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Animal Homosexuality


name         Crusty
status       educator
age          40s

Question -   My 13 year old niece asked this question of me:
Are there any lower animals (other mammals for example) known to exhibit
homosexual behavior?  If so, is there DNA proof that homosexuality is gene
linked in lesser animals?
There is as yet no known genetic link for homosexual behavior. No doubt such
complex behavior would be controlled by a number of genes so, if there is a
genetic "cause", it will probably be a group of genes. There are a number of
species that exhibit unusual sexual behavior from time to time, depending on
environmental situations.  Primates, rodents and birds I know (there are
probably more of which I am not aware ) exhibit examples of what one might
call homosexual behavior.  Crowded conditions will often lead to a variety
of unusual behaviors in animals.


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