From: Mark Gabrielson To: A16.A16(kidstv) Date: 9/23/95 9:21am Subject: MM Docket 93-48 September 23, 1995 To Federal Communications Commission, Office of the Secretary, As a concerned citizen I want to bring to your attention, in reference to your desire for public comment on how broadcasters can best fulfill the Children's Television Act's objectives, that one audience has been neglected or ignored by broadcasters. This group is lesbian, gay and bisexual youth. On a whole the adult lesbian, gay and bisexual population has been grossly underrepresented or misaligned on television. However, the lesbian, gay and bisexual youth are seldom represented on television or even recognized as members of the viewing public. This could be deemed censorship by broadcasters because it contributes directly to the suffering of young gays and lesbians, by maintaining their invisibility, making them feel isolated and that their feelings are stigmatized. Of course, heterosexual youth -- some of whom will become parents of a lesbian or gay child -- are also not being educated about homosexuality. This situation surely exacerbates the national climate of hate violence, in which lesbians and gays are the MOST frequent victims of hate crimes and YOUNG heterosexuals are the most frequent attackers. More importantly, our youth need to see positive representation. Entering the teenage years is a traumatic time for all youth. Less not forget that this is a time when youth begin determining who they are. In our society this process is being exacerbated for lesbian, gay and bisexual youth. Inexcusably, broadcasters continue to overlook the enormous potential of children's television for combating homophobia. Even multicultural programs like "Ghostwriter" and "Sesame Street" -- which specifically aim to teach tolerance and promote diversity -- have had NOTHING to say about homosexuality or homophobia. For television to meet the educational and informational needs of ALL children, this silence must be broken. If you don't think there are youth out there who are feeling pain, isolation, and stigmatization because they are dealing with being lesbian, gay or bisexual, just lurk through the Usenet newsgroup This is a moderated newsgroup where lesbian, gay and bisexual youth can go and find support they might not otherwise find at home, in school, or in society as a whole. These youth, as well as all people, need to see lesbians, gays, and bisexuals in a positive fashion. If you read some of the postings there you'll definitely see we are not addressing the needs of these youth. Television is a powerful mechanism and positive, visible representation of lesbian, gay and bisexual youth will help society as a whole. We are a pluralistic society, so please, lets have the most public medium represent all of society -- not just certain segments. Thank you. Sincerely, Mark Gabrielson 17 Conway St Beverly, MA 01915 cc: Senator Edward Kennedy Representative Peter Torkildsen CC: Rep Peter Torkildsen