TO: ALL DOE CHAMMP INVESTIAGTORS FROM: Dave Bader, Program Director and Patrick Crowley, DOE Program Manager 1. NEXT CHAMMP SCIENCE TEAM AND MODEL DEVELOPMENYT MEETINGS We are planning to hold the next CHAMMP meetings to coincide with the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) meetings March 1997 in San Antonio, TX. 2. PROJECT ABSTRACTS DUE FOR COMPREHENSIVE OHER REPORT ON RESEARCH ACTIVITY As many of you know, the DOE Global Change Program publishes an annual compendium of individual research project abstracts. Tom Gross previously was the principal DOE contact for that effort. Ms. Bobbi Parra has now taken over this responsibility, which has been expanded to include all of the OHER supported projects, not just global change. Additionally, OHER has shifted from a paper publication to an electronic one. This combination of factors delayed the production of the FY 1995 volume. In January of this year, an electronic message was sent to all OHER Principal Investigators (including CHAMMP project investigators) requesting input for activities during FY 1995. Several months later, a similar request from OHER appeared for the FY 1996 abstract volume This appeared to many as a duplicate request. To add to the confusion, separate project reports are required for continuation of funding for university and non-DOE lab projects. We are asking that each of you check to see if the FY 1996 abstract was submitted, as we have very few for the CHAMMP projects. This information is needed by September 1, 1996. The URL for the abstract submission form is Thank you for your attention. Publicizing the work we fund is important to maintain support the program.