
This is an abstract, language-independent design. Grim details may be found in the corresponding source code. You may return to the documentation for the module containing this program design, or to the entire hierarchical table of topics covered by the PVT.

PROGRAM 6: Appearance of text extent rectangle



ACCURACY OF TEXT EXTENT: Several text primitives are displayed.
All but one should be correctly surrounded by its text extent
rectangle, drawn with a solid polyline.  For horizontal
primitives, the left (right) edge of the rectangle should
coincide with the left (right) edge of the leftmost (rightmost)
character of the text string, and the top and bottom edges with
the top and bottom edges of the character bodies (which may be
somewhat larger than the characters themselves).  Check
especially that the bottom of the "g" in "Phigs" is enclosed.
For vertical text paths, the top (bottom) edge of the rectangle
should coincide with the top (bottom) edge of the topmost
(bottommost) character of the text string, and its left and right
edges should be equidistant from the centreline along which the
character bodies are aligned.  A vertical rectangle may be wider
than necessary, but must completely enclose the characters.
Identify the one rectangle which does NOT properly enclose a text

consisting of capital letters are displayed.  All but one of
these primitives should be properly aligned with a dotted
capline, a dashed-dotted halfline and a dashed baseline. For
horizontal text paths, all the characters in the text string have
the same capline, halfline, and baseline.  For vertical text
paths, the capline should apply to the topmost character,
baseline to the bottommost character, and the halfline should be
midway between the halflines of the topmost and bottommost
characters.  The capline and baseline should coincide with the
top and bottom edges of the appropriate characters (not the
character bodies).  The halfline should be at a reasonable
intermediate position.  Identify the one primitive which is NOT
properly aligned.

ACCURACY OF CONCATENATION POINT: Several pairs of text primitives
are drawn, the second member of each pair using the concatenation
point from the first.  The resulting display should appear to be
a single text primitive in which the characters are aligned and
separated (or overlapped) by consistent spacing. Identify the one
primitive in which the characters are NOT aligned and evenly


Open primary workstation
Establish specwt = specific primary workstation type

Message to operator: The tests in this program require careful
visual inspection; see OPERATOR SCRIPT in documentation.

testr = "Phigs...rules!"
testv = "UPPER CASE"

font = 2 (ASCII, possibly non-monospaced)
default text alignment = CENTRE,TOP

numrec = number of text extent rectangles per screen = 6
for all text paths, txp = RIGHT,LEFT,UP,DOWN
   namtxp = name of text path

*** *** *** *** ***   text extent rectangle   *** *** *** *** ***

   ngrec = incorrect entry = random choice between 1 and numrec
   set text path = txp

   for ix = 1 to numrec
      chht,chxp,chsp = some random values for character height,
        expansion factor, and spacing

      draw and label a text extent rectangle (horizontal or vertical,
         depending on txp)

      <inquire text extent> with specwt, font, chxp, chsp,
         chht, txp, txal=[CENTRE,TOP], testr
      to determine text extent rectangle

      apply scale and shift transformation to put testr in next
         text extent rectangle

      if (ix = ngrec) then
         apply additional distorting transformation
      display text primitive = testr
      restore identity local transformation
   next ix

   TEST: #SR 2 6 7 8 10 15 16
         "<Inquire text extent> should accurately report the size
          and position of text primitives when text path = " +
          namtxp + "."
   OPQA/ACCURACY OF TEXT EXTENT: Which rectangle does NOT
      properly enclose a text primitive?
   pass/fail depending on (operator indicates entry #ngrec)

   clear contents of rectangles, but leave rectangles themselves

*** *** *** *** ***   vertical alignment   *** *** *** *** ***

   ngrec = incorrect entry = random choice between 1 and numrec
   set text path = txp
   for ix = 1 to numrec
      chht,chxp,chsp = some random values for character height,
        expansion factor, and spacing

      for txalv = TOP,CAP,HALF,BASE
         <inquire text extent> with specwt, font, chxp, chsp,
            chht, txp, txal=[CENTRE,txalv], testv
         to determine text extent rectangle and location of
            topline, capline,halfline,baseline
         if (txalv = TOP) then
            apply scale and shift transformation to put testv in
               next text extent rectangle
            valoc(txalv) = top of rectangle
                         = location of cap,half,base lines
      next txalv
      draw expected capline,halfline,baseline
      if (ix = ngrec) then
         apply additional distorting transformation
      display text primitive = testv
      restore identity local transformation
   next ix

   TEST: #SR 2 6 7 8 10 11
         "<Inquire text extent> should accurately report the
          vertical alignment values for text primitives when
          text path = " + namtxp + "."
     does NOT have a properly aligned capline (dotted),
     halfline (dashed-dotted), or baseline (dashed)?

   pass/fail depending on (operator indicates entry #ngrec)

   clear screen

*** *** *** *** ***   concatenation point   *** *** *** *** ***

   ngrec = incorrect entry = random choice between 1 and numrec
   set text path = txp

   pick text alignment:
   txalh,txalv = NORMAL,NORMAL
   if (txp is horizonatl) then
      txalv = HALF
      txalh = RIGHT
   set text alignment to txalh,txalv

   for ix = 1 to numrec
      chht,chxp,chsp = some random values for character height,
        expansion factor, and spacing

      <inquire text extent> with specwt, font, chxp, chsp,
         chht, txp, txal=[txalh,txalv], testc
      to determine text extent rectangle

      apply scale and shift transformation to put testc in next
         labelled location

      display left part of testc

      if (ix = ngrec) then
         distort concatenation point

      <inquire text extent> with specwt, font, chxp, chsp,
         chht, txp, txal=[txalh,txalv], left part of testc
      to determine concatenation point = ccpx,ccpy

      display right part of testc
      restore identity local transformation
   next ix

   TEST: #SR 2 6 7 8 10 11 12 17 18
         "<Inquire text extent> should accurately report the
          concatenation point when text path = " + namtxp + "."
     are the characters NOT aligned and evenly separated?

   pass/fail depending on (operator indicates entry #ngrec)

   clear screen

next text path