Table of contents for Queer screen : a screen reader / edited by Jackie Stacey and Sarah Street.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog.

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TABLE OF CONTENTS (noting details of original publication in Screen)
Introduction: Jackie Stacey and Sarah Street
1. Queering Film Theory
Teresa de Lauretis: ¿Guerrilla in the midst: women¿s cinema in the 80s¿, 31:1, 1990
Andy Medhurst, ¿That special thrill: Brief Encounter, homosexuality and 
authorship¿, 32:2, 1991
2. Queering Psychoanalysis and Technologies of Gender
Ellis Hanson, ¿Technology, paranoia and the queer voice¿, 34:2, 1993
Jackie Stacey, ¿She is not herself: the deviant relations of Alien Resurrection¿, 44:3, 
Lee Wallace, ¿Continuous sex: the editing of homosexuality in Bound and Rope¿, 
41:4, 2000
3. Race, Desire and Queer Film
Kristen Whissel, ¿Racialized spectacle, exchange relations, and the Western in 
Joanna d¿Arc of Mongolia¿, 37:1, 1996
Julia Erhart, ¿From Nazi whore to good German mother: revisiting resistance in 
the Holocaust film¿, 4:4, 2000 
Jose Munoz, ¿The autoethnographic performance: reading Richard Fung¿s queer 
36:2, 1995
4. Queer Bodies and Histories
Peter Dickinson, ¿Space, time, auteurity and the queer male body: the film 
adaptations of Robert Lepage¿, 46:2, 2005
James Tweedie, ¿The suspended spectacle of history: the tableau vivant in Derek 
Jarman¿s Caravaggio¿, 44:4, 2003 
Chris Straayer: ¿The She-man: postmodern bi-sexed performance in film and video¿, 
31:1, 1990
5. The Boys Don¿t Cry Debate 
Michele Aaron, ¿Pass/fail¿, 42:1, 2001
Julianne Pidduck, ¿Risk and queer spectatorship¿, 42:1, 2001 
Patricia White, ¿Girls still cry¿, 42:2, 2001
Judith Halberstam, ¿The transgender gaze in Boys Don¿t Cry¿, 42:3, 2001
Lisa Henderson, ¿The class character of Boys Don¿t Cry¿, 42:3, 2001
Jennifer Devere Brody, ¿Boyz Do Cry: screening history¿s white lies¿, 43:1, 2002

Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication:

Homosexuality in motion pictures.
Homosexuality and motion pictures.