From: Jeremy Schlosberg <> To: FCC Date: 9/5/95 11:53pm Subject: kids tv As a parent of three small children, I strongly disagree with the third principle mentioned in your document-- namely: >broadcasters should be guided by market forces, to the greatest extent possible, in >determining whether they meet their programming obligations Market forces fail to serve children, period. This is rather blatant reality is mysteriously overlooked by broadcasters, advertisers, and politicians alike, time and again. There is simple proof of this offered every day, whenever there are advertisements on television shows that are watched by children under 6 or 7. There isn't a parent in the land who wants their young children subjected to commercial advertising; there isn't an expert in child development anywhere who would urge children to be exposed to commercial advertising at young ages. And yet, there they are, created by these unimpeachable "market forces": advertisements aimed relentlessly at young children. It is very disheartening. Children need to be protected from this onslaught. Market forces do nothing but turn up the volume. Jeremy Schlosberg Cincinnati OH