwimGeo.h, SwimParticle.cxx, SwimParticle.h, SwimdEdxTable.cxx: Added data members fS (path) and fRange (range) to SwimParticle and their calculation in stepper. These changes do not affect Swimmer performance or interface. 2003-12-11 22:07 dbox * DatabaseTables/scripts/validateDB.pl: fixed some inefficiencies in oracle row counts 2003-12-11 20:19 George Irwin * DatabaseTables/: CalibrationTables/GainDriftMasterTable.MCcaldet, CalibrationTables/GainDriftMasterTable.MCfar, CalibrationTables/GainDriftMasterTable.caldet, CalibrationTables/GainDriftMasterTable.far, CalibrationTables/GainDriftMasterValidity.MCcaldet, CalibrationTables/GainDriftMasterValidity.MCfar, CalibrationTables/GainDriftMasterValidity.caldet, CalibrationTables/GainDriftMasterValidity.far, CalibrationTables/GainDriftTable.MCcaldet, CalibrationTables/GainDriftTable.MCfar, CalibrationTables/GainDriftTable.caldet, CalibrationTables/GainDriftTable.far, CalibrationTables/GainDriftTableValidity.MCcaldet, CalibrationTables/GainDriftTableValidity.MCfar, CalibrationTables/GainDriftTableValidity.caldet, CalibrationTables/GainDriftTableValidity.far, CalibrationTables/GainTable.MCcaldet, CalibrationTables/GainTable.MCfar, CalibrationTables/GainTable.caldet, CalibrationTables/GainTable.far, CalibrationTables/GainTableValidity.MCcaldet, CalibrationTables/GainTableValidity.MCfar, CalibrationTables/GainTableValidity.caldet, CalibrationTables/GainTableValidity.far, CalibrationTables/MIPCalibrationTable.MCcaldet, CalibrationTables/MIPCalibrationTable.MCfar, CalibrationTables/MIPCalibrationTable.caldet, CalibrationTables/MIPCalibrationTable.far, CalibrationTables/MIPCalibrationValidity.MCcaldet, CalibrationTables/MIPCalibrationValidity.MCfar, CalibrationTables/MIPCalibrationValidity.caldet, CalibrationTables/MIPCalibrationValidity.far, CalibrationTables/MapperFitsTable.MCcaldet, CalibrationTables/MapperFitsTable.MCfar, CalibrationTables/MapperFitsTable.caldet, CalibrationTables/MapperFitsTable.far, CalibrationTables/MapperFitsValidity.MCcaldet, CalibrationTables/MapperFitsValidity.MCfar, CalibrationTables/MapperFitsValidity.caldet, CalibrationTables/MapperFitsValidity.far, CalibrationTables/MuonFitsTable.MCcaldet, CalibrationTables/MuonFitsTable.MCfar, CalibrationTables/MuonFitsTable.caldet, CalibrationTables/MuonFitsTable.far, CalibrationTables/MuonFitsValidity.MCcaldet, CalibrationTables/MuonFitsValidity.MCfar, CalibrationTables/MuonFitsValidity.caldet, CalibrationTables/MuonFitsValidity.far, CalibrationTables/NonLinearityTable.MCcaldet, CalibrationTables/NonLinearityTable.MCfar, CalibrationTables/NonLinearityTable.caldet, CalibrationTables/NonLinearityTable.far, CalibrationTables/NonLinearityValidity.MCcaldet, CalibrationTables/NonLinearityValidity.MCfar, CalibrationTables/NonLinearityValidity.caldet, CalibrationTables/NonLinearityValidity.far, CalibrationTables/PINResponseTable.MCcaldet, CalibrationTables/PINResponseTable.MCfar, CalibrationTables/PINResponseTable.caldet, CalibrationTables/PINResponseTable.far, CalibrationTables/PINResponseValidity.MCcaldet, CalibrationTables/PINResponseValidity.MCfar, CalibrationTables/PINResponseValidity.caldet, CalibrationTables/PINResponseValidity.far, CalibrationTables/PINtoADCTable.MCcaldet, CalibrationTables/PINtoADCTable.MCfar, CalibrationTables/PINtoADCTable.caldet, CalibrationTables/PINtoADCTable.far, CalibrationTables/PINtoADCValidity.MCcaldet, CalibrationTables/PINtoADCValidity.MCfar, CalibrationTables/PINtoADCValidity.caldet, CalibrationTables/PINtoADCValidity.far, CalibrationTables/TimeCalibrationTable.MCcaldet, CalibrationTables/TimeCalibrationTable.MCfar, CalibrationTables/TimeCalibrationTable.caldet, CalibrationTables/TimeCalibrationTable.far, CalibrationTables/TimeCalibrationTable5846.far, CalibrationTables/TimeCalibrationTable6195.far, CalibrationTables/TimeCalibrationTable7071.far, CalibrationTables/TimeCalibrationValidity.MCcaldet, CalibrationTables/TimeCalibrationValidity.MCfar, CalibrationTables/TimeCalibrationValidity.caldet, CalibrationTables/TimeCalibrationValidity.far, CalibrationTables/TimeCalibrationValidity5846.far, CalibrationTables/TimeCalibrationValidity6195.far, CalibrationTables/TimeCalibrationValidity7071.far, PlexTables/PixelSpotToStripEnd.caldet, PlexTables/PixelSpotToStripEnd.far_249mc, PlexTables/PixelSpotToStripEnd.fardet_mc, PlexTables/PixelSpotToStripEndValidity.caldet, PlexTables/PixelSpotToStripEndValidity.fardet_mc, PlexTables/PixelSpotToStripEndVld.far_249mc, PlexTables/PixelToRawChannel.caldet, PlexTables/PixelToRawChannel.far_249mc, PlexTables/PixelToRawChannel.fardet_mc, PlexTables/PixelToRawChannelValidity.caldet, PlexTables/PixelToRawChannelValidity.fardet_mc, PlexTables/PixelToRawChannelVld.far_249mc, PlexTables/RawChannelReadoutType.caldet, PlexTables/RawChannelReadoutTypeValidity.caldet, PlexTables/RawChannelToPinDiode.caldet, PlexTables/RawChannelToPinDiode.far_249mc, PlexTables/RawChannelToPinDiode.fardet_mc, PlexTables/RawChannelToPinDiodeValidity.caldet, PlexTables/RawChannelToPinDiodeValidity.fardet_mc, PlexTables/RawChannelToPinDiodeVld.far_249mc, PlexTables/VetoShieldMuxToMdl.fardet, PlexTables/VetoShieldMuxToMdlVld.fardet, UgliTables/UgliDbiGeometry.caldet, UgliTables/UgliDbiGeometry.cfar, UgliTables/UgliDbiGeometry.far, UgliTables/UgliDbiGeometry.far_249mc, UgliTables/UgliDbiGeometry.far_data, UgliTables/UgliDbiGeometry.near, UgliTables/UgliDbiGeometryValidity.caldet, UgliTables/UgliDbiGeometryValidity.cfar, UgliTables/UgliDbiGeometryValidity.far, UgliTables/UgliDbiGeometryValidity.far_data, UgliTables/UgliDbiGeometryValidity.near, UgliTables/UgliDbiGeometryVld.far_249mc, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintMdl.align_SM1, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintMdl.caldet, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintMdl.cfar, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintMdl.far, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintMdl.far_249data, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintMdl.far_249mc, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintMdl.far_data, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintMdl.far_veto, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintMdl.near, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintMdlStruct.caldet, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintMdlStruct.cfar, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintMdlStruct.far, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintMdlStruct.far_249data, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintMdlStruct.far_249mc, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintMdlStruct.far_data, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintMdlStruct.near, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintMdlStructValidity.caldet, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintMdlStructValidity.cfar, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintMdlStructValidity.far, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintMdlStructValidity.far_data, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintMdlStructValidity.near, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintMdlStructVld.far_249data, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintMdlStructVld.far_249mc, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintMdlValidity.caldet, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintMdlValidity.cfar, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintMdlValidity.far, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintMdlValidity.far_data, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintMdlValidity.near, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintMdlVld.align_SM1, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintMdlVld.far_249data, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintMdlVld.far_249mc, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintMdlVld.far_veto, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintPln.align_SM1, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintPln.caldet, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintPln.cfar, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintPln.far, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintPln.far_249data, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintPln.far_249mc, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintPln.far_data, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintPln.far_veto, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintPln.near, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintPlnStruct.caldet, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintPlnStruct.cfar, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintPlnStruct.far, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintPlnStruct.far_249data, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintPlnStruct.far_249mc, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintPlnStruct.far_data, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintPlnStruct.near, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintPlnStructValidity.caldet, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintPlnStructValidity.cfar, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintPlnStructValidity.far, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintPlnStructValidity.far_data, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintPlnStructValidity.near, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintPlnStructVld.far_249data, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintPlnStructVld.far_249mc, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintPlnValidity.caldet, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintPlnValidity.cfar, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintPlnValidity.far, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintPlnValidity.far_data, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintPlnValidity.near, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintPlnVld.align_SM1, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintPlnVld.far_249data, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintPlnVld.far_249mc, UgliTables/UgliDbiScintPlnVld.far_veto, UgliTables/UgliDbiSteelPln.caldet, UgliTables/UgliDbiSteelPln.cfar, UgliTables/UgliDbiSteelPln.far, UgliTables/UgliDbiSteelPln.far_249data, UgliTables/UgliDbiSteelPln.far_249mc, UgliTables/UgliDbiSteelPln.far_data, UgliTables/UgliDbiSteelPln.far_veto, UgliTables/UgliDbiSteelPln.near, UgliTables/UgliDbiSteelPlnValidity.caldet, UgliTables/UgliDbiSteelPlnValidity.cfar, UgliTables/UgliDbiSteelPlnValidity.far, UgliTables/UgliDbiSteelPlnValidity.far_data, UgliTables/UgliDbiSteelPlnValidity.near, UgliTables/UgliDbiSteelPlnVld.far_249data, UgliTables/UgliDbiSteelPlnVld.far_249mc, UgliTables/UgliDbiSteelPlnVld.far_veto, UgliTables/UgliDbiStrip.caldet, UgliTables/UgliDbiStrip.cfar, UgliTables/UgliDbiStrip.far, UgliTables/UgliDbiStrip.far_249data, UgliTables/UgliDbiStrip.far_249mc, UgliTables/UgliDbiStrip.far_data, UgliTables/UgliDbiStrip.far_veto, UgliTables/UgliDbiStrip.near, UgliTables/UgliDbiStripStruct.caldet, UgliTables/UgliDbiStripStruct.cfar, UgliTables/UgliDbiStripStruct.far, UgliTables/UgliDbiStripStruct.far_249data, UgliTables/UgliDbiStripStruct.far_249mc, UgliTables/UgliDbiStripStruct.far_data, UgliTables/UgliDbiStripStruct.near, UgliTables/UgliDbiStripStructValidity.caldet, UgliTables/UgliDbiStripStructValidity.cfar, UgliTables/UgliDbiStripStructValidity.far, UgliTables/UgliDbiStripStructValidity.far_data, UgliTables/UgliDbiStripStructValidity.near, UgliTables/UgliDbiStripStructVld.far_249data, UgliTables/UgliDbiStripStructVld.far_249mc, UgliTables/UgliDbiStripValidity.caldet, UgliTables/UgliDbiStripValidity.cfar, UgliTables/UgliDbiStripValidity.far, UgliTables/UgliDbiStripValidity.far_data, UgliTables/UgliDbiStripValidity.near, UgliTables/UgliDbiStripVld.far_249data, UgliTables/UgliDbiStripVld.far_249mc, UgliTables/UgliDbiStripVld.far_veto: Move CVS DB table data to Attic, as per 11Dec2003 S/W meeting decision. 2003-12-11 18:54 Costas Andreopoulos * AltReco/: AltAlgSliceList.cxx, AltAlgSliceList.h, AltModuleSliceList.cxx, jcm/AltRecoSlice.C: -mostly structural changes -also allow the possibility to bundle all unmatched muon spectrometer strips into a single (rubbish) slice, instead of promoting every unmatched muon spectrometer slice into a proper slice... -some more work is needed... 2003-12-11 17:02 Sue Kasahara * GeoGeometry/macro/: basiclibs.C, dummies.C, g3Config.C, g4Config.C, g4libs.C, run_g3.C, run_g4.C: run_g3.C and run_g4.C scripts to run DemoMCApplication 2003-12-11 17:01 Sue Kasahara * GeoGeometry/DemoMC/: DemoMCApplication.cxx, DemoMCApplication.h, DemoMCParticle.cxx, DemoMCParticle.h, DemoMCStack.cxx, DemoMCStack.h, GNUmakefile, LinkDef.h: Demo vmc application makes use of GeoGeometry. 2003-12-11 16:59 Sue Kasahara * GeoGeometry/: GeoDetPlaneShape.cxx, GeoDetPlaneShape.h, GeoGeometry.cxx, GeoGeometry.h, GeoPlaneShapeManager.cxx, GeoPlaneShapeManager.h, GeoShieldPlaneShape.cxx, GeoShieldPlaneShape.h, GeoStripShape.cxx, GeoStripShape.h, GeoVolumeMaker.cxx, GeoVolumeMaker.h, LinkDef.h, macro/testGeoDraw.C: Modifications to: 1)Speed up build of geometry 2)Replace use of TGeoCompositeShape with TGeoPgon when implementing plane shapes. 3)Reorganize classes that build detector shapes. 4)Include rotation of modules relative to planes and strips relative to modules 2003-12-10 19:52 Robert Hatcher * RerootExodus/: RerootExodus.cxx, UgliGeometryReroot.cxx, UgliGeometryReroot.h: changes that should help make 'M' planes (using 'U','W' rotations) more sensible by eliminating craziness introduced by 'F' planes using GMINOS 'V' rotation. 2003-12-10 19:51 Costas Andreopoulos * AltReco/: AltAlgSlice.cxx, AltAlgSliceList.cxx, AltAlgSliceList.h, AltModuleSliceList.cxx, AltWrapperStlVecStripHandle.cxx, AltWrapperStlVecStripHandle.h, jcm/AltRecoSlice.C: -quite few changes getting it ready for the mock data challenge -the problem with upstream / downstream slice matching is maybe fixed (certainly it is better than before) but I need to do some more work tomorrow... 2003-12-10 17:21 thomson * AltDeMux/AltDeMuxModule.cxx: Fix one final conflict which resulted from removing obsolete file 2003-12-10 17:10 thomson * AltDeMux/: DBtxt_AlgAltDeMuxCosmics_default.C, altdemux.C, stuff.h: Add DBtxt_AlgAltDeMuxCosmics_default.C Remove some more obsolete stuff 2003-12-10 17:03 vahle * CalDetDST/: UberRecHeader.h, macros/StdProduction/uber-t11-2002.C, macros/StdProduction/uber-t11-2003.C, macros/StdProduction/uber-t7-2002.C, macros/StdProduction/uber-t7-2003-nf.C, macros/StdProduction/uber-t7-2003-nn.C: Changed ClassDeff number in uberrecheader, modified production scripts so jobs are less verbose 2003-12-10 16:28 thomson * AltDeMux/: reco.C, recoM.C, saltdemux.C: Remove some obsolete files 2003-12-10 16:25 thomson * AltDeMux/LinkDef.h: Modify Linkdef.h 2003-12-10 16:24 thomson * AltDeMux/: AlgAltDeMuxCosmics.cxx, AlgAltDeMuxCosmics.h, AlgAltDeMuxFast.cxx, AlgAltDeMuxFast.h, AltDeMuxModule.cxx, LinkDef.h: Replace old classes with new versions 2003-12-10 16:15 thomson * AltDeMux/: AlgAltDeMuxStandard.cxx, AlgAltDeMuxStandard.h: Remove obsolete files 2003-12-10 15:53 thomson * AltDeMux/: AlgAltDeMuxBase.cxx, AlgAltDeMuxBase.h, AlgAltDeMuxDevel.cxx, AlgAltDeMuxDevel.h, AlgAltDeMuxFast.cxx, AlgAltDeMuxFast.h, AlgAltDeMuxStraw.cxx, AlgAltDeMuxStraw.h, AltDeMuxCalc.cxx, AltDeMuxCalc.h, AltDeMuxDisplay.h, AltDeMuxModule.cxx, AltDeMuxModule.h, AltDeMuxStructures.h, DBtxt_AlgAltDeMuxDevel_default.C, DBtxt_AlgAltDeMuxStraw_default.C, LinkDef.h, MyAna.cxx, MyAna.h, MyAnaX.cxx, MyAnaX.h, MyVeto.cxx: Update of AltDeMux. Code corresponds to that use for analysis presented at the Sept 2003 FNAL collaboration meeting. PLEASE USE AlgAltDeMuxCosmics 2003-12-10 15:36 Nick West * WebDocs/Companion/overview/validation.html: Validation check list. 2003-12-10 15:36 Nick West * WebDocs/Companion/overview/using_the_event_display.html: Add a second example from Jim. 2003-12-10 15:36 Nick West * WebDocs/Companion/overview/slide_maker.pm: Cosmetic changes. 2003-12-10 15:36 Nick West * WebDocs/Companion/overview/: maintenance.html, tutorial.html: Add reference to validation page. 2003-12-10 15:35 Nick West * WebDocs/Companion/overview/Demojob.html: Replace .gif slide by HTMl "slide". Update example. 2003-12-10 15:35 Nick West * WebDocs/Companion/overview/Configuring_Jobs.html: Remove redundant sentence. 2003-12-10 10:51 Nick West * DatabaseMaintenance/scripts/logentry_mail_list: Add Jeff. 2003-12-10 04:48 Sue Kasahara * CandNtupleSR/Module/NtpSRModule.cxx: Remove reference to CandFitTrackSA package at request of Sergei. The fit data from the SA package will be stored on a separate NtpFitSA tree. 2003-12-09 23:28 dap56 * Monitoring/: DigitAnalysis.cxx, Producer_dispatcher.cc: Modified DigitAnalysis.cxx to exclude pre-trigger hits from plane vs strip and other hit maps Modified Producer_dispatcher.cc to rename OM output files at end of run (this will speed-up archival of these files to FNAL) 2003-12-09 20:43 George Irwin * CandTrackSR/: TrackClusterSR.cxx, TrackClusterSR.h: Change fStripList back from TObjArray* to TObjArray. All frozen releases through R1-2 had TObjArray. Production files produced with TObjArray were unreadable by the TObjArray* version, giving this message: "Warning in : Cannot convert TrackClusterSR::fStripList from type:TObjArray to type:TObjArray*, skip element" This commit makes fStripList unreadable for recent Cand files written from the development release since R1-2, but restores readability of all production Cand files. It doesn't affect code outside TrackClusterSR.cxx, since other classes use TrackClusterSR::GetStripList(), which still returns TObjArray*. 2003-12-09 19:30 Brian Rebel * CandTrackSR/: AlgTrackSRList.cxx, HoughViewSR.cxx, HoughViewSR.h: get rid of a lurking hardwired number in HoughViewSR::Init() - the test using that number was already performed in HoughViewSR::SetStripList(CandStripHandleItr,...) with a variable taken from the AlgConfig. add some comments to AlgTrackSRList.cxx 2003-12-09 19:12 vahle * CalDetDST/macros/StdProduction/: uber-t11-2002.C, uber-t11-2003.C, uber-t7-2002.C, uber-t7-2003-nf.C, uber-t7-2003-nn.C: More macros for different configs, with SR reco 2003-12-09 19:03 musser * EventDisplay/EVD.C: sorry, uploaded wrong file previously 2003-12-09 19:02 musser * EventDisplay/EVD.C: EventDisplay now requires DetSim - job control script modified to reflect this 2003-12-09 18:54 vahle * CalDetDST/macros/StdProduction/uber-t7-2003-nf.C: New macro to do full reco 2003-12-09 18:52 musser * EventDisplay/: EVD.C, EVD.cxx, GfxMCVec.cxx, GfxMCVecList.cxx, TruthHelper.cxx, TruthHelper.h: added indexing into neukin table in truthhelper. Modified MC truth vector display.. now, if looking at a single slice within a snarl, only the truth vertices which reco says are associated with this slice are displayed. 2003-12-09 18:47 vahle * CalDetDST/: CalDet2003PlotsModule.cxx, CalDet2003PlotsModule.h, ParticleFilterModule.cxx, ParticleFilterModule.h, UberModule.cxx, UberModule.h, UberModuleLite.cxx, UberRecHeader.cxx, UberRecHeader.h, macros/LiteProduction/uberlite-t7-2003-nf.C: Made CalDetPlotsMod work on UberModule (not UberModuleLite), added subrunnum to UberRecHeader 2003-12-09 12:59 Nick West * WebDocs/WebDocs.html: Add link to web interface to query database update records. 2003-12-09 12:08 Costas Andreopoulos * AltReco/: AltAlgSlice.cxx, AltAlgSliceList.cxx, AltNeuralNetI.cxx, AltWrapperStlVecStripHandle.cxx, AltWrapperStlVecStripHandle.h, jcm/AltRecoSlice.C: In AltAlgSlice.cxx, added a "try {...} catch (std::bad_cast) {...}" when I "CandSliceSRHandle &csh = dynamic_cast(ch);" Also, thanks to Jeff : - added a #include in AltAlgSliceList.cxx and AltNeuralNetI.cxx to have AltReco compiling with his gcc 3.3 - pass the stl vector to my wrapper class by const reference, to avoid keeping a local copy... 2003-12-09 01:12 George Irwin * Candidate/CandHandle.cxx: Warning MSG on attempt to reset Candidate reference in a locked CandHandle. 2003-12-09 00:47 vahle * CalDetPID/data/: BeamMomentumTable.rawinput, TOFRangeTable.rawinput, timinghists-2003-t11.root, timinghists-2003-t7-n.root: Added more ranges to pid tables, added timing hist files for 80000,90000,100000 2003-12-08 20:07 Brian Rebel * RecoBase/PropagationVelocity.cxx: adjust to return Munits::c_light for SimFlag::kMC 2003-12-08 20:03 bspeak * RunSummary/rate_plot.cc: Fix Chain of chains RunTime 2003-12-08 19:32 Costas Andreopoulos * AltReco/: AltAlgSlice.cxx, AltAlgSliceList.cxx, AltWrapperStlVecStripHandle.cxx, AltWrapperStlVecStripHandle.h, jcm/AltRecoSlice.C: Fixed a small memory leak found by Jeff (thanks). Also after revisiting some parts of the code with Jeff I updated the stl vector wrapper class that I pass into the AltAlgSlice's CandContext to return a const vector & rather than a vector Also, updated the example macro so as to use DetSim/PhotonTransport... Something *is very different now* in the event time structure. Do not have time to investigate any further today. 2003-12-08 10:40 Nathaniel Tagg * PhotonTransport/macros/simple.C: Add a cut-down version of mc.C. Apparently, giving all the adjustable parameters just means that everyone adds them to their scripts, which is not what I intended. 2003-12-08 10:37 Nathaniel Tagg * PhotonTransport/: PhotonDefaultModel.cxx, PhotonMuonComputer.cxx, macros/mc.C, test/CompareToReroot.cxx: Important commits left over from last week when CVS was down. * Increase overall light output by a factor of 4 * Some late-stage tuning I did managed to reduce the light levels by way too much. - Change QE from 0.04 to 0.03 to tune the models to each other. - Add simple_mc.C, a cut-down bare-bones version of mc.C - Degrade warning messages about zero-path-length tracks. Now only complains if energy lost my a single hit is a sizable fraction of a MIP. - Remove stupid library from mc.C 2003-12-07 06:19 George Irwin * CandData/CandRecord.cxx: Set Lock in CandHandles secured in CandRecord. 2003-12-07 06:13 George Irwin * Algorithm/AlgHandle.cxx: Transfer AlgHandle name in copy-ctor. 2003-12-07 06:09 George Irwin * Candidate/: CandHandle.cxx, CandRefer.cxx, test/cand_test.C, test/cand_test.job: MSG(kSynopsis) for cloning and locked CandHandle modification 2003-12-07 05:51 George Irwin * MessageService/: MsgService.cxx, MsgStream.cxx: Cosmetic interchange of Synopsis/Info statements. 2003-12-07 05:39 George Irwin * MessageService/: MsgService.cxx, MsgStream.cxx: Finish implementation of kSynopsis: Set default stream, format; print count 2003-12-06 01:23 George Irwin * setup/: setup_minossoft_chaos, setup_minossoft_gadfly: "setenv MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET 10.2" for these two machines. 2003-12-06 01:15 George Irwin * Candidate/test/: cand_test.C, cand_test.job: Reset title of dup'ed handle, instead of original. 2003-12-06 00:04 vahle * CalDetPID/data/: BeamMomentumTable.rawinput, CERRangeTable.rawinput: put in beamp and cerrange tables for near only running 2003-12-05 19:51 Brian Rebel * CandEventSR/EventSRListModule.cxx: missed an instance of PropagationVelocity calls to change over to the new style of taking SimFlags 2003-12-05 16:54 musser * EventDisplay/: EVD.C, EVD.cxx, GNUmakefile, GfxShowerList.cxx, LinkDef.h, TruthHelper.cxx, TruthHelper.h: Added truth helper routines - can now backtrack truth in overlay events to neutrino 2003-12-05 16:05 Robert Hatcher * JobControl/JobCInput.h: have hidden Get(MomNavigator*) method that calls assert(0) also return a JobCResult so that the compiler on IRIX will stop complaining about no return statement in a non-void method. 2003-12-05 15:33 Brett Viren * CVSROOT/check_access: Give Kordosky more access 2003-12-05 14:32 Brian Rebel * CandTrackSR/AlgTrackSRList.cxx: back out Mike K's bug fix as it wasnt actually a bug in the first place. add some comments to help clear up the confusion in the future. 2003-12-05 08:47 Nick West * CandStripSR/AlgStripSRList.cxx: Committed on behalf of Mike Kordosky: Fix bug that prevented last strip from being constructed. 2003-12-04 22:11 vahle * CalDetPID/data/: BeamMomentumTable.rawinput, CERRangeTable.rawinput: added 2003, t7, nf positives to beamp and cerrange pid tables 2003-12-04 19:15 Costas Andreopoulos * AltReco/jcm/AltRecoSlice.C: [no log message] 2003-12-04 19:14 Costas Andreopoulos * AltReco/: GNUmakefile, LinkDef.h: -adding AltReco's GNUmakefile... -commented out some LinkDef.h lines for stuff that are not committed yet... -Jim, a script with some good(?) config parameters is in AltReco/jcm dir but some might not be 'safe'.. I will check tomorrow... 2003-12-04 17:50 Brian Rebel * CandTrackSR/AlgTrackSRList.cxx: add a bit of commenting for Mike K. 2003-12-04 14:55 Brian Rebel * CandTrackSR/AlgTrackSRList.cxx: fix typo found by Mike K in line 3271 2003-12-04 11:38 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/doc/ChangeLog: Minor changes to Extended Context queries. 2003-12-04 11:34 Nick West * UserManualDoc/src/database_interface.tex: Add section on Extended Context queries. 2003-12-04 11:33 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/: DbiSqlContext.cxx, DbiSqlContext.h: Default ctor now take optional string arg. 2003-12-04 11:32 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/DbiDBProxy.cxx: Using AnyTask means that task is excluded from the primary query. Remove logic that supported obsolete name "MODE" (now called "TASK"). 2003-12-04 11:32 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/: Dbi.h, DbiResultPtr.cxx, DbiResultPtr.h: Add enumerations for two types of task: DefaultTask and AnyTask. 2003-12-04 11:31 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/test/DbiDemo.C: A simple demo of Standard and Extended Context queries. 2003-12-03 22:57 vahle * CalDetSI/Cutter.cxx: Modified cutter to only pass RawDigitDataBlocks 2003-12-03 18:29 vahle * CalDetPID/data/TOFRangeTable.rawinput: added values to TOFRange table 2003-12-03 17:31 hartnell * CalDetTracker/CDEvDisplay/CalDetDisplay.C: Change the logic that plots the boarders of the hits so that the sanity checking works. It now plots hits claimed by both the xtalker and the tracker with a green boarder. 2003-12-03 16:03 vahle * CalDetPID/data/CERTimeWinTable.rawinput: changes to CERTimeWinTable 2003-12-03 02:59 bspeak * RunSummary/: rate_plot.cc, runsum.cc: Some Fixes 2003-12-03 02:59 bspeak * RunSummary/RunSummary.cxx: Some fixes 2003-12-03 02:57 bspeak * RunSummary/: RateSummary.cxx, RateSummary.h: Few small fixes 2003-12-03 02:52 bspeak * RunSummary/.cvsignore: Test commit and add *.swp to ignore list 2003-12-02 23:11 hartnell * CalDetTracker/: CDAna.C, CDAnalysis.cxx, CDAnalysis.h, CDTrackerModuleStrips.cxx: Added lots of PID histos. Minor change to CDTracker msgs. 2003-12-02 21:28 vahle * CalDetPID/data/: BeamMomentumTable.rawinput, CERRangeTable.rawinput: changes to pid data files 2003-12-02 21:14 hartnell * CalDetTracker/macros/tracker_prefilt_beam.C: Doh, turn on the PID for this one as well 2003-12-02 20:54 hartnell * CalDetTracker/macros/: tracker_prefilt.C, tracker_prefilt_beam.C: These macros now use the strips method of tracking. 2003-12-02 20:54 hartnell * CalDetTracker/macros/: digitTracker_prefilt.C, digitTracker_prefilt_beam.C: These are what were tracker_prefilt*.C. They use the old digits method of tracking. 2003-12-02 19:30 vahle * CalDetPID/: LoadCalDetPIDDB.cxx, data/BeamMomentumTable.rawinput, data/CERRangeTable.rawinput, data/CERTimeWinTable.rawinput, data/OverlapWinTable.rawinput, data/TOFRangeTable.rawinput: updates to PID tables 2003-12-02 14:35 bgreen * Algorithm/GNUmakefile: testing commit 2003-12-02 12:55 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/DbiConnection.cxx: Call Dbi::PrintWarnings(gSQLDriverManager) if unable to make a connection. 2003-12-02 10:04 hartnell * CalDetTracker/CDEvDisplay/SetUpDisplay.C: Include the loading of the CalDetSI library 2003-12-02 06:51 Nick West * CandDigit/AlgCaldetDigit.cxx: Comment out debug statement. 2003-11-27 12:15 Nathaniel Tagg * DetSim/Truthifier.cxx: Fixed(?) logic bug in DigitIsOnlyCrosstalk() 2003-11-27 12:12 Nick West * WebDocs/Companion/overview/: Writing_ROOT_macros.html, browsing_the_code.html, index.html: Add overview on browsing the code. 2003-11-27 12:10 Nick West * WebDocs/Companion/overview/overview.template: Tidy up. 2003-11-27 09:57 Nick West * WebDocs/Companion/overview/Creating_Test_Release.html: Add: Selecting a Base Release. 2003-11-27 09:56 Nick West * WebDocs/Companion/overview/tutorial.html: Although not complete, the new tutorial is ready for visitors. 2003-11-27 09:33 Nick West * WebDocs/Companion/overview/Configuring_Jobs.html: Add entry for message configuration. 2003-11-27 09:18 Nick West * WebDocs/Companion/overview/analysing_data_with_root.html: Fix link to ROOT pages at FNAL. 2003-11-27 09:07 Nick West * WebDocs/Companion/overview/using_the_event_display.html: Switch data files. 2003-11-27 08:49 Nick West * setup/setup_minossoft_oxford.csh: First commit of revised Oxford setup. Add tutorial variables. 2003-11-27 08:41 Nick West * WebDocs/Companion/overview/tutorial_preparation.html: Provide defaults for MINOS_TUTORIAL_* variables. 2003-11-27 08:17 Nick West * WebDocs/Companion/overview/macros/simple_midad.C: Fix macro so it can be .x ecuted. 2003-11-27 08:17 Nick West * WebDocs/Companion/overview/using_the_event_display.html: Placeholder for Pete's stuff. 2003-11-27 08:16 Nick West * WebDocs/Companion/overview/tutorial.html: Add links to all tutorials. 2003-11-27 08:16 Nick West * WebDocs/Companion/overview/: analysing_data_with_root.html, macros/analysing_data_with_root.C: Stop gap until Pete's offering is ready. 2003-11-27 08:16 Nick West * WebDocs/Companion/overview/Writing_ROOT_macros.html: Incorporate the other macros that access RawData. 2003-11-27 08:16 Nick West * WebDocs/Companion/overview/Demojob.html: Start work. 2003-11-27 08:15 Nick West * WebDocs/Companion/overview/: Configuring_Jobs.html, Creating_Test_Release.html, The_Standard_Jobs.html, ROOT_as_PAW.html: Bring up to date. 2003-11-27 08:02 Nick West * WebDocs/Companion/first_steps/: index.html, macros.html, sum.C: Add section on ACLiC. 2003-11-26 22:37 hartnell * LISummary/LIPlexMaps.cxx: Just a few more tweeks... 2003-11-26 22:35 hartnell * LISummary/: LIPlex.C, LIPlexMaps.cxx, LIPlexMaps.h, LIPmt.cxx, macros/MakeCalAdcToPe.C: Just a few tweeks 2003-11-26 21:36 dap56 * Monitoring/: ChargeInjectAnalysis.cxx, ChargeInjectAnalysis.h, DigitAnalysis.cxx, DigitAnalysis.h, LIAdcAnalysis.cxx, LIAdcAnalysis.h, Producer_dispatcher.cc, SinglAnalysis.cxx, default.config, killmon.csh, offline.config, online.config: latest OM version with troubleshooting histograms and error reporting 2003-11-26 17:49 hartnell * LISummary/doc/MakeCalAdcToPe_Details.html: This gives the details of the first pass gain calibration of the FD. 2003-11-26 14:53 hartnell * LISummary/LIPlexMaps.cxx: Change the plex handle to use the date the data was taken rather than the validity start date. The mux box in plane 243 did not exist in Jan 2001!!! Grrrrr. (Thanks Nathaniel) 2003-11-26 13:13 Nick West * WebDocs/: WebDocs.html, data_file_names.html: Add page on data file naming convention - plagiarised from an email exchange between Nathaniel and Sue! 2003-11-26 11:38 hartnell * LISummary/LIPlexMaps.cxx: Added a new plot to look at the crazy high gains. Fixed bug in my gain capping. 2003-11-26 02:44 kordosky * CalDetPID/data/: BeamMomentumTable.rawinput, CERRangeTable.rawinput, CERTimeWinTable.rawinput, OverlapWinTable.rawinput, TOFRangeTable.rawinput: some additions to pid datafiles 2003-11-26 02:22 George Irwin * RecoBase/PropagationVelocity.h: Get the default argument namespace right.SimFlag::kData 2003-11-26 02:13 George Irwin * RecoBase/PropagationVelocity.h: When you add an argument to an existing method, you have to add a default argument so that existing calls to this method still compile! 2003-11-26 01:41 George Irwin * SRT_MINOS/special/post_standard.mk: Finish off MacOSX port, started by Caius. Revert last mod to previous vsn. 2003-11-26 01:13 vahle * CalDetPID/: LoadCalDetPIDDB.cxx, LoadCalDetPIDDB.h: changed time calibration for low energy t11, 2002 runs. 2003-11-26 00:07 George Irwin * DatabaseInterface/test/: GNUmakefile, TestDbi.cc: Finish off MacOSX port, started by Caius. 2003-11-25 23:56 George Irwin * Dispatcher/DDSParentServer.cxx, DatabaseMaintenance/GNUmakefile, DatabaseMaintenance/scripts/primer/launch.csh, DatabaseMaintenance/scripts/primer/launch.sh: Finish off MacOSX port, started by Caius. 2003-11-25 23:49 hartnell * LISummary/: LIAnalysis.cxx, LIPlex.C, LIPlexMaps.cxx, LIPlexMaps.h: Did the calculation of SPEWidth in LIAnalysis since LIPlexMaps should just take and use what it is given in the dat file. Put some more 1D plots into the output ps files. 2003-11-25 23:45 George Irwin * JobControl/: JobCEnv.cxx, JobCRootEnv.cxx, main/JobCmain.cxx: Finish off MacOSX port, started by Caius. 2003-11-25 23:41 hartnell * LISummary/macros/MakeCalAdcToPe.C: A macro to specifically make the gain tables 2003-11-25 23:30 George Irwin * Midad/GNUmakefile, Midad/MultiPage/GNUmakefile, Midad/Util/NamedFactory.h, Midad/Util/Range.h, Midad/Util/RangeControl.h, Loon/GNUmakefile: Finish off MacOSX port, started by Caius. 2003-11-25 23:19 George Irwin * RDBC/rdbc/Makefile.SRT, RDBC/rdbc/TSQLDriverManager.cxx, OnlineUtil/GNUmakefile: Finish off MacOSX port, started by Caius. 2003-11-25 23:09 George Irwin * setup/setup_minossoft_chaos, setup/setup_minossoft_gadfly, Rotorooter/RotoTalk/GNUmakefile: Finish off MacOSX port, started by Caius. 2003-11-25 23:05 George Irwin * SRT_MINOS/SoftRelTools/platforms/Darwin.mk, SRT_MINOS/special/post_standard.mk, Validity/LinkDef.h, Validity/VldTimeStamp.h: Finish off MacOSX port, started by Caius. 2003-11-25 21:28 Robert Hatcher * RecoBase/PropagationVelocity.cxx: since code no longer depends on gMINFast, then we can remove the corresponding #include 2003-11-25 21:14 Brian Rebel * CandTrackSR/AlgTrackSR.cxx: adjust to change in PropagationVelocity::Velocity() that requires a SimFlag 2003-11-25 21:13 Brian Rebel * CandTrackSR/: AlgTrackSRList.cxx, AlgTrackSRList.h: add fSimFlag datamember to account for change in PropagationVelocity::Velocity() which requires a SimFlag 2003-11-25 21:12 Brian Rebel * RecoBase/: AlgTrack.cxx, PropagationVelocity.cxx, PropagationVelocity.h: make PropagationVelocity::Velocity() take a SimFlag rather than looking for a gMinfast 2003-11-25 19:29 kordosky * DetSim/SimPmtUTM16.cxx: substituted PoissonD for Poisson in some routines in SimPmtUTM16. This will hopefully fix an overflow problem when simulating for unrealistically large pe values. 2003-11-24 21:28 Robert Hatcher * CVSROOT/check_access: add Sergei to Swimmer writers 2003-11-24 19:55 musser * Calibrator/DigitCalibrator.cxx: change warning message on instantiation to verbose 2003-11-24 19:47 Robert Hatcher * DatabaseUpdater/DbuSubRunSummary.cxx: a few more RunType to RunTypeName translations (some to the same name for different numeric values ... CalDet oddities of course). 2003-11-24 19:46 Robert Hatcher * DatabaseUpdater/DbuDaqMonitorModule.cxx: fix trivial typo. 2003-11-24 19:43 musser * EventDisplay/GfxDigitList.cxx: take out diagnostic couts 2003-11-24 19:38 musser * EventDisplay/: AltTimeHist.cxx, EVD.C, EVD.cxx, GfxDigitList.cxx, GfxTrackList.cxx: gfx digit list length not getting reset to zero if no CandDigitList. Fix this. 2003-11-24 18:51 Brian Rebel * CandTrackSR/AlgTrackSR.cxx: fix FPE in calculation of trace 2003-11-24 18:42 Brian Rebel * CandFitTrackSR/AlgFitTrackSR.cxx: change back a message level from kInfo to kDebug 2003-11-24 05:15 bspeak * RunSummary/RunSummary.cxx: Fix GetDate call to not use UTC 2003-11-23 21:07 George Irwin * setup/: setup_minossoft_lawin.csh, setup_minossoft_lawin.sh: Update Stanford setup with VALIDATION_DATA definition. 2003-11-23 20:53 George Irwin * setup/: setup_minossoft_SLAC, setup_minossoft_chaos, setup_minossoft_gadfly: Update setup scripts used at SLAC. 2003-11-23 20:33 George Irwin * setup/setup_minossoft_SLAC: Define VALIDATION_DATA environment variable. 2003-11-23 19:48 George Irwin * Candidate/test/: GNUmakefile, Usecases, cand_test.C, cand_test.job, run_cand_tests.pl: Add Validation Usecases to test directory. Load libBField. 2003-11-22 22:12 George Irwin * CandTrackSR/: CandTrackSR.cxx, Track2DSR.cxx, Track2DSR.h, TrackClusterSR.cxx, TrackClusterSR.h, TrkClsSlpSR.cxx, TrkClsSlpSR.h: Add real copy constructor - call it from Dup methods. 2003-11-22 21:33 Brian Rebel * CandFitTrackSR/AlgFitTrackSR.cxx: put back the package path in the include statement for AlgFitTrackSR 2003-11-22 21:32 Brian Rebel * CandTrackSR/AlgTrackSR.cxx: fix the way the trace is found. 2003-11-22 18:06 Brett Viren * setup/cvsh: proposed cvsh replacement 2003-11-21 17:39 Robert Hatcher * CandFitTrackSA/: CandFitTrackSA.cxx, CandFitTrackSAHandle.cxx, CandFitTrackSAList.cxx, CandFitTrackSAListHandle.cxx: add minimal MSG usage (to default ctor) to avoid unused variable warning for 'const char*__CVSID__'. 2003-11-21 17:37 Robert Hatcher * CandFitTrackSA/: AlgFitTrackSA.cxx, AlgFitTrackSAList.cxx: comment out unused argument parameters. 2003-11-21 17:35 Robert Hatcher * CandFitTrackSA/TrackFT.cxx: ensure that fSwim (pointer to SwimSwimmer) is set to null by default ctor. 2003-11-21 17:34 Robert Hatcher * CandFitTrackSA/CovMatFT.cxx: make sure fN is set to zero by default ctor. 2003-11-21 16:25 Brian Rebel * CandFitTrackSR/: AlgFitTrackSR.cxx, AlgFitTrackSR.h: fix the way the map<>::iterator was behaving in FindNumSkippedPlanesInView - it would automatically sort the entries into ascending order even when they were loaded in the opposite order. 2003-11-21 11:16 Nathaniel Tagg * DetSim/macros/detsim.C: Depricate detsim.C in favor of PHotonTransport/macros/mc.C 2003-11-20 16:54 kordosky * CalDetDST/: UberModule.cxx, UberModuleLite.cxx: fixed uber modules to use db for mc adc to mip conversion 2003-11-20 15:38 Brian Rebel * CandTrackSR/AlgTrackSRList.cxx: make sure to reset the fMapIsWide array for each slice 2003-11-19 23:03 hartnell * LISummary/: LILookup.cxx, LILookup.h, LIPlex.C, LIPlexMaps.cxx: Very close now... 2003-11-19 23:01 hartnell * LISummary/: LIPmt.cxx, LIPmt.h: So, I added nearest neighbour calculations... There is a method to return a vector of nearest neighbours (NN) for any square MAPMT. Another method to calculate the average gain of the NNs. It can also be used to calculate what an average pmt for the whole detector looks like using AddMultiPoint. The relevant 1D histograms are stored in the ps files as well now. It's generic for any number of pixels and pixel spots. 2003-11-19 00:16 Robert Hatcher * OnlineUtil/rcMessages.h: synch with online CVS repository (change made on 2003-11-17) 2003-11-18 23:43 vahle * CalDetDST/macros/LiteProduction/: uberlite-t11-2002.C, uberlite-t7-2002.C, uberlite-t7-2003-nf.C: minor changes to production macros 2003-11-18 23:23 vahle * CalDetDST/macros/LiteProduction/: uberlite-t11-2002.C, uberlite-t11-2003.C, uberlite-t7-2002.C, uberlite-t7-2003-n.C, uberlite-t7-2003-nf.C: minor changes to production macros 2003-11-18 23:13 vahle * CalDetPID/LoadCalDetPIDDB.cxx: minor changes to production macros 2003-11-18 22:36 vahle * CalDetPID/data/: timinghists-2002-t11.root, timinghists-2002-t7.root, timinghists-2003-t7-nf.root: Added new root files containing timing hists for different run configurations 2003-11-18 22:22 vahle * CalDetDST/macros/LiteProduction/: uberlite-t11-2002.C, uberlite-t11-2002.C~, uberlite-t11-2003.C, uberlite-t11-2003.C~, uberlite-t7-2002.C, uberlite-t7-2002.C~, uberlite-t7-2003-n.C, uberlite-t7-2003-n.C~, uberlite-t7-2003-nf.C, uberlite-t7-2003-nf.C~: Added production macros to create uberlite dsts for each of the run periods 2003-11-18 22:20 vahle * CalDetPID/: AlgCalDetPID.cxx, AlgCalDetPID.h, LoadCalDetPIDDB.cxx, RealCalDetPIDModule.cxx, RealCalDetPIDModule.h: Modified loading of timing hist file for overlap id. Now configurable 2003-11-18 22:16 vahle * CalDetSI/AlgCalDetSI.cxx: Ignore records with vldtimestamp < 1990 in AlgCalDetSI 2003-11-18 18:50 Sue Kasahara * GeoGeometry/: .cvsignore, Geo.cxx, Geo.h, GeoDetPlaneShape.cxx, GeoDetPlaneShape.h, GeoGeometry.cxx, GeoGeometry.h, GeoPlaneShapeManager.cxx, GeoPlaneShapeManager.h, GeoShieldPlaneShape.cxx, GeoShieldPlaneShape.h, GeoStripShape.cxx, GeoStripShape.h, LinkDef.h, macro/testGeoDraw.C: First commit of geometry implementation using TGeo package - only far detector so far. Still plenty of things to work on to make this nice. macro/testGeoDraw.C builds the geometry for a particular validity and draws it. Because the geometry includes strips, the drawing is a bit slow. 2003-11-18 18:01 musser * Calibrator/: CalNonLinearity.cxx, CalNonLinearity.h, PulserSigLinCalibrator.cxx: add calMode init to constructors 2003-11-18 17:56 bspeak * RunSummary/LinkDef.h: Oops, fixed it now. 2003-11-18 17:54 bspeak * RunSummary/LinkDef.h: Missed one 2003-11-18 17:52 bspeak * RunSummary/: RunSummary.cxx, RateSummary.cxx, RateSummary.h, RunSummary.h, lipurge.cc, rate_plot.cc, runsum.cc: It works now 2003-11-18 17:51 bspeak * RunSummary/GNUmakefile: Test 2003-11-18 15:56 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/DbiCache.cxx: More debug print for searching and adopting. 2003-11-18 13:51 hartnell * LISummary/: LIAnalysis.cxx, LIChannel.cxx, LIPlex.C, LIPlexMaps.cxx: Protected against an fpe in LIChannel Added capability to insert the SPEWidth into the CALADCTOPE table. Also added a new plot to ReadDbGains to make plots of this. Fixed bug so that I do actually use the pix and pmt gains instead of the average detector gain. 2003-11-17 18:37 hartnell * LISummary/: LIAnalysis.cxx, LIChannel.cxx, LIChannel.h, LIPlexMaps.cxx: Big clean up of LIChannel, added some operators. LIAnalysis::WriteGainsTextFile can now take multiple DP runs and summarise them as if they were one big long run. This should help in getting the statistcal errors down. 2003-11-17 18:03 Nick West * DatabaseMaintenance/doc/ChangeLog: Adapt to new DbiCascader API (DbiStatements instead of TSQLStatements. 2003-11-17 17:44 Nick West * DatabaseMaintenance/: DbmModule.cxx, DbmValidate.cxx, DbmValidate.h: Switch to new DbiCascader API (DbiStatements instead of TSQLStatements). 2003-11-17 17:43 Nick West * DatabaseMaintenance/DbmJob.cc: Force all connections to be permanent. 2003-11-17 16:21 hartnell * LISummary/: LILookup.cxx, LILookup.h, LIPlex.C, LIPlexMaps.cxx, LIPmt.cxx, LIPmt.h: More work on the MakeCalAdcToPe method. If data is not available then the code is smart enough to look at the gain on the same pixel or the same pmt or even the whole detector. Had to change make a default constructor for LIPmt to enable use in maps, have to check if it's already been initialised, not very nice really. Maybe there's a better way of doing this? Should be very nearly there now... 2003-11-17 15:37 Nick West * UserManualDoc/src/database_interface.tex: How to hold open a DB connection. 2003-11-17 14:48 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/doc/ChangeLog: Add support for disconnection of idle connections. 2003-11-17 14:47 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/LinkDef.h: Add DbiConnection and DbiStatement. 2003-11-17 14:47 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/: DbiStatement.cxx, DbiStatement.h: Managed statement which triggers closure of idle connection. when deleted. 2003-11-17 14:47 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/: DbiResultSet.cxx, DbiResultSet.h: Change ctor to accept a DbiStatement rather than TSQLStatement. 2003-11-17 14:47 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/: DbiDBProxy.cxx, DbiSqlValPacket.cxx, test/DbiValidate.cc: Use new DbiCascader interface which returns DbiStatements rather than TSQLStatements. 2003-11-17 14:46 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/: DbiConnection.cxx, DbiConnection.h: Managed DB connection that is be dropped when idle. 2003-11-17 14:46 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/: DbiCascader.cxx, DbiCascader.h: Owns a list of DbiConnections and provides DbiStatements (rather than TSQLStatements) to support disconnection of idle connections. 2003-11-17 14:46 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/: Dbi.cxx, Dbi.h: Add PrintWarnings for new class: DbiConnection. 2003-11-17 00:49 hartnell * LISummary/: LIAna.C, LIAnalysis.cxx, LIAnalysis.h, LILookup.cxx, LILookup.h, LIPlex.C, LIPlexMaps.cxx, LIPlexMaps.h: Working towards getting the code ready for the gains calibration of the FD. Lots of CalDet specifics removed, should be generic for all detectors now. New methods in LILookup. LIPlexMaps::ReadDbGains now produces lots of nice postscript files for the detector of your choosing. 2003-11-17 00:46 hartnell * LISummary/: LIPlane.cxx, LIPlane.h, LIRun.cxx, LIRun.h: Moved generic vector manipulation methods to LILookup 2003-11-17 00:45 hartnell * LISummary/: LIPmt.cxx, LIPmt.h, LinkDef.h: A new class to hold all the gains info for a pmt and allow calculation of average gain per pixel and average gain per pmt etc. I may add average nearest neighbour gains if needed 2003-11-16 17:47 Brett Viren * setup/msrt: spelling fix 2003-11-14 17:55 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/test/TestTSQL.C: Simple macro to test RDBC without DBI. 2003-11-14 15:58 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/DbiCache.cxx: Add some Debug print for cache searching and purging. 2003-11-14 15:25 Nick West * DatabaseMaintenance/tools/load_tables.sh: Correctly handle relative --tar_dir arg. 2003-11-14 14:34 hartnell * CalDetTracker/: CDTrackerModuleStrips.cxx, CDTrackerModuleStrips.h, macros/tracker_prefilt.C, macros/tracker_prefilt_beam.C: There is a dependancy on CalDetSI so you have to load that library before loading libCalDetTracker. I have changed the macro appropriately (Thanks Costas). Minor changes to the class, just hunting for the undefined symbol! 2003-11-14 07:52 Nick West * DatabaseMaintenance/scripts/make_priming_set.pm: Now fix a compilation error and write out a hundred times: "I must test my code before I commit it" 2003-11-14 07:45 Nick West * DatabaseMaintenance/scripts/make_priming_set.pm: Add FABPLNINSTALL to priming set not dcs! 2003-11-14 07:12 Nick West * DatabaseMaintenance/: doc/ChangeLog, scripts/make_priming_set.pm: Add FABPLNINSTALL to priming set. 2003-11-13 17:32 Nathaniel Tagg * DetSim/SimEventResult.cxx: Print out charge in fC rather than Coulombs. Bug report thanks to the sharp-eyed Debdatta. 2003-11-13 16:39 Brian Rebel * CandFitTrackSR/AlgFitTrackSR.cxx: put back the mysteriously deleted semi-colon 2003-11-13 15:57 Brian Rebel * CandTrackSR/TrackClusterSR.h: forgot to increment the classdef after adding constructor 2003-11-13 15:55 Brian Rebel * CandTrackSR/: TrackClusterSR.cxx, TrackClusterSR.h: add default constructor to TrackClusterSR 2003-11-13 15:44 Brian Rebel * CandFitTrackSR/AlgFitTrackSR.cxx: reset debugging messages to kDebug from kInfo 2003-11-13 12:45 Nathaniel Tagg * PhotonTransport/macros/mc.C: Add a few things to the macro: - Add DigitListModule::Reco so the digit list actually gets built - Add RerootExodus::SetVldSimFlag(SimFlag::kMC) to remove redundant and resource-wasting DB access - Add UgliLoanPool::SetAlwaysUseDbi(true); The script should now actually do what's it's advertised to do, rather than just being a reference. 2003-11-13 11:48 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/doc/Testing.html: Remove spurious / (thanks again George). 2003-11-13 08:22 Nick West * UgliGeometry/UgliStripNode.cxx: Comment out unused parameters. 2003-11-12 23:22 Robert Hatcher * Fabrication/: FabPlnInstallLookup.cxx, FabPlnInstallLookup.h: new methods Get{First|Last}NormalPlane() to return the first/last non-VetoShield plane for the VldContext given. When FABPLNINSTALL is distributed as part of the normal database tables then this class can be (trivially) used to determine first/last plane by reconstruction code that needs to know -- rather than hokey external setting in job scripts. Use a separate DbiResultPtr for determining when next plane went up. This still might not work right in the era when veto shield was constructed and/or reconfigured. Protect LookForOddEntries() against VetoShield various madnesses. Also let it know that Near/CalDet should only expect 1 steel slab. 2003-11-12 23:14 Robert Hatcher * Plex/: LinkDef.h, PlexLedId.h, PlexMuxBoxId.h, PlexPinDiodeId.h, PlexPixelSpotId.h, PlexPixelSpotToStripEnd.cxx, PlexPlaneId.h, PlexScintMdlId.cxx, PlexScintMdlId.h, PlexStripEndId.h: an orgy of operator> and operator>= additions for all the Plex*Id classes (this should round out the comparison operators). 2003-11-12 22:49 George Irwin * setup/packages-development: Add PerfTools and RunSummary. 2003-11-12 20:27 George Irwin * RunSummary/.cvsignore: Add to new package. 2003-11-12 20:16 George Irwin * CVSROOT/: check_access, modules: Add RunSummary for Ben. 2003-11-12 08:48 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/doc/Testing.html: Tidy up another cobweb (thanks again George); DemoASCIICatalogue.db doesn't need to be fixed locally any more. 2003-11-12 08:18 Nick West * setup/packages-development: Remove DatabaseTables. 2003-11-12 01:10 George Irwin * WebDocs/install_products.html: Add note that safe_mysqld is called mysqld_safe starting with mysql 4. 2003-11-12 00:55 George Irwin * WebDocs/install_products.html: Add --enable-local-infile option to mysql build configure. Needed for mysql 4 and above. 2003-11-11 16:23 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/doc/Testing.html: Fix example cascader URL (thanks George). 2003-11-11 15:46 vahle * CalDetPID/: LinkDef.h, LoadCalDetPIDDB.cxx, LoadCalDetPIDDB.h: added new method to LoadCalDetPIDDB to load timing tables for near only running 2003-11-11 15:45 vahle * CalDetDST/: CalDet2003PlotsModule.cxx, UberHit.cxx, UberHit.h, UberModule.cxx, UberModule.h, UberRecord.cxx, UberRecord.h: added some new elements to uberrecord, changed uberrecord to hold 1 track and 1 event 2003-11-11 14:10 Brian Rebel * CandFitTrackSA/FitTrackSAListModule.cxx: forgot to include AlgConfig.h and AlgHandle.h 2003-11-11 14:08 Brian Rebel * CandFitTrackSA/FitTrackSAListModule.cxx: add in code to get misalignment error from Registry 2003-11-11 14:04 Brian Rebel * CandFitTrackSA/: AlgFitTrackSA.cxx, AlgFitTrackSA.h: add parameter for detector misalignment 2003-11-11 12:38 Nathaniel Tagg * PhotonTransport/: PhotonMuonDecalibrator.cxx, PhotonMuonDecalibrator.h: Split up the decalibration process into strip-only and along-strip parts to avoid FPEs if the database contains zeros. 2003-11-11 12:19 Nathaniel Tagg * Digitization/DigiScintHit.cxx: Fix up newline on the end of Print() 2003-11-10 20:19 Brian Rebel * CandFitTrack3/: AlgFitTrack3.cxx, AlgFitTrack3.h, FitTrack3ListModule.cxx: make it possible to define detector misalignment using Registry 2003-11-10 19:50 Brian Rebel * CandFitTrackSR/AlgFitTrackSR.cxx: make it possible to specify the detector misalignment using the Registry 2003-11-10 19:49 Brian Rebel * CandTrackSR/: AlgTrackSRList.cxx, TrackClusterSR.cxx, TrackClusterSR.h: make it possible to specify the detector misalignment value using the Registry 2003-11-10 19:20 Nathaniel Tagg * PhotonTransport/ScintHitToDigiPE.cxx: Save DigiPEs in temporary space. 2003-11-10 19:19 Nathaniel Tagg * DetSim/DigiPEtoRawDigitModule.cxx: Read DigiPEs from temporary (or permanent) space. 2003-11-10 19:18 Nathaniel Tagg * RerootExodus/RerootFlsDigitToDigiPE.cxx: [no log message] 2003-11-10 18:47 Brett Viren * CandTrackSR/TrackClusterSR.cxx: Init fZPos to zero 2003-11-10 18:26 Brian Rebel * CandTrackSR/TrackClusterSR.cxx: initial fTime3D to 0. to remove the FPE that people are seeing with near-det files 2003-11-10 17:37 hartnell * LISummary/: LIAnalysis.cxx, LIAnalysis.h, LITune.C, LITuning.cxx, LITuning.h: A few more changes. The LITuning constructor no longer has any arguments. The map based algorithms for looking for upper and lower fractions are now in LITuning. 2003-11-10 11:28 Nathaniel Tagg * PhotonTransport/: PhotonDefaultModel.cxx, ScintPhoton.cxx: Update noise rates to correct value. 2003-11-08 21:59 Sue Kasahara * MCNtuple/Module/NtpMCModuleReroot.cxx: Add missing #include 2003-11-07 22:07 musser * RecoBase/AlgTrack.cxx: improved range determination of tracks ending in spectrometer 2003-11-07 22:00 musser * EventDisplay/: AltTimeHist.cxx, AltTimeHist.h: forgot to add these in last EventDisplay update 2003-11-07 17:47 musser * EventDisplay/: DisplayOptions.cxx, DisplayOptions.h, EVD.cxx, EVD.h, GNUmakefile, GfxDigit.cxx, GfxDigit.h, GfxDigitList.cxx, GfxShower.cxx, GfxShower.h, GfxStrip.cxx, GfxStrip.h, GfxStripList.cxx, GfxTrack.cxx, GfxTrack.h, GfxTrackList.cxx, UserHist.cxx, UserHist.h, UserHistType.h: added alternative form for time histogram in which time region selected by the time slider is shown in a highlighted color on top of a fixed histogram of the entire snarl time distribution. This alternative can be selected through the options->display setting->User Histogram menu. 2003-11-07 17:17 Nathaniel Tagg * PhotonTransport/macros/mc.C: Add option to turn on/off Lambert reflection in simple and full models. 2003-11-07 17:15 Nathaniel Tagg * PhotonTransport/PhotonFastBlueModel.cxx: Ack! Didn't enter comment in last commit (by accident) Major changes: TiO2 refleciton model was NOT Lambert diffuse reflection, but was a simple isotropic reflection. I had this wrong. The scintillator photon object now does this correctly. Rebuilt the FAST model to dupilicate this. In so doing, found a very stupid bug which was giving some nonphysical results. (I was only generating light at the top of the strip, not homogenously). Fixed this in the new model. 2003-11-07 17:12 Nathaniel Tagg * PhotonTransport/: PhotonFastBlueModel.cxx, PhotonFullBlueTracker.cxx, ScintPhoton.cxx, ScintPhoton.h, macros/mc.C: [no log message] 2003-11-07 12:35 Nathaniel Tagg * DetSim/: SimPmt.cxx, SimPmt.h, SimVaElectronics.cxx: Codify the 'unfired PMT time' with the const value kSimPmt_Never. Check against this time in SimVaElectronics and throw a warning (not an FPE) when this happens. 2003-11-06 22:19 Brian Rebel * CandFitTrack3/AlgFitTrack3.cxx: change call to TrackClusterSR->fStripList to GetStripList() 2003-11-06 21:37 Robert Hatcher * RerootExodus/RerootToTruthModule.cxx: correct round IPDG value in the case that the value was screwed up the the int->float->int conversion (was truncating, should round to nearest 1000). 2003-11-06 20:24 Robert Hatcher * UserManualDoc/src/plexus.tex: add a section on configuring the PlexLoanPool (blatently ripped in part from Nick's DBI discussion). 2003-11-06 20:10 hartnell * LISummary/: LIAnalysis.cxx, LITuning.cxx, LITuning.h: If you change a file after doing cvs commit but before actually writing the comment then the change gets committed... Changed CheckTuning to PrintLedCheckGrid Compiles now! 2003-11-06 19:35 hartnell * LISummary/: LIAnalysis.cxx, LIAnalysis.h, LIRun.cxx, LIRun.h, LITune.C, LITuning.cxx, LITuning.h: The tuning of gain curves should be ready for production on the FD... will test it soon. Changed the interface to LITuning, there are lots of setters now. Added CheckTuning method to printout which leds were tuned. 2003-11-06 18:55 rjn * PEGain/: PEGainModule.cxx, macros/runAnalysisOnAlreadyCreatedDebugFiles.C: Added a check to ensure that it only uses the first loop of flashing for each led when it makes the errorReport..... sorry Bill 2003-11-06 17:54 Robert Hatcher * Plex/: PlexPlaneId.h, PlexSEIdAltLItem.h, PlexScintMdlId.h, PlexStripEndId.h: hide the inlines behind #ifndef __CINT__ so that cint doesn't get all flustered if the headers have been #include'd (works okay with scripts not including the headers, but this should make it easier to write code that can both be interpreted and compiled). 2003-11-06 17:51 Robert Hatcher * Plex/: PlexLoanPool.cxx, PlexLoanPool.h: Make the PlexLoanPool 'configurable' in a manner similar to UgliLoanPool. Take a cue from Nick's DBI and allow config from env. variable ENV_PLEX Add 'Cache' config key for file to read/write loan pool. This will save a little (~20s) time and is not really recommended for various reasons. But make it easy for users to shoot themselves in the foot. Key 'CacheWrite' enables/disables the write to the cache file (if defined) upon destruction of loan pool; allows user to skip expensive write if repeatedly using the same input file. 2003-11-06 17:48 Robert Hatcher * UgliGeometry/: UgliLoanPool.cxx, UgliLoanPool.h: Take a cue from Nick's DBI and allow config from env. variable ENV_UGLI Add 'Cache' config key for file to read/write loan pool. This will save a little (~20s) time and is not really recommended for various reasons. But make it easy for users to shoot themselves in the foot. Key 'CacheWrite' enables/disables the write to the cache file (if defined) upon destruction of loan pool; allows user to skip expensive write if repeatedly using the same input file. 2003-11-06 17:30 Costas Andreopoulos * AltReco/: AltAlgSliceList.cxx, AltNeuralNetStripPatternI.h, jcm/AltRecoSlice.C: -- Fix bug I introduced by trying to exclude trailing & leading 0-content bins from being attached in slice seeds. The bug was causing 1-bin (19 nsec) wide overlaps between successive slice seeds. -- Fix stupid error with the multimap I was using to decide for upstream/downstream matches. -- Add the latest definition of the input pattern for separating the strips into "strips to form a shower-like", "strips to form a trk-like" formation. 2003-11-05 17:29 Brian Rebel * CandFitTrackSR/: AlgFitTrackSR.cxx, AlgFitTrackSR.h, FitTrackSRListModule.cxx, KalmanPlaneSR.cxx: change calls to TrackClusterSR->fStripList to TrackClusterSR->GetStripList() also get value of misalignment error from Config method. 2003-11-05 16:53 Brian Rebel * CandTrackSR/: AlgTrackSR.cxx, AlgTrackSRList.cxx, AlgTrackSRList.h, CandTrackSR.cxx, CandTrackSRList.cxx, CandTrackSRListHandle.cxx, Track2DSR.cxx, TrackClusterSR.cxx, TrackClusterSR.h, TrackSRListModule.cxx: add MaxTimingResid and MisalignmentError to the values that can be set by the AlgConfig. move fStripList memeber of TrackClusterSR from public to private and add GetStripList() method to access it. Adjust other classes accordingly. Add member fParmMisalignmentError to TrackClusterSR to make it adjustable (left it at Roy's default value of 30 mm for now). 2003-11-05 13:10 musser * CandTrackSR/: AlgTrackSR.cxx, AlgTrackSRList.cxx, HoughViewSR.cxx: asssert on daughter in candstriplist fails very occasionally - change to if(exists){ do stuff}. Probably should track this down at some point, as the reason for the assertion failure is unknown and should as far as I know never occur. 2003-11-04 23:37 hartnell * LISummary/: LIAnalysis.cxx, LIAnalysis.h, LILookup.cxx, LILookup.h, LIRun.cxx, LITune.C, LITuning.cxx, LITuning.h: The interface to the data is now free of histograms. All the plots from the old arrays have been removed. Need to add the DP plots still. Fixed bug in LIRun.cxx - return fAdcHighF not fAdcHigh Added graphs with errors to output of LITuning Added TGraphAsymmErrorsVectEY to LILookup to make graphs with errors on the y-axis from vectors 2003-11-04 17:43 Costas Andreopoulos * AltReco/: AltAlgSliceList.cxx, AltAlgSliceList.h, jcm/AltRecoSlice.C: [no log message] 2003-11-04 15:33 Nathaniel Tagg * PhotonTransport/: PhotonDefaultModel.cxx, PhotonDefaultModel.h, PhotonFastBlueModel.cxx, PhotonFastBlueModel.h, PhotonFullBlueTracker.cxx, PhotonFullBlueTracker.h, PhotonFullFibreModel.cxx, PhotonFullGreenTracker.cxx, PhotonFullGreenTracker.h, ScintHitToDigiPE.cxx, ScintPhoton.cxx, ScintPhoton.h, test/CompareToReroot.cxx, test/CompareToReroot.h: Seperate reflector connector into two part: scintalltor blue light reflection and fibre-end reflection. Set the first to 0 and the second to 50%, based upon advice of experts. Change default WLS decay time to 7.5 ns based on mail from K. Ruddick. Add scintillator decay time! (Doh! Didn't remember to put it in!) Set to 2.0 ns based on K. Ruddick. Added to all three blue models. Fixed up runtime bug with CompareToReroot module. It's ready now. This time for sure. 2003-11-04 15:30 Nathaniel Tagg * PhotonTransport/macros/: blue.C, blue_ends.C, blue_pdf.C, green.C, mc.C, test/blue.C, test/blue_ends.C, test/blue_pdf.C, test/green.C, test/photons.C: Clean up macros. 2003-11-04 13:52 Costas Andreopoulos * AltReco/: AltAlgSliceList.cxx, AltAlgSliceList.h, AltModuleSliceList.cxx, doc/numiNote_AltReco.ps.gz, doc/numiNote_EventSlicing.ps.gz, doc/numiNote_NeuralNetReco.ps.gz, doc/overview_EventSlicing.pdf, doc/overview_NeuralNetReco.pdf, jcm/AltRecoSlice.C: -- devel / debugging -- on going work 2003-11-04 12:24 Nathaniel Tagg * PhotonTransport/: PhotonBounce.cxx, PhotonBounce.h: Remove two very old obsolete files (Brian's original code.) 2003-11-04 12:23 Nathaniel Tagg * PhotonTransport/doc/unveiling/: blue.capture_pos.gif, blue.capture_time.gif, blue.capture_time.ps, blue.catpure_pos.ps, blue.net_effect.gif, blue.net_effect.ps, blue_ends.gif, blue_ends.ps, effective_velocity.gif, effective_velocity.ps, green.cosines.gif, green.cosines.ps, green.full_model.gif, green.full_model.ps, green.models.gif, green.models.ps, index.html, photrans_algorithm.jpg: Add the 'unveiling' presentation. Some good plots in here. 2003-11-03 22:55 Robert Hatcher * OnlineUtil/: keyValuePair.c, keyValuePair.h: synch with online CVS change of 2003-09-04 (now uses malloc instead of static array, fixed size of buffer moved from .h to .c file) 2003-11-03 20:30 hartnell * LISummary/: LIAnalysis.cxx, LIAnalysis.h: Just trying to finish the move away from using histograms to calculate the middle 90% of hits for a given led. Getting there but not quite finished yet... Should have done it this way to start with... 2003-11-03 15:04 Nathaniel Tagg * DetSim/: Truthifier.cxx, Truthifier.h: Major additions to the Truthifier. 2003-11-03 11:56 Nathaniel Tagg * PhotonTransport/PhotonTransportModule.cxx: Include . 2003-10-31 22:01 Robert Hatcher * Rotorooter/RotoTalk/rototalk.c: kill off this ancient copy of rototalk.c (should have been killed when rototalk.h was on 2003-01-17). the proper version is in OnlineUtil pkg. 2003-10-30 21:24 musser * EventDisplay/: EVD.C, EVD.cxx, GfxDigit.cxx, GfxShowerList.cxx, GfxTrackList.cxx: use release signal instead of modified on time slider. This dramatically improves the 'user friendliness of this control. Also, made track and shower display continguent on vertex times being in the time range displayed in the time histogram. Costas, you will find that examining time slices within a snarl is much easier with these changes. 2003-10-30 16:59 Robert Hatcher * BField/BfldHandlerRect2d.cxx: protect against dx,dy=0 in bilinear interpolation. 2003-10-30 16:13 Nathaniel Tagg * PhotonTransport/macros/mc.C: Add Noise parameters. 2003-10-30 16:11 musser * CandClusterSR/: CandClusterSRList.cxx, ClusterSRListModule.cxx: change return from Error to Failed in case of null cluster list 2003-10-30 15:59 Mark Messier * CVSROOT/check_access: Add write permissions for Jim Musser 2003-10-30 15:48 Nathaniel Tagg * DetSim/SimPixelTimeBucket.cxx: Attach DarkNoise and FibreLight checks when composing truth flags. 2003-10-30 15:46 Nathaniel Tagg * DetSim/DigiPEtoRawDigitModule.cxx: Bugfix: actually read the "random seed" configuration variable. 2003-10-30 15:43 Nathaniel Tagg * DetSim/Truthifier.h: Add comment to the affect that this class is open to new requests. 2003-10-30 15:41 Nathaniel Tagg * PhotonTransport/: PhotonDefaultModel.cxx, PhotonDefaultModel.h, PhotonTransportModule.cxx, PhotonTransportModule.h, ScintHitToDigiPE.cxx, ScintHitToDigiPE.h: Add noise generation model and hooks. 2003-10-30 15:40 Nathaniel Tagg * Digitization/: DigiPE.cxx, DigiPE.h: Add flags to allow a digiPE to come from noise (dark noise or fibre light) 2003-10-30 15:08 musser * CandTrackSR/AlgTrackSRList.h: header file mods to avoid multiple CandStripList clones in overlay files 2003-10-30 15:07 musser * CandTrackSR/AlgTrackSRList.cxx: mod spectrometer tracking code to avoid multiple CandStripList clones in overlay files 2003-10-30 14:11 musser * CandEventSR/AlgEventSRList.cxx: Bug in unassociated hit cleanup code fixed 2003-10-29 20:42 Robert Hatcher * setup/: setup_minossoft_FNALU.csh, setup_minossoft_FNALU.sh: commit latest FNALU setup script. 2003-10-29 19:28 Robert Hatcher * Fabrication/LinkDef.h: add specific instances of std::vector specialization so that CINT builds the appropriate glue to interface to them (esp. size(), [] methods). 2003-10-29 19:28 Robert Hatcher * UgliGeometry/: UgliGeometry.cxx, UgliPlnNode.cxx, UgliScintMdlNode.cxx, UgliScintPlnNode.cxx, UgliSteelPlnNode.cxx, UgliStripNode.cxx: downgrade some messages from Fatal to Warning. those changed are mostly in regard to outstanding references ... which aren't exactly fatal (immediately) but could potentially be problematic. 2003-10-29 19:22 Robert Hatcher * UgliGeometry/: UgliGeomHandle.h, UgliGeometry.h, UgliPlnHandle.h, UgliScintMdlHandle.h, UgliScintMdlNode.h, UgliScintPlnHandle.h, UgliScintPlnNode.h, UgliSteelPlnHandle.h, UgliStripHandle.h, UgliStripNode.h: hide the inline definitions from CINT to avoid it trying to parse them when the include file is #include'd (which it then sometimes gets wrong). 2003-10-29 19:21 Robert Hatcher * UgliGeometry/LinkDef.h: add specific instances of std::vector specialization so that CINT builds the appropriate glue to interface to them (esp. size(), [] methods). 2003-10-29 19:20 Robert Hatcher * Plex/: PlexHandle.cxx, PlexHandle.h, Plexus.cxx, Plexus.h, PlexusABC.h: add GetAllStrips(), GetAllStripEnds(), GetAllPixelSpots(), GetAllPixels() and GetAllTubes() methods to return gobs of info without exposing the underlying map structure. This should facilitate MC noise generation and calibration table creation. re-arrange some of the handle methods so that they're again inline. hide the inline definitions from CINT to avoid it trying to parse them when the include file is #include'd (which it then sometimes gets wrong). 2003-10-29 19:17 Robert Hatcher * Plex/LinkDef.h: add specific instances of std::vector specialization so that CINT builds the appropriate glue to interface to them (esp. size(), [] methods). 2003-10-29 19:13 Robert Hatcher * Validity/VldTimeStamp.h: hide the inline definitions from CINT to avoid it trying to parse them when the include file is #include'd (which it then sometimes gets wrong). 2003-10-29 18:21 Robert Hatcher * Validity/VldContext.h: hide the inline definitions from CINT to avoid it trying to parse them when the include file is #include'd (which it then sometimes gets wrong). 2003-10-29 15:23 Nathaniel Tagg * PhotonTransport/: PhotonMuonComputer.cxx, ScintHitToDigiPE.cxx, ScintHitToDigiPE.h: Set random number seed from event ID for photon transport. Small fix left over from yesterday to MuonComputer. 2003-10-29 14:25 Brian Rebel * CandStripSR/: AlgStripSRList.cxx, StripSRListModule.cxx, StripSRListModule.h: put in option to filter events based on CandDeMuxDigitListHandle quality word. enable filtering by using Set("UseDeMuxQualityWord=1") for StripSRListModule. fix fpe in finding xtalk fraction in AlgStripSRList 2003-10-28 17:01 Nathaniel Tagg * DetSim/: Truthifier.cxx, Truthifier.h: Make Truthifier accessible with the Instance(mom) method. When you do so, it saves itself in Mom, or finds itself in Mom. 2003-10-28 16:16 Nathaniel Tagg * PhotonTransport/: PhotonDefaultModel.cxx, PhotonDefaultModel.h, PhotonMuonComputer.cxx, PhotonMuonComputer.h: Introduce prescription for low-energy proton tracks. 2003-10-28 16:15 Nathaniel Tagg * PhotonTransport/: ScintHitToDigiPE.cxx, ScintHitToDigiPE.h: Change default output context to kMC. Ensure UgliGeomHandle is destroyed each event. 2003-10-28 16:14 Nathaniel Tagg * PhotonTransport/tables/README: Add a file describing these files. 2003-10-28 16:07 Nathaniel Tagg * PhotonTransport/tables/: PhotonProtonRange.mc, insert.mysql: Add the proton range table. 2003-10-28 15:43 Nathaniel Tagg * RerootExodus/: RerootExodus.cxx, RerootExodus.h: Add: RerootExodus::SetVldSimFlag() which allows the user to choose what SimFlag to unpack the data with. This can save a lot of redundant Ugli tables getting loaded for no reason, when the user really wants this stuff as kMC. 2003-10-28 15:42 Nathaniel Tagg * RerootExodus/RerootToTruthModule.cxx: Make sure that the PDG particle database is only loaded once. 2003-10-28 15:05 Mark Messier * CVSROOT/check_access: Add Brian to access list 2003-10-28 10:46 hartnell * LISummary/: LIAna.C, LIAnalysis.cxx, LIAnalysis.h, LIRun.cxx, LIRun.h, LITune.C, LITuning.cxx, LITuning.h: A bit of tidying up and improvement on the tuning software. I have stripped out the old algorithm in LIAnalysis since the one in LITuning is robust now. Still needs a bit more work. 2003-10-28 10:05 Nick West * DatabaseMaintenance/: DbmModule.cxx, doc/ChangeLog: Improve LogEntry command: Get defaults for detMask, simMask and task from database and ask for confirmation. 2003-10-28 08:07 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/: DbiValRecSet.cxx, DbiValRecSet.h, doc/ChangeLog: Improve performance of GetTableRowBySeqNo by using a map as a look-up. 2003-10-27 22:08 Robert Hatcher * Util/UtilStream.cxx: synch function signatures so that (hopefully) doxygen can make the match between the header and implementation files. 2003-10-27 22:05 Robert Hatcher * EventDisplay/: GfxMCVec.cxx, GfxShower.cxx, GfxTrack.cxx: 'const' preceeding 'Option_t *' is redundant (Option_t == const char) and doxygen generates a complaint when producing documentation. 2003-10-27 20:59 Brett Viren * WebDocs/cvs-rep.html: Add note about the need for an SSH1 key in addition to an SSH2 key. 2003-10-27 20:44 Brett Viren * Midad/: Base/Mint.cxx, macros/test.C: Test .C interface to new set-candlist-name feature. Revert to using base "CandDigitList" class name in Mint.cxx. 2003-10-27 20:32 Brett Viren * Midad/: Base/GNUmakefile, Base/Mint.cxx, Base/Mint.h, Base/PageDisplay.cxx, Base/PageDisplay.h, Base/RegistryDialog.cxx, Base/RegistryDialog.h, MultiPage/GfxCfg.cxx, MultiPage/GfxDigitList.cxx, MultiPage/GfxStripList.cxx, MultiPage/MultiPage.cxx: Add ability to set what name to use for various candidate lists. Add RegistryDialog which just packages up a RegistryGui for easier spawning. Use this for the above when accessed through the new "Settings" menu and also retrofit the GfxCfg to use it. 2003-10-27 17:26 Ed Larty * WebDocs/FrozenRel.html: # added new frozen release R1.2.0 2003-10-27 17:20 Ed Larty * setup/packages-R1.2.0: # added final point release file to cvs