From: Jaffe, Lyle D Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2004 1:11 PM To: Dockets, FDA Subject: FW: question about Aspartame and grocery store items (yogurt question/seizures) -----Original Message----- From: Dr. Betty Martini [] Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2004 12:58 PM To: Taylor G. Moore Cc: DHATTAN-CFSAN.FDA.GOV;; RXH-CFSAN.FDA.GOV; Jaffe Lyle D Subject: Re: question about Aspartame and grocery store items (yogurt question/seizures) Dear Taylor, Thank you for your note. First of all, the only labeling required is that there be a PKU warning for phenylketonurics who can't metabolize phenylalanine. And sometimes there is not a warning. How can aspartame be used in restaurant food with a warning. When I was on a radio show in Ohio someone who works with food said they use lots of aspartame. I broke out in a rash when I had a waffle at the Waffle House. They have always used regular syrup contained in an unlabeled bottle, but when I asked it turned out to be laced with aspartame. We have told Wrigley for years to get aspartame out of gum, since it works like nitroglycerin under the tongue, goes through saliva straight to the brain. They have even been sued but instead of taking it out they put it in most all of their gums except for one I know of, and it has other unsafe sweeteners. One man almost went over a cliff because he didn't look on the label and didn't now they changed. Be sure to make sure no gum is used unless it comes from a health food store or you find one without the toxin in it. Dr. H. J. Roberts has a paper on this on - click on aspartame. Also, many times the components of aspartame or MSG, are hidden in artificial and natural flavorings, so you have to go back to scratch. You have to read labels. Aspartame is a seizure triggering drug and you will see the FDA report of 92 documented symptoms on There are 4 types of seizures mentioned and the RAO study on this web site was pivotal in the approval of aspartame. It was a 52 week oral toxicity study where 7 infant monkeys were fed aspartame. Five had grand mal seizures and one died. Aspartame also interacts with Dilantin anti-seizure medication and like drugs which is discussed in the medical text on the global plague of Aspartame Disease by H. J. Roberts, M.D., (or 1 800 827 7991) It is also discussed in neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock,M.D.,'s books , the seizures - As to yogurt, I asked the FDA the first time Mr. Pape of the National Yogurt Association petitioned the FDA to allow it without labeling. Even Newt Gingrich when he was Speaker of the House tried to get them to answer this and some other questions on They refused which is against the law. But then again I filed a Citizens Petition to ban aspartame based on the fact I have the FDA's records and they lie to the public. The law requires 180 days to answer. It's been 2 1/2 years and the only thing I have received from them is a letter saying they had more important things to do. So the FDA operates above the law. I read where the FDA was asked again to allow aspartame in yogurt unlabeled. I would suggest you send them a certified letter demanding them to answer. If they refuse again send it to your congressman with this letter. But I would only use organic yogurt. We are a global volunteer force. Everybody works free. However, we would love for you to be Mission Possible Joliet, Illinois. We have a Mission Possible Chicago and Mission Possible Illinois. Joliet! That's where Searle is, the original manufacturer of aspartame. If you want to know how aspartame got approved I would see the new movie on aspartame getting rave reviews - Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World, contact It's an incredible story. If you would like 24 page booklets to distribute on aspartame, especially at this time of the year when people are having parties and a lot of aspartame is used, you can contact the Idaho Observer who makes them available called the Artificially Sweetened Times - or email Don Harkins at I don't think they have but less than 5000 left. There is a class action on aspartame and seizures, brain tumors and eye deterioration and blindness. You can contact Keith Silverstein, Atty, at Be sure to copy me for our database. It should have her case history and contact information. But first you will need to establish where she is getting the aspartame. We do get a lot of complaints on the yogurt. Would you like to be added to the Mission Possible list to get updates, case histories and new news or the new Aspartame Information list? All my best, Betty At 12:24 PM 12/14/2004, Taylor G. Moore wrote: > Mr. Taylor Moore > 3430 Karen Drive > Joliet, IL 60431 > (815) 600-3804 > > >December 14, 2004 > >Betty Martini >Mission Possible International >9270 River Club Parkway >Duluth, GA 30097 > >Dear Ms. Martini, > >I have been doing a significant amount of reading on >Aspartame through the Internet and I have come across some >of your writings regarding this very dangerous substance. > >My quesiton is this: did the motion to allow food >manufacturers to use Aspartame WIThOUT LABELING AND THEREBY >INFORMING THE PUBLIC in food products sail through? My >teenage daughter, originally from West Africa, recently >started having seizures. Growing up in Cameroon, she never >experienced seizures and has only had seizures since living >in the U.S. While I would never purchase any item that >includes Aspartame as an ingredient, my daughter does >occasssionally consume yogurt. And it was mentioned in one >of your letters that there was a proposal to allow >manufacturers to insert this poison in items such as >yogurt, without any notification to the consumer. True or >Not True? > >On to another issue: I am very interested in working for a >non-profit, such as Mission Possible, or any other >non-profit whose focus is removing protected toxins from >our food and water. I have some prior experience already >working for non-profits. > >I look forward to hearing from you. > >Sincerely, > > >Taylor Moore > > > > > >__________________________________ >Do you Yahoo!? >Send holiday email and support a worthy cause. Do good. >