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Wabble Mounted Circular Saw ................  144 / 238
Wabbler Plate ..............................  74 / 60
    Gearing ................................  475 / 163+
Wadding or Filling for Containers ..........  493 / 967*
Wads .......................................  102 / 532
    Columns ................................  102 / 532
        With cartridge .....................  102 / 448+
Waffle Irons ...............................  99 / 372+
    Batter feeding combined ................  99 / 373
    Design .................................  D07 / 359
Waffle Type Ceiling ........................  52 / 337
Waging War .................................  89 / 1.11
Wagons .....................................  280
    Bodies .................................  296
    Design .................................  D12 / 17+
    Dumping ................................  298
    Ice ....................................  62 / 239+
        Heater .............................  126 / 268
    Ovens ..................................  126 / 276
        Bakers .............................  126 / 276
    Toy ....................................  D21 / 534+
Wainscoting ................................  52 / 311.2+
    Skirts .................................  2 / 220+
        Closures ...........................  2 / 219
    Special sewing machine .................  112 / 470.34
    Trousers ...............................  2 / 236+
    Union type skirted .....................  2 / 76
    Body garments ..........................  2 / 104+
Wakers See Alarms  
    Design .................................  D12 / 130
        Roundabout type ....................  472 / 1+
        Walker aid .........................  135 / 67
    Water ..................................  441 / 76+
        With seat ..........................  297 / 5+
            And runners or wheels ..........  280
Walkie Talkie Radio ........................  455 / 73+
    Separate transmitter and receiver ......  455 / 39+
    Aids ...................................  135 / 68+
        Seats ..............................  297 / 5+
    Cane or stick ..........................  135 / 65+
    Irons ..................................  602 / 10
    Mechanism for dolls ....................  446 / 377+
        Motor driven .......................  446 / 355
Walkways ...................................  404 / 17+
    Absorbent filtering gas ................  34 / 81
    Aperture thermometer support ...........  374 / 208
    Board cutting ..........................  83
    Bracket attached to wall anchor ........  248 / 231.91
    Building (see facer construction) .....  52
        Article support ....................  52 / 27
        Coated .............................  52 / 515+
        Heat exchanging ....................  165 / 47+
        Hollow block .......................  52 / 503+
        Hollow block static mold ...........  249 / 144+
        Hollow ventilating .................  454 / 185+
        Lateral block courses ..............  52 / 561+
        Plasterboard .......................  52 / 344+
        Static mold for making .............  249 / 33
        Surfacing abrading machine .........  451 / 354
        Ventilating register ...............  454 / 284+
    Cabinet ................................  312 / 245
        In wall or panel recess ............  312 / 242
    Chute ..................................  193 / 33+
    Cleaning machines ......................  15 / 49.1+
    Decoration or plaque ...................  D11 / 132+
    Electric furnace  
        Resistance .........................  373 / 109+
        Resistance in ......................  373
        Water cooled  
            Arc ............................  373 / 75
            Induction ......................  373 / 138
            Resistance .....................  373 / 113
    Exterior elevator ......................  187 / 239
    Freight car vacuum .....................  105 / 357
    Heating and cooling panel ..............  165 / 49
    Insulator through wall .................  174 / 151+
    Ironing board attached .................  108 / 152
    Laterally of support ...................  108 / 152
        Folding ............................  108 / 134+
    Ladder with platforms ..................  182 / 83+
    Mirror plural ..........................  359 / 850+
    Mounted conduits .......................  174 / 480+
    Outlets ................................  174 / 480+
        Wiring .............................  174 / 50+
    Panels, continuous molding of ..........  264 / 46.4+
    Plug electrical ........................  439 / 638+
    Protector for furniture ................  248 / 346.01
    Racks ..................................  211
        Bottle or jar spaced ...............  215 / 12.1+
        Electrical .........................  174 / 53+
        Insulated, wooden ..................  217 / 131
        Metallic ...........................  220 / 660+
        Metallic spaced ....................  220 / 62.11+
        Metallic transparent ...............  220 / 662+
        Outlet wall mounted ................  220 / 3.3+
        Paper ..............................  229 / 4.5
        Pitcher spaced .....................  222 / 131
        Purse ..............................  150 / 127+
        Trunk ..............................  190 / 23
        Wooden box .........................  217 / 17
            Insulated ......................  217 / 128+
    Retaining ..............................  405 / 284+
        Cribbing ...........................  405 / 273
        Sheet piling .......................  405 / 274+
        Wave or flow dissapating ...........  405 / 30+
    Retort .................................  202 / 223
    Safe and bank ..........................  109 / 78+
    Table attached laterally of support ....  108 / 152
        Folding ............................  108 / 134+
    Water for liquid heater ................  122 / 106
        Bridge .............................  122 / 192
Wallets ....................................  150 / 132+
Wallpaper ..................................  428 / 346+
    Cleaning device ........................  15 / 219
    Design .................................  D05
    Steamer ................................  126 / 271.1
    Novelties, jewelry motif ...............  D11 / 117
    Plants .................................  PLT / 154
Wankel Engine ..............................  418 / 61.2
    Distributing ...........................  276 / 26
        Setting combined ...................  276 / 6
Wardrobe ...................................  312
    Trunk type .............................  190 / 13 R+
    Electronic .............................  342 / 13
    Gases ..................................  424
    Teaching ...............................  434 / 11
    Bed mattress ...........................  5 / 421+
    Bedstead ...............................  5 / 284
    Body ...................................  126 / 204+
        Heat exchanger .....................  165 / 46
        Heated shoe ........................  36 / 2.6
    Bottle .................................  99 / 359
    Food ...................................  126
        Household appliances ...............  D07 / 362+
    Foot warming radiators .................  237 / 77
    Receptacles ............................  220 / 577
    Solar ..................................  D07 / 324
    Surgical devices .......................  607 / 1+
        Bandaging ..........................  602 / 2
        Instruments ........................  606 / 1+
        Kinesitherapy ......................  601 / 15+
        Medicators .........................  604 / 113+
        Orthopedic .........................  602 / 2
        Receptors ..........................  604 / 358+
Warnings (See Indicators; Signal)  
    Warning or flashing signs ..............  D10 / 114+
    Feeding ................................  139 / 97
    Frames .................................  139 / 34
    Irregular feed .........................  139 / 24+
        Circular independent needles .......  66 / 10
        Circular united needles ............  66 / 81
        Fabrics ............................  66 / 192
        Fabrics having unknit materials ....  66 / 195
        Straight united needles ............  66 / 203+
        Straight united needles unknit .....  66 / 84 R
        Material incorporating .............  66 / 84 R+
    Knotting machines ......................  28 / 209+
    Panel straightener .....................  52 / 291
    Pile weaving ...........................  139 / 37+
    Preparation ............................  28 / 172.1+
    Stop control ...........................  139 / 349+
    Winding ................................  242 / 479.3+
Warships ...................................  114 / 1+
Wash Basin .................................  D23 / 284+
    Sink,beauty parlor .....................  D28 / 20
Wash Tub See Receptacles ...................  68 / 232+
    Attachments ............................  68 / 237
        Wringer support ....................  68 / 238
    With scrub surfaces ....................  68 / 233+
Washboards .................................  68 / 223+
    Design .................................  D32 / 67
    Supports ...............................  248 / 27.5
    Attachments ............................  68 / 237
        Wringer support ....................  68 / 238
    With thermal flow means ................  68 / 191+
Washers Hardware ...........................  411 / 531+
    Bolt or nut to substructure lock .......  411 / 136+
        Apertured plate type ...............  411 / 155+
        Closed loop, thickness varies ......  411 / 160+
        Plural washers .....................  411 / 137
            One yieldable ..................  411 / 150
        Split ring type ....................  411 / 152+
        Washer in counterbore ..............  411 / 148
    Bolt to nut lock  
        Deformable washer ..................  411 / 313+
        Including thread lock ..............  411 / 260+
        Pawl carrying washer ...............  411 / 330+
    Design .................................  D08 / 399
    Design, fluid handling .................  D23 / 269
    Hollow rivet setting ...................  227 / 51+
    Making .................................  470 / 41+
        Punching ...........................  83
    Sealing type ...........................  411 / 371.1
    Shape ..................................  411 / 371.2
    Tag attaching ..........................  493 / 375+
    Thrust bearing .........................  384 / 420+
Washing Compositions .......................  510
        Automatic ..........................  510 / 220+
        Manual .............................  510 / 235+
    Laundry ................................  510 / 276+
        Delicate material ..................  510 / 292
Washing Devices (See Scrubbing)  
    Clay ...................................  209
    Clothes ................................  68
    Coal ore and sand ......................  209
    Combined washer-drier ..................  D32 / 5
    Dishwasher .............................  134
    Earth bore device combined .............  175 / 208
    Filter .................................  210 / 409+
    Fish ...................................  452 / 173
    Fluid treatment ........................  134
        Drying combined ....................  68 / 19+
        Textile ............................  68
        Textile processes ..................  8 / 137+
    Grain ..................................  134
    Head ...................................  4 / 515+
    Implement with water supply ............  401
    Machine systems ........................  60 / 908*
    Machinery ..............................  D32 / 1+
    Mineral oil ............................  196 / 46
    Photographic ...........................  396 / 564+
    Scrubbing combined .....................  15
    Smoke tobacco ..........................  131 / 173
    Starch .................................  127 / 25
    Textiles ...............................  68
        Overhead supply and spray ..........  239 / 209
        Stationary or track type ...........  166 / 157
    Well screen with washing point .........  166 / 157+
    Or shoe ................................  166 / 157+
Washstands .................................  312 / 228
    Cabinet with basin or tub ..............  312 / 228
    Design .................................  D23 / 284+
    Plumbing with ..........................  4 / 625+
    With drain .............................  312 / 229
Waste (See Reclaiming; Recovery)  
    Acid from ..............................  562 / 513
    Cutting waste product ..................  83 / 923*
    Disposal in soil .......................  405 / 129.1+
    Electrolytic treatment .................  205 / 687+
        Water or sewage ....................  205 / 742+
    Fertilizer from ........................  71 / 25+
    Hazardous or toxic waste ...............  588
    Destruction or containment .............  588
    Heat utilizing steam generators ........  122 / 7 R
    Lignins from sulfite liquor ............  530 / 500+
    Matter utilizing in ....................  554 / 177
    Manufacture of fats ....................  554 / 177+
    Nuclear material .......................  252 / 636+
    Nuclear material .......................  976 / DIG 375+
    Phenols from ...........................  568 / 749+
    Recovering from cards ..................  19 / 107
    Sorting municipal solid waste ..........  209 / 930*
    Sulfite liquor (see sulfite liquor)  
    Tall oil ...............................  530 / 205+
Watch ......................................  368 / 62+
    Picture frame combined .................  40 / 728
Watch ......................................  968*
        Of crystal .........................  29 / 807
        Process ............................  29 / 896.3+
        Staking ............................  29 / 231+
    Attachments ............................  63 / 21+
    Band or strap ..........................  224 / 164+
    Bezel with crystal .....................  368 / 294+
    Bracelet ...............................  63 / 3+
    Carrier ................................  224 / 180
        Convertible to different device ....  224 / 152
    Casing for watch movements .............  206 / 18
    Chains .................................  59 / 80+
        Watch and chain attachments ........  63 / 21+
    Cleaning ...............................  15
    Crystal ................................  D10 / 132
    Design .................................  D10 / 30+
    Electric ...............................  D10 / 30+
    Fob or chain ...........................  D11 / 79+
    Gauges .................................  33 / 659
    Holder for timepiece not carried .......  224 / 903*
    On wrist ...............................  224 / 903*
    Illuminated ............................  362 / 23
    Movement construction ..................  368 / 76
    Strap ..................................  D11 / 3+
    Strap in combination with watch ........  D10 / 32
    Structure ..............................  368 / 88+
    Support ................................  248 / 114+
    Timing testers .........................  73 / 1.42+
    Tools ..................................  81 / 6+
        Compound ...........................  7 / 101+
        Wrenches ...........................  81 / 122+
    Wheel gauges ...........................  33 / 203.1
Watchmens Signal System ....................  340 / 287+
    Time clock recorders ...................  346
    Additive or substitute .................  4 / DIG 10
    Aeration ...............................  261
        Flotation, processes ...............  210 / 703+
        Processes ..........................  210 / 749+
        Separation apparatus ...............  210 / 198.1+
        Waste water processes ..............  210 / 601+
        Cookstove ..........................  126 / 34+
        Cookstove liquid or gaseous ........  126 / 53
        Fuel ...............................  126 / 53+
        Fireplace ..........................  126 / 513+
        Thermal material ...................  383 / 901*
        Thermal material metallic ..........  220 / 577
        Thermal medicator ..................  604 / 113+
        Thermal surgical ...................  607 / 114
    Bath heating apparatus .................  126 / 344+
    Bed ....................................  5 / 665+
    Blowdown of boilers ....................  122 / 381+
    Boiler purifying .......................  210 / 311+
    Bottle .................................  425 / 813*
    Can ....................................  D23 / 212
    Carbonated making ......................  261
    Catalystic recombiners .................  422 / 177+
    Closets ................................  4 / 300+
        Closet design ......................  D23 / 295+
        Pipe joint .........................  285 / 56
    Conditioner or softener ................  D23 / 207
    Control, channel preservation ..........  405 / 52+
    Control, hydraulic engineering .........  405 / 52+
        By valve in closed conduit .........  137 / 219+
    Cooler, machine design .................  D07 / 304
        Aircraft landing gear ..............  244 / 105
        Aircraft water propulsion ..........  244 / 50
        Steering ...........................  244 / 50
        Amphibian ..........................  244 / 101
        Brake ..............................  244 / 112
        Buoys ..............................  441
        Marine propulsion ..................  440
        Ships ..............................  114
        Toy ................................  446 / 153+
    Depth measuring  
        By radiant energy ..................  342 / 123
        Gage ...............................  73 / 290 R+
        Sounding line ......................  33 / 713+
    Distillation ...........................  203 / 10+
    Distilling .............................  203 / 10+
    Distribution (see distributor)  
        Design .............................  D23 / 200
        Systems ............................  137 / 561 R+
    Electrolytic production ................  205 / 464
        Faucet attachment ..................  239 / 428.5
    Filter .................................  D23 / 209+
    Gage posts .............................  33 / 721+
    Gas manufacture ........................  48 / 204+
        Cupola .............................  48 / 78+
        Retort .............................  48 / 108+
    Heaters ................................  126 / 344
        Design, heater or boiler ...........  D23 / 318+
        Electric ...........................  392 / 311+
        Liquid heaters and vaporizers ......  122
    Heating systems for buildings ..........  237 / 56
        Compounds ..........................  423 / 580.1+
        Electrolytic synthesis .............  205 / 464
        Engaging aperture or notch of ......  237 / 63
    Hydraulic engineering see hydraulic ....  405
    Marks in paper making ..................  162 / 110
        Observing ..........................  356 / 23+
    Measuring depth of .....................  73 / 290 R+
    Meter ..................................  73 / 861+
    Nuclear coolant or moderator ...........  376 / 174
    Nuclear coolant or moderator ...........  376 / 221
    Nuclear coolant or moderator ...........  376 / 350
        Carrying of telephone signal .......  379 / 90.01
    Pistol .................................  222 / 79
    Public utility meter ...................  D10 / 99+
    Purification see purifiers .............  210
        Chemical compositions for ..........  252 / 186.1+
            Distilling for .................  203 / 10+
    Roundabout .............................  472 / 13
    Skimmer and walker .....................  441 / 65
    Softeners ..............................  252 / 175+
    Sprinklers .............................  239
        Embedded ...........................  239 / 201+
        Pipes ..............................  239 / 550+
    Sprinkling cans ........................  239 / 375+
    Substitute or additive .................  4 / DIG 10
    Towers .................................  169 / 25
    Tube boilers ...........................  122 / 235.11+
    Underground detectors  
        Acoustic type ......................  181
        Borehole and drilling study ........  73 / 152.01+
        Electric ...........................  324 / 323+
    Water culture ..........................  47 / 59 R+
        Current operated ...................  416
Water Glass  
        Cleaning or detergent ..............  510
        Molding or coating .................  106 / 600+
        Sorbent ............................  502 / 407
    Compounds ..............................  423 / 326
Water Heater  
    Induction ..............................  219 / 628
    Microwave ..............................  219 / 688
Waterbed ...................................  5 / 665+
Watering Devices for Animals ...............  119 / 72+
    Cage feeding and .......................  119 / 475+
        Battery ............................  119 / 456+
        Transporting .......................  119 / 454
    Feeding and ............................  119 / 51.5
        Design .............................  D30 / 121+
    Livestock carrying vehicle .............  119 / 408+
    Feeding or .............................  119 / 408+
    Pen or rack feeding and ................  119 / 515
    Stall feeding and ......................  119 / 521
    Building structure .....................  52
        Coating ............................  52 / 515+
        Drain for window ...................  52 / 209
        Drain or vent ......................  52 / 302.1+
        Exterior flashing ..................  52 / 58+
        Guttering ..........................  52 / 11+
        Liquid deflector ...................  52 / 97
        Resilient seal .....................  52 / 393+
    Collars ................................  2 / 135
    Electroplating nonconducting base ......  205 / 919*
    Fabrics ................................  442 / 86+
    Overcoats ..............................  2 / 87
    Processes of waterproofing .............  264 / DIG 80
    Rubber footwear ........................  36 / 4
        Overshoes ..........................  36 / 7.3
    Seatcover ..............................  297 / 184.1+
    Special receptacle or package ..........  206 / 811*
    Still camera ...........................  396 / 25+
    Dynamometer ............................  324 / 144+
    Induction disk .........................  324 / 137+
    Radiant energy .........................  250 / 472.1
        Photocell type .....................  324 / 96
        Radio type .........................  455 / 115.1+
    Acoustic systems & devices .............  367
    Analysis ...............................  324 / 76.12+
    Buoys ..................................  441 / 1+
    Calming oil distributors ...............  114 / 232+
        Buoys ..............................  441 / 34
    Energy & wave transmission see ........  455
    Acoustics; electricity; heat; ..........  455
    Prospecting; radiant energy; ...........  455
    Radio; sound; tide .....................  455
        Along wave guide ...................  333 / 239+
        Block signal systems hertzian ......  246 / 30
        Waves ..............................  246 / 30
        Compressional wave signaling .......  367
        Electric musical instrument ........  84 / 723
        Electric wave transmission .........  333
        Explosive mine firing ..............  102 / 427
        Fuses, primers, and igniting .......  102 / 211
        Devices ............................  102 / 211
        Guides electrical ..................  333
        Interference type electric .........  84 / 600
        Musical instrument .................  84 / 600
        Marine mine firing .................  102 / 416+
        Preserving disinfecting and ........  422 / 20
        Sterilizing processes ..............  422 / 20+
            Microwave ......................  422 / 21
        Radio ..............................  455
            Pulse or digital ...............  375 / 259+
        Shaping ............................  327 / 100+
        Sound and supersonic generators ....  116 / 137 A
        Surgical or medical applications  
        (See radiant energy)  
        Textile treatment ..................  8 / DIG 12
        Tuners .............................  334
        Use in nuclear plasma reactions ....  376 / 100
        Used in reaction to prepare ........  204 / 157.15+
        Inorganic or organic material ......  204 / 157.15+
        Used in reaction to prepare or .....  522 / 1+
        Treat synthetic resin or ...........  522 / 1+
        Natural rubber .....................  522 / 1+
    Explosive devices ......................  102 / 366
    Fluid breakwaters ......................  405 / 22
    Form analysis  
        Electrical .........................  324 / 76.12+
        Earth boring combined ..............  175 / 56
        Water ..............................  405 / 79
    Guide electric .........................  333 / 239+
        Antenna ............................  343 / 772+
        Conduit only .......................  138 / 118+
        In cathode ray tube ................  315 / 4+
        In electronic tube .................  315 / 39
        Making .............................  29 / 600
        Standing wave indicator ............  324 / 633+
        With frequency characteristic ......  333 / 239+
        With insulation ....................  138 / 137+
    Hazardous waste destruction ............  588
    Meters .................................  250 / 250
    Motors .................................  60 / 495+
    Resonator ..............................  333 / 219+
        In cathode ray tube ................  315 / 4+
        In electronic tube .................  315 / 32+
        Miscellaneous electronic device ....  327 / 100+
        System .............................  327 / 100+
    Transmission, wireless .................  455
        Pulse or digital ...................  375 / 259+
    Chemical analysis apparatus ............  422 / 82.11
        Railway rail joints ................  238 / 151+
        Railway rails ......................  238 / 122+
        Railway wheels .....................  295 / 21+
        Railway wheels integral hollow .....  295 / 28
        Textile fiber forming ..............  19 / 296+
    Feeding ................................  226
        Stepping-motor drive for web .......  400 / 902*
    Machine part  
        Calendars double reel and ..........  40 / 117
        Calendars single reel and ..........  40 / 116
        Changeable exhibitors ..............  40 / 446+
        Drier drum external ................  34 / 123
        Drier plural drums external ........  34 / 116+
        Drier rotary drum external .........  34 / 111
        Drier spacers ......................  34 / 94
        Printing ...........................  101
    Sheet feeding or delivery ..............  271
    Supplied machines  
        Automatic drier with control by ....  34 / 525
        Box making, folding ................  493 / 162+
        Drier for ..........................  34 / 611+
        Drier spacer web ...................  34 / 94
        Drying processes diverse types .....  34 / 419+
        Drying processes radiant etc .......  34 / 273+
        Drying processes with vacuum .......  34 / 409+
        Drying processes with vapor etc ....  34 / 444+
        Drying processes with web ..........  34 / 306
        Spacer .............................  34 / 306
        Envelope making ....................  493 / 186+
        Fabric coating and uniting .........  156
        Folding or associating .............  270
        Printing ...........................  101
        Severing ...........................  83
        Textile fluid treating .............  68 / 177+
        Typewriter paper feed ..............  400 / 611+
    Tacky web cutting ......................  83 / 922*
    Toxic waste destruction ................  588
    Winding ................................  242 / 430+
Waving Hair  
    Methods ................................  132 / 210
    Centrifugal honey extractor filter .....  210 / 361+
    Coating with ...........................  427
        Abrasive ...........................  51 / 305
        Biocidal ...........................  424
        Cleaning or detergent ..............  510 / 201+
        Coating or plastic .................  106
        Ester type .........................  554 / 1+
        Inks ...............................  106 / 31.29+
        Mold ...............................  106 / 38.8
        Mold coating .......................  106 / 38.25
        Polishes ...........................  106 / 10
        Synthetic resin or natural  
        Rubber ctg (see synthetic  
        Resin or natural rubber)  
    Dyeing .................................  8 / 521
    Electromagnetic wave treatment .........  204 / 157.15+
    Electrostatic field or electrical ......  204 / 167
    Discharge treatment ....................  204 / 167
    Ester type .............................  554 / 1+
    Fermentative treatment .................  435 / 271
    Matches ................................  44 / 507+
    Melting apparatus for honey ............  210 / 175+
    Separation .............................  210 / 175+
    Modeling dental ........................  433 / 213
    Paper ..................................  428 / 486
    Paraffin ...............................  208 / 20+
        Bobbin winding combined ............  242 / 470+
        Coating pads and forms .............  118 / 264+
        Leather sewing and .................  112 / 42
        Shoe making ........................  12 / 79.5
    Waxy hydrocarbon polymer production ....  585 / 946*
    Conveyor ...............................  193
    Marine .................................  405 / 1
        Freight cars for tubular ...........  105 / 365
        Suspended ..........................  104 / 123
        Tubular ............................  104 / 138.1+
Weaning Devices ............................  119 / 821+
Weapons (See Ammunition; Firearms;  
    Building surface .......................  52 / 177+
    Compensating brake beam ................  188 / 214+
    Compensating radial bearings ...........  384 / 247+
    Compensating wheel bearings ............  384 / 261+
    Compensators for clutches ..............  192 / 110 R
    Distributor for typewriter platen ......  400 / 554+
    Earth boring bit indicating ............  175 / 39
    Element removable from pipe ............  285 / 16
    Fitting ................................  285 / 16+
    Indicator for pipe .....................  138 / 36
    Pavement ...............................  404 / 17+
    Plates for railway truck ...............  105 / 225
    Plates hub thrust ......................  384 / 247+
    Resistant surface ......................  428 / 908.8*
    Seal for joint or juncture  
        Indicator, sampler or inspection ...  277 / 321
        Labyrinth having resistant .........  277 / 415
        Abradable or ablative member .......  277 / 415
    Strips vehicle body ....................  296 / 41
    Take up for wheel brake ................  188 / 79.51+
Wearing in .................................  29 / 89.5
Weather (See Humidity; Moisture)  
    Barometers .............................  73 / 384+
    Computer controlled, monitored  
        Artificial intelligence ............  706 / 931*
    Control of .............................  239 / 2.1
    Operated curtain shade screen ..........  160 / 5
    Proofing buildings  
    (See water proof)  
    Radar ..................................  342 / 26 R
    Rain actuated window closers ...........  49 / 21+
    Strips .................................  49 / 475.1+
        Land vehicle windshield ............  296 / 93
    Vanes ..................................  73 / 170.05+
        Design .............................  D10 / 59
    Weatherstrip, metal ....................  428 / 595
Weavers Implements and Irons ...............  139 / 380+
    Design .................................  D08
    Dies for forging .......................  72 / 462+
    Slat and wire fabric ...................  140 / 35
        Portable machines ..................  140 / 48
    Warp manipulation ......................  139 / 35
Web (See Sheet, Fabric)  
    Article part  
        Electroforming .....................  205 / 76+
        Electrolytic coating ...............  205 / 152+
        Electrophoretic or electro- ........  204 / 476
        Osmotic coating or forming of ......  204 / 476
        By using rubber or .................  204 / 476
        Vulcanizable gum ...................  204 / 476
        Formed web assembling ..............  19 / 161.1+
        Paper bag making ...................  493 / 186+
        Paper type forming apparatus .......  162 / 289+
        Paper type forming processes .......  162 / 202+
    Bolt to nut lock  
        Thread gripper with tapered ........  411 / 253
        Section ............................  411 / 253
        Thread lock with tapered ...........  411 / 265+
        Surface ............................  411 / 265+
    Coupling and securing  
        Bale tie ...........................  24 / 25
        Buckle .............................  24 / 194+
        Buckle design ......................  D11 / 200+
        Clasp ..............................  24 / 526
            Also pivots ....................  24 / 491
        Clasp design .......................  D11 / 87
        Closure fasteners ..................  292 / 342+
        Cord holder ........................  24 / 136 R+
        Harness clamp ......................  24 / 171
        Rail anchor ........................  238 / 324
        Rail clamp .........................  238 / 353+
        Rod joint sleeve ...................  403 / 274+
        Tool socket fastening ..............  403 / 367+
        Wire fence clamp ...................  256 / 56
    Design .................................  D08 / 47
    Printers quoins ........................  254 / 42
    Pushing and pulling ....................  254 / 104
    Rock splitting in situ .................  299 / 20+
    Wood splitting .........................  144 / 192+
Weed Killers ...............................  504 / 116.1+
Weeders ....................................  30
    Electric ...............................  47 / 1.3
    Flame or burner type ...................  126 / 271.1+
        Plant cultivators ..................  47 / 1.44
    Fluid introduction into soil ...........  111 / 118+
    Grappling fork or shovel ...............  294 / 50.6+
    Harrows ................................  172 / 705+
    Process of introducing .................  47 / 58.1 R
    Fluid into soil ........................  47 / 58.1 R
    Root puller ............................  254 / 132
    Subsurface blade .......................  172 / 720
    Turners ................................  172 / 514+
        Restrainers for ....................  139 / 170.3+
    Measuring and storing ..................  139 / 452+
    Pile fabrics ...........................  139 / 392+
    Selecting ..............................  139 / 453+
    Stop motions ...........................  139 / 370.1+
    Thread cutting devices .................  139 / 302+
    Thread replenishing ....................  139 / 224 R+
    Thread tensioning devices ..............  139 / 194
    Winding ................................  242 / 479.5+
Weighers (See Scales)  
    Automatic supply control ...............  177 / 60+
    Cigar and cigarette making .............  131 / 280
    Coin or check controlled ...............  194
    Conveyer pneumatic combined ............  406 / 10+
    Conveyer power driven combined .........  198 / 502.1+
    Design .................................  D10 / 87+
    Dispensing .............................  222 / 77
    Gas separation combined ................  96 / 417+
    Illuminated ............................  177 / 177+
    Liquid level gauge .....................  73 / 296
    Material and handling ..................  414 / 21
    Packaging machine combined .............  141 / 129+
    Receptacle filling combined ............  177 / 59
    Recording ..............................  177 / 2+
        Printing or perforating ............  346 / 9+
    Scales .................................  177
        With diverse exhibitors ............  40 / 458
    Sifting ................................  209 / 239
    Sorting ................................  209 / 645
        Condition responsive controls ......  209 / 592+
    Specific gravity .......................  73 / 433+
    Traversing hoist .......................  212 / 283
Weighing Machines ..........................  D10 / 87+
    To identify items, products ............  705 / 23
    To measure cost or price ...............  705 / 414
        With display of item's name ........  705 / 416
        With label printing ................  705 / 414
        With specific input or output ......  705 / 416
            Cathode ray tube display .......  705 / 416
            Dot-matrix printer .............  705 / 416
Weight (See Notes to Def of) ..............  16 / DIG 8
    Aircraft stabilizing ...................  244 / 93+
    Animal restraining .....................  119 / 769
    Bed counterbalance .....................  5 / 166.1+
    Bottle valve ...........................  215 / 22+
    Brake ..................................  188 / 174+
    Cigar making ...........................  131 / 347
    Closure fastener .......................  292 / 344
    Clutch operator ........................  192 / 89.1+
    Coin tester ............................  194 / 339+
    Computer controlled, monitored .........  705 / 414+
        Of metered postage .................  705 / 407
    Controlled operated and regulated  
        Outlet valve .......................  4 / 386+
        Outlet valve latched open ..........  4 / 386+
        Water closet tank ..................  4 / 300+
        Chute ..............................  193 / 19
        Pitman .............................  74 / 590+
        Rotor combined .....................  74 / 574.2
        Support ............................  248 / 364
        Support suspended ..................  248 / 325
        Wheel ..............................  301 / 5.21+
    Dispenser control  
        By discharging receiver ............  222 / 56
        By second material .................  222 / 57
        By supply container ................  222 / 58
    Door closure ...........................  16 / 81
    Drape ..................................  160 / 349.1
    Dress ..................................  2 / 273
    Drilling machine .......................  408 / 235
    Electric trolley retriever .............  191 / 94
    Elevator ...............................  187 / 404+
    Exercising .............................  482 / 93+
    Flatiron accessory .....................  38 / 98
    Hitching ...............................  280 / 187
    Hoop driver ............................  147 / 12
    Horseshoe ..............................  168 / 25
    Invalid bed ............................  5 / 600
    Land roller ............................  404 / 130
    Lubricator .............................  184 / 46
    Marine propulsion ......................  440 / 10
    Measuring ..............................  177
        Design .............................  D10 / 83+
    Motor ..................................  185 / 27+
        Composite ..........................  185 / 4+
    Motor vehicle load,responsive to .......  180 / 290
    Paper ..................................  16 / 403
        Design .............................  D19 / 96+
    Phonograph tone arm ....................  369 / 254
    Counterbalancing .......................  369 / 254
    Pickup scale ...........................  177 / 237
    Plumb bob ..............................  33 / 392+
    Pump ...................................  417 / 328+
    Pump tide motor ........................  417 / 330+
    Reducer aircraft .......................  244 / 5
    Sash ...................................  16 / 216+
        Weight and wheel ...................  16 / 219
    Sash cord and weight fastener ..........  16 / 209
    Ship ballast ...........................  114 / 124
    Sound box ..............................  369 / 168
    Surgical vibrator ......................  601 / 46+
    Switch .................................  200 / 85 R+
        Latch trip .........................  200 / 41
    Toy eccentric ..........................  446 / 207
    Traction cable gripper .................  104 / 208
        Rotary gyratory ....................  74 / 87
        Rotary reciprocating movement ......  74 / 61
        Sifter .............................  209 / 167
        Sifter gyratory ....................  209 / 366.5
        Surgical vibrator ..................  601 / 67+
        Pivoted ............................  137 / 527.8
        Reciprocating ......................  137 / 532+
    Weighers (see scales) .................  177
    Weighted base ..........................  248 / 910*
    Wheel balancing ........................  301 / 5.21+
    Woodworking presser roll ...............  144 / 248
Weighting Textiles .........................  8 / 443
Weir .......................................  405 / 87+
    Chemical feeder control ................  137 / 101.27
    Fish traps .............................  43 / 101
    Flow meter .............................  73 / 215+
    Overflow discharge .....................  239 / 193+
Weisand Clamp ..............................  452 / 106
Welders Helmet .............................  2 / 8.2
    Combined with welding ..................  219 / 147
    Design .................................  D29 / 110+
    Shields ................................  2 / 8.2
    With air supply ........................  128 / 201.22+
    Adhesively seaming  
        Apparatus ..........................  156
        Processes ..........................  156
    Autogenous .............................  228 / 196+
    Backup rings ...........................  228 / 50
        Pipe integratable ..................  285 / 21.1+
    Chain link welding .....................  59 / 31+
    Cold processes of ......................  228 / 115+
    Compositions ...........................  148 / 23+
    Critical metal or filler ...............  228 / 262.1+
    Diffusion ..............................  228 / 193+
    Electric welding .......................  219 / 50+
        Arc ................................  219 / 121.11
        Inductive ..........................  219 / 603+
        Methods ............................  219 / 148
        Tongs or clamps ....................  219 / 158+
        Wire joining by ....................  140 / 112
    Electrode with metal particle ..........  428 / 553
    Electrolytic ...........................  205
    Flux applying ..........................  228 / 214+
    Friction apparatus for .................  228 / 2.1+
    Friction treatment .....................  156 / 73.5+
    Gas welding  
        Apparatus ..........................  228
        Methods ............................  228 / 101+
        Torches ............................  239 / 398+
    Metal heat treating and welding ........  148 / 516+
    Metal working and welding ..............  228 / 141.1+
        Digest .............................  29 / DIG 48
        Sheet metal containers .............  413
    Non-metals with separate metallic ......  228 / 121
    Filler .................................  228 / 121
    Pressure welding  
        Apparatus ..........................  228
        Processes of cold welding ..........  228 / 115+
        Processes of making tubes by .......  228 / 144+
        Drawing through dies ...............  228 / 144+
        Tubes by drawing through die .......  228 / 16
    Railway track welders ..................  104 / 15
    Robot ..................................  901 / 42*
    Rod ....................................  219 / 145.1+
        Alloy composition ..................  420
        Fluxing composition ................  148 / 23+
        Metal particle containing ..........  428 / 553+
        Solder .............................  228 / 56.3
    Scale removing .........................  29 / 81.01+
    Sintering ..............................  419
    Sonic or ultrasonic,non- ...............  156 / 580.1
    Metallic ...............................  156 / 580.1
        Apparatus ..........................  156 / 580.1+
        Process ............................  156 / 73.1+
    Spot welding ...........................  219 / 86.1+
    Tongs or clamps ........................  269
    Ultrasonic apparatus ...................  228 / 1.1
        Non-metallic .......................  156 / 73.1
        Non-metallic processes .............  156 / 73.1+
    Ultrasonic process .....................  228 / 110.1+
    Weld strength testing  
        Bending ............................  73 / 850
        Shear ..............................  73 / 842
        Tensile ............................  73 / 827
    Welded metal stock .....................  428 / 544+
Wells ......................................  166
    Battery receptacle .....................  429 / 47
    Blowout preventer valve ................  251 / 1.1+
    Borehole study .........................  73 / 152.01+
        Electrical .........................  324 / 323+
    Borehole telemetering in ...............  340 / 853.1+
    Centering guide ........................  175 / 325.1+
    Cleaning ...............................  166 / 170+
        Processes ..........................  166 / 311+
    Concentric conduit joint ...............  285 / 123.1+
    Coupling valve .........................  137 / 515+
    Drilling platform ......................  405 / 195.1+
        Floatable ..........................  405 / 203+
    Earth boring compositions ..............  507 / 100+
    Earth boring for .......................  175
    Fire extingushing ......................  169 / 69+
    Gas lift valve for .....................  137 / 155
    Gas separating .........................  96
    Grapples ...............................  294 / 86.1+
    Grappling methods ......................  166 / 301
    Heater electric ........................  392 / 301+
    Hoist bucket bailer ....................  294 / 68.22+
    Logging ................................  367 / 25
        Computer controlled, monitored .....  702 / 6+
        Particular apparatus ...............  367 / 911*
        Particular transducer ..............  367 / 912*
        Aerated column .....................  417 / 108+
        Expansible chamber rotary ..........  418
        Jet ................................  417 / 151+
        Motor combined .....................  417 / 321+
        Pneumatic displacement .............  417 / 118+
        Reciprocating piston ...............  417 / 437+
        Reciprocating valved piston ........  417 / 545+
        Rotary centrifugal .................  415 / 206
        Rotary screw .......................  415 / 71+
        Well structure combined ............  166 / 105+
    Screen making ..........................  29 / 896.6+
    Seal for well apparatus ................  277 / 322+
    Selecting control in ...................  340 / 853.3+
    Solid material recovered ...............  299
    Torpedoes ..............................  102 / 301+
    Treating compositions ..................  507 / 200+
    Tubing cutter ..........................  166 / 55
    Tunnel fluid recovery ..................  299 / 2
    Valves and closures ....................  166 / 316+
    Wiper ..................................  15 / 210.1+
    Device for knitting machines ...........  66 / 41
    Glove ..................................  2 / 165
    Shoe ...................................  36 / 78
        Handling and sewing ................  112 / 46
        Machines ...........................  12 / 67 R+
        Sewing guides ......................  112 / 52
        Slitting beveling and sewing .......  112 / 44
        Sole attaching .....................  36 / 17 R
        Support for in leveling ............  12 / 33
    Vehicle body joint .....................  280 / 153.5
Werner Complex Formation to Recover ........  585 / 850
    Hydrocarbon ............................  585 / 850
Wet Suit ...................................  2 / 2.14+
Wetting (See Moistening)  
    Compositions ...........................  516 / 198+
    Textile spinning with ..................  57 / 295
Whale Bone .................................  2 / 255+
Whale Oil ..................................  554 / 1+
Wharves ....................................  405 / 284+
Wheel (See Pulley; Wheeled)  
        Landing gear .......................  244 / 103 R+
        Paddle wheel propelled .............  244 / 70
        Paddle wheel sustained .............  244 / 19+
        Plane & paddle wheel sustained .....  244 / 9
            Heavier than air ...............  244 / 9
            Lighter than air ...............  244 / 27
        Prerotation ........................  244 / 103 S
    Aligning tools .........................  29 / 273
    Ambulant spraying device ...............  239 / 155+
        Testing ............................  73 / 66
        Weight removing tools ..............  254
        Weights ............................  301 / 5.21+
    Base,special, motor vehicle ............  180 / 21+
    Brake ..................................  188 / 218 R
    Caster .................................  16 / 45+
        Hand ...............................  192 / 95
        Velocipede free ....................  192 / 64
    Covers .................................  301 / 37.101+
    Drive railway ..........................  105 / 96+
        Street sweeping machine ............  15 / 86
    Excavating plows  
        Conveyor ...........................  37 / 368+
    Extinguishers, movably mounted .........  169 / 52+
    Fish ...................................  43 / 13
    Fluid current motor  
        Paddle .............................  416 / 178
    Flywheels ..............................  74 / 572.2+
        Bevel ..............................  74 / 386
        Laterally spaced wheels ............  74 / 432
        Radially spaced wheels .............  74 / 433
    Hand control ...........................  74 / 552+
        Grain wheels and casters ...........  56 / 322
        Toothed wheel ......................  116 / 144+
    Impact receiving tools  
        Thread protectors ..................  29 / 277
    Inclinometer ...........................  33 / 335+
    Insulated hand .........................  16 / 432
    Joints in general ......................  403
    Lathes .................................  82 / 104+
    Lock (see lock wheel)  
    Lock ...................................  70 / 225
        Brake ..............................  188 / 69
        Caster .............................  16 / 35 R+
    Lock for spare .........................  70 / 259+
    Making .................................  29 / 894+
        Railway ............................  29 / 894.01+
        Wheelwright machines ...............  157
    Marine propulsion  
        Hydraulic jet ......................  440 / 38
        Manual paddle ......................  440 / 21
        Paddle .............................  440 / 90+
        Towing ground wheels ...............  440 / 36
    Metal forging  
        Dies ...............................  72 / 343+
    Metal founding  
        Composite castings & joints ........  249 / 56
        Metal molds ........................  249 / 56
    Panel hanger ...........................  16 / 107
        Mounts .............................  16 / 97+
        Guide ..............................  172 / 286+
    Potato diggers  
        Sifter .............................  171 / 71+
        Sifter .............................  171 / 111+
    Potters ................................  425 / 263+
    Potters ................................  425 / 459+
    Power take off .........................  74 / 13+
    Pullers ................................  29 / 244+
        Friction drive .....................  474 / 166+
        Positive drive .....................  474 / 152+
        Water motor ........................  417 / 334+
    Rack ...................................  211 / 23+
        Velocipede type ....................  211 / 20+
    Railway ................................  366
    Railway cable gripper  
        Sprocket ...........................  104 / 236
        Whelp ..............................  104 / 235
    Resilient ..............................  152
        Pneumatic ..........................  152 / 53+
        Pneumatic and coil .................  152 / 35
        Pneumatic and leaf .................  152 / 34
        Pneumatic and rubber ...............  152 / 30
    Rolling ................................  72 / 67+
    Rotary crane  
        Bull wheel .........................  212 / 246
    Rotary fender  
        Horizontal .........................  293 / 19
    Sash cord guides  
        Casing combined ....................  16 / 215
        Multiple wheel .....................  16 / 213
    Sash weight attached ...................  16 / 219
    Ship steering  
        Paddle wheel .......................  114 / 147
        Wheel and drum .....................  114 / 160
    Skates .................................  301 / 5.301+
        Acceleration induced, detecting ....  180 / 197
        In motor vehicle ...................  180 / 197
        During braking, regulating .........  188 / 2 A
    Spring .................................  152 / 1+
    Substitutes ............................  305
        Brakes .............................  305 / 9
    Traction see traction  
    Training for cycle .....................  D12 / 122+
        Guard or finder ....................  191 / 76
        Head ...............................  191 / 63+
        Index ..............................  400 / 165.1+
        Key ................................  400 / 174+
        Bearings ...........................  384 / 416
        Land vehicle .......................  301 / 5.1+
        Land vehicle design ................  D12 / 204+
        Locks ..............................  70 / 259+
        Marine towing ......................  440 / 36
        Pivoted carrier ....................  280 / 38+
        Railway ............................  295
        Railway trucks .....................  105 / 157.1+
        Resilient ..........................  152
        Runner attachment ..................  280 / 13
        Runner combined ....................  280 / 8+
        Vertically adjustable ..............  280 / 43+
        Wheelbarrow ........................  280 / 47.31
    Water motor  
    Wheeled bag ............................  248 / 98
    Wheeled reels ..........................  242 / 403+
    Wheelwright machines ...................  157
        Wheel holding stands ...............  157 / 14
    Wind motor  
        Hub boring .........................  144 / 97+
        Special work machines ..............  144 / 15+
        Spoke turning ......................  144 / 206
    Workholding stand for ..................  157 / 14
Wheelbarrow ................................  280 / 47.31
    Design .................................  D34 / 16
Wheelchair .................................  280 / 250.1+
    Attachments ............................  280 / 304.1
    Design .................................  D12 / 131
    Folding ................................  280 / 647+
    Motorized ..............................  180 / 907*
    Seating aspect .........................  297 / DIG 4
Wheeled (See Wheel)  
    Aircraft landing gear ..................  244 / 103 R+
    Ambulance stretchers ...................  296 / 20
    Cable drum carriers ....................  254 / 279
    Coasters steered .......................  280 / 87.01+
    Earth working tools ....................  172
    Fire engines ...........................  169 / 24+
    Harrows ................................  172
    Harvester ..............................  56 / 322+
    Horse rakes ............................  56 / 396+
        Rear delivery ......................  56 / 384+
        Rear delivery revolving ............  56 / 380+
    Ladders ................................  182 / 12+
    Plows ..................................  172 / 669+
        Frames .............................  172 / 669+
        Land markers .......................  172 / 126+
    Pneumatic dispatch  
        Carriers ...........................  406 / 185
    Receptacles or trucks ..................  280
    Roofing scaffolds ......................  182 / 36+
    Skates .................................  280 / 11.19+
        Bag holder .........................  248 / 98
        Movable receptacle .................  248 / 129
    Store service  
        Carriers ...........................  186 / 27+
        Aircraft ...........................  446 / 230+
        Figure .............................  446 / 269+
        Knockdown ..........................  446 / 93+
        Miscellaneous ......................  446 / 431+
        Rotating ...........................  446 / 237
        Sounding ...........................  446 / 409+
        Vehicles ...........................  280
    Vehicle ................................  280
        Convertible to chair or seat .......  280 / 30+
        Convertible to cradle or crib ......  280 / 31
        Extensible .........................  280 / 638+
            Bier or casket type ............  280 / 640
            Folding ........................  280 / 639+
            Folding carriage or stroller ...  280 / 642
            Folding wheel chair ............  280 / 647
        Fenders ............................  293 / 43
        Hand ...............................  280 / 47.17+
        Motor ..............................  180
        Pivoted wheel carrier ..............  280 / 38+
        Railway rolling stock ..............  105
        Shipment on freight carrier ........  410 / 3+
        Shipping receptacle for ............  206 / 335
    Walkers ................................  280 / 87.2
        Convertible to steered vehicles ....  280 / 7.1+
        Steered ............................  280 / 87.01+
    Winding and reeling  
        Reel carriers ......................  242 / 403+
        Unwinding machine ..................  242 / 557
Wheelwright Machines (See Tire) ...........  157
    Compositions ...........................  51 / 293+
    Structures .............................  451 / 552+
Whey .......................................  426 / 583
Whiffletree ................................  278 / 90+
    Harness connectors .....................  54 / 53
Whip .......................................  231 / 2.1+
    Animal prod ............................  D30 / 156+
    Cotton harvesters ......................  56 / 29
    Design .................................  D30 / 156
    Kitchen beater .........................  D07 / 380
    Machines ...............................  231 / 1
    Rack ...................................  211 / 67
        Design .............................  D30 / 143
    Sifter clearers ........................  209 / 383
    Sockets ................................  280 / 170+
    Treadmill etc combined .................  185 / 15+
Whipping Devices  
    Agitating or mixing ....................  366
    Animal powered motor combined ..........  185 / 24
        Sweep ..............................  185 / 20
    Goad ...................................  231 / 2.1+
        Design .............................  D30 / 156+
        Electric ...........................  231 / 7
    Practical joke devices .................  472 / 51+
    Ceremony ...............................  472 / 51+
    Sewing machine .........................  112 / 470.23+
    Vehicle combined .......................  280 / 178
Whipstock ..................................  166 / 117.5+
    Earth boring combined ..................  175 / 79+
Whirlers and Whirling  
    Gas separation by deflection ...........  55 / 447+
    Nozzles ................................  239 / 463+
    Pneumatic conveyors ....................  406 / 92
        Rotating ...........................  102 / 350
        Whirlers with ......................  102 / 359
    Toys ...................................  446 / 236+
Whirligigs (See Whirlers)  
    Noise making toys ......................  446 / 215
    Spinning toys ..........................  446 / 236+
        Flying propellers ..................  446 / 36+
Whisk Brooms See Brooms ....................  D04 / 130+
Whisker Growth  
    Apparatus ..............................  117 / 205+
    Processes, liquid ......................  117 / 75
    Processes, vapor .......................  117 / 87
Whiskey ....................................  426
    Buoy ...................................  116 / 108
    Electric ...............................  340 / 404.1+
    Liquid level ...........................  137 / 213+
    Musical instrument .....................  84 / 330+
    Periodic ...............................  116 / 24
    Security or signal instrument ..........  D10 / 119
    Signal .................................  116 / 137 R+
    Steam ..................................  116 / 137 R+
    Structure ..............................  116 / 137 R+
    Toy ....................................  446 / 204+
        Design .............................  D10 / 119+
White Lead .................................  423 / 594.9+
Whiting ....................................  423 / 592.1+
    Atmosphere .............................  239 / 34+
    Boiler .................................  122 / 366
    Burners ................................  431 / 298+
        Blast lamps having .................  431 / 252
        Blast lamps having .................  431 / 300
        Cookstoves having ..................  126 / 45+
        Heating stoves having ..............  431 / 102+
        Mantle or incandescent element .....  431 / 102
        Combined ...........................  431 / 102
        Perforated combustion tube .........  431 / 195
        Type ...............................  431 / 195+
        Porous block type ..................  431 / 326
    Coated .................................  431 / 325
    Combined dispenser .....................  222 / 187
    Combined with fuel .....................  44 / 519
    Compositions ...........................  502 / 400
    Heat exchange, capillary heat pipe .....  165 / 104.26
    Liquid purification or .................  210 / 294
    Separation, capillary ..................  210 / 294
    Stops ..................................  431 / 301
    Structure ..............................  431 / 325
    Trimmer or handler .....................  431 / 120
Wickets Doors ..............................  49 / 169+
Wideband Cable .............................  333 / 239+
Wiener Roaster .............................  99 / 324+
    Electric ...............................  99 / 358
    Elongated type .........................  99 / 441
Wigner Effect ..............................  376 / 350
Wigner Effect ..............................  376 / 351
Wigner Effect ..............................  376 / 358
Wigner Effect ..............................  376 / 458
Wigs .......................................  132 / 53+
    Accessory ..............................  D28 / 93
    Design .................................  D28 / 92+
    Rooting hair by tufting ................  112 / 80.02
    Toy ....................................  446 / 394
    Automated information management .......  705 / 4
    Textile fiber ..........................  19 / 85+
    Carpet .................................  139 / 391+
        Making apparatus ...................  139 / 37+
Winches (See Windlass)  
    Guards and shields  
        Couch hammock combined .............  5 / 125
        Harvester combined .................  56 / 190
        Land vehicle combined ..............  296 / 77.1+
        Match receptacles combined .........  206 / 102+
        Smoking devices combined ...........  131 / 174+
    Instruments, musical ...................  84 / 330
        Design .............................  D17 / 10+
    Motors (see current fluid; motor; ......  416
    Windmills) .............................  416
        Control for windmill driven ........  290 / 44
        Generator ..........................  290 / 44
        Generator drive system .............  290 / 55
        Marine propulsion device ...........  440 / 8
        Ventilator drive device ............  454
    Musical instruments ....................  84 / 330+
        Automatic ..........................  84 / 83+
        Automatic piano ....................  84 / 24+
    Pressure meters ........................  73 / 861+
    Propelled revolving sign ...............  40 / 479
        Illuminated ........................  40 / 480
    Screens for vehicles ...................  296 / 84.1+
    Socks and vanes ........................  73 / 170.05+
    Tunnels ................................  73 / 147
Winding & Coiling (See Coil; Spring) ......  242
    Abrading work handling .................  451 / 183
    Bobbin .................................  242 / 470+
    Bobbin winding on sewing machine .......  112 / 279
    Capstans for loads .....................  254 / 266+
    Clockwork electrically .................  968 / 426+
    Clockwork mechanically .................  968 / 23+
    Drop hammer winding lift ...............  72 / 437+
    Drying winding elongated fabrics .......  34 / 625+
    Elevator cable .........................  187 / 261+
    Fence wire .............................  256 / 40+
    Helical ................................  242 / 470+
        Glass fibers .......................  242 / 920*
        Of web .............................  242 / 471
    Invalid transfer hoist .................  5 / 88.1
    Magnetic tape ..........................  242 / 324+
    Metal bending ..........................  72 / 135+
    Metal rolling and coiling ..............  72 / 127+
    Midline tighteners .....................  242 / 388.1
    Motion picture film ....................  352 / 124+
    Overwinding prevention  
        Clock & watch key ..................  81 / 467
        Clocks & watches ...................  368 / 209
        Clock & watches ....................  968 / 443
        Composite motor ....................  185 / 13
        Spring motor .......................  185 / 43
        Weight motor .......................  185 / 35
    Photographic film ......................  242 / 324+
    Railway brake operator .................  188 / 145+
    Reciprocating window operator ..........  49 / 445+
    Reeling and ............................  60 / 905*
    Sash balance spring drum ...............  16 / 198
    Spring or weight motor rewinding  
        Alarm clocks .......................  368 / 258
        Clocks .............................  368 / 147+
        Electric clocks ....................  368 / 207+
        Mainspring tool ....................  81 / 7.5
        Spring motor .......................  185 / 39+
        Stem winding watches ...............  368 / 216
        Watches ............................  368 / 147+
        Weight motor .......................  185 / 32+
    Tool driving or impacting device .......  173 / 81+
    Operation ..............................  173 / 81+
    Traversing hoists ......................  212 / 345
    Unwinding in same direction ............  242 / 364+
    Vehicle body lifter ....................  254 / 48
    Vertically adjustable lights ...........  362 / 402
    Wire drawing ...........................  72 / 289
    Wound article making ...................  242 / 430+
        Ball winding with bonding ..........  156
        Ball winding without bonding .......  242 / 435+
        Broom making .......................  300 / 14
        Coiling by rolling .................  72 / 127+
        Crimp seam tube ....................  72 / 48+
        Hair curlers .......................  132 / 226+
        Inductance making ..................  29 / 605
        Inductance winding .................  242 / 430+
        Laminated ..........................  156
        Magnet electric making .............  29 / 605
        Match making .......................  144 / 59
        Method of winding ..................  242 / 430+
        Nut making .........................  470 / 18+
        Paper manufacture apparatus ........  162 / 283+
        Paper manufacture processes ........  162 / 118+
        Paper tube .........................  493 / 269+
        Riveted tube .......................  227 / 52
        Slitting web with ..................  242 / 525
        Textile ............................  19 / 149
        Textile delivery twist .............  57 / 62
        Textile receiving twist ............  57 / 66+
        Textile silvers ....................  19 / 159 R
        Textile warp preparing .............  28 / 172.1+
        Textile webs .......................  28 / 103+
        Tobacco products ...................  131 / 59
        Transformer making .................  29 / 605
        Washer making ......................  470 / 41+
        Welded tube method .................  228 / 145
        Well screens .......................  29 / 7
        Wire ...............................  72 / 135+
        Wireworking combined ...............  140
        Wood bending .......................  144 / 268
Windlace ...................................  49 / 500.1+
Windlass (See Winding) ....................  242 / 370+
    Elevator ...............................  187 / 254+
    Ladder extension .......................  182 / 208
    Ladder wheeled .........................  182 / 63.1+
    Pulling cables .........................  254 / 266+
    Ship steering ..........................  114 / 160
    Wood bending ...........................  144 / 263
Windmills (See Wind, Motors) ..............  416
    Control for windmill driven ............  290 / 44
    Generator ..............................  290 / 44
    Design .................................  D25 / 1+
    Lubrication ............................  184 / 4
    Pump ...................................  417 / 334+
    Toy ....................................  446 / 217+
        Design .............................  D21 / 510
    Turntable ..............................  74 / 381
Windows (See Closure; Windshield)  
    Bay window .............................  52 / 201
    Bead fastener hardware .................  16 / 220
    Blinds .................................  160
        Design .............................  D06 / 577
        Length cutter ......................  83
    Bracket support attaching to ...........  248 / 208+
    Cabinets ...............................  312
    Casement window operator ...............  D08 / 400
    Cathode ray tube .......................  313 / 420
    Channel for sliding window .............  D25 / 119+
    Cleaners belts .........................  52 / 37
        Sheet holder wiper .................  15 / 232
        Wiping device ......................  15 / 220.1+
    Closure operator for ...................  49 / 324+
    Condensation preventing ................  52 / 171.3+
        Bay ................................  52 / 201
        Building ventilation ...............  454 / 198
        Frame in situ construction .........  52 / 204.1+
        Picture or show ....................  52 / 777+
        Picture or show see curtain wall ...  52 / 764+
        Storm ..............................  52 / 202
        Well ...............................  52 / 107
    Container having, rigid ................  493 / 905*
    Curtain or shade .......................  D06 / 575+
    Curtain supports .......................  248 / 251+
        Electric heater with fan ...........  219 / 203
        Heating system .....................  237
        Vehicle type .......................  454 / 121+
    Design .................................  D25 / 52
    Double glazed ..........................  52 / 786.1+
    Double glazed ..........................  52 / 479
    Double hung ............................  49 / 404+
    Electric switch ........................  200 / 61.62+
    Envelope having ........................  493 / 919*
    Flower box .............................  D11 / 156
    Guards .................................  49 / 50+
    Land vehicle ...........................  296 / 146.1+
        Curtains having ....................  296 / 145
        Design .............................  D12 / 183
        Windshields ........................  296 / 77.1+
    Letter box .............................  232 / 22
    Locks ..................................  70 / 89+
    Milk receptacles .......................  232 / 42
    Mirrors and reflectors .................  359 / 838+
    Pet kennel attachment ..................  119 / 484
    Plant receptacles ......................  47 / 68+
    Racks ..................................  211
    Scaffolds ..............................  182 / 53+
    Screen or guard,design .................  D25 / 53
    Screens ................................  160
    Shelf supported on .....................  248 / 236
        Lighting ...........................  362 / 125
    Stile pocket cutting machine ...........  144 / 19
    Storm and screen .......................  49 / 61+
    Stove ..................................  126 / 190+
    Trim ...................................  52 / 211+
    Troughs ................................  49 / 408
    Ventilation ............................  454 / 196+
Windrowing .................................  56 / 192
    Automobile .............................  296 / 84.1+
        Design .............................  D12 / 182
    Cleaner ................................  15
    Coating compositions ...................  106 / 13
    Defrosting (see condensation, ..........  52 / 171.2+
    Preventer) .............................  52 / 171.2
        Vacuum motor .......................  91 / 218+
Wines ......................................  426 / 592
    Cooler design ..........................  D07 / 304
    Presses for making .....................  100 / 104+
    Aircraft ...............................  244 / 35 R+
        Autorotating wing ..................  416 / 131+
        Beating for propulsion .............  244 / 72
        Beating with ship ..................  244 / 22
        Foldable fenders ...................  293 / 50
        Helicopter .........................  416 / 131+
        Lighter than air with ..............  244 / 25
    Bed front ..............................  5 / 161
    Drop bombs with ........................  102 / 384
    Hinge leaf multiple ....................  16 / 389+
    Nut ....................................  411 / 435
    Pyrotechnics with ......................  102 / 335+
    Rockets with ...........................  102 / 348
    Testing wind tunnels ...................  73 / 147
    Toy gliders with .......................  446 / 61+
Wipe-Forming Metal .........................  72 / 149+
Wiper and Wiping ...........................  15
    Coating material supply ................  401 / 261
    Means combined .........................  401 / 261+
    Dispenser with .........................  222 / 148+
        Discharge assistant carried ........  222 / 342
        Inlet cleaner ......................  141 / 90
        Movable or conveyor trap ...........  222 / 345+
    Lubrication system with ................  184 / 10
    Mold coating combined ..................  118
    Printing intaglio ......................  101 / 150+
    Process ................................  134 / 6+
    Shade with .............................  160 / 11
    Sifting with ...........................  209 / 385+
    Solder .................................  228 / 22+
Wire (See Filament; Strand)  
        Binder devices releasably ..........  402
        Engaging ...........................  402
        Aperture or notch ..................  402
        Of sheet ...........................  402
        Book or copy holder ................  248 / 465.1
        Brush and broom supports ...........  248 / 112
        By electrolysis ....................  205 / 76+
        By encasing in tube ................  228 / 126+
        Chains .............................  59 / 83
        Cleaning implements ................  15 / 220.4
        Clothespin (see clothespin)  
        Coating ............................  427
        Curry combs ........................  119 / 630
        Door mats ..........................  15 / 241
        Easels .............................  248 / 465.1+
        Electricity conductors .............  174
        Fences .............................  256 / 32+
        Garment stays ......................  2 / 264
        Handles ............................  16 / 434
        Hinges .............................  16 / 373
        Hook type brackets support .........  248 / 218.1
        Penetrating ........................  248 / 218.1+
        Lathing ............................  52 / 660+
        Metallic receptacles ...............  220 / 485
        Miscellaneous strand structure .....  57 / 200+
        Music score holder .................  248 / 465.1
        Nursing bottle supports ............  248 / 107
        Picture easels .....................  248 / 465.1+
        Picture frame formed from ..........  40 / 744
        Pin fasteners ......................  24 / 711.2+
        Plastic material cutters ...........  30 / 116+
        Racks ..............................  211 / 181.1
        Receptacle bail ears ...............  220 / 773+
        Receptacle handles .................  220 / 773+
        Receptacle stands ..................  248 / 153
        Reinforced plastic railway ties ....  238 / 94
        Rock cutting machine ...............  299 / 35
        Saw ................................  83 / 651.1
        Seal for a joint or juncture  
            Carbon or graphite composite ...  277 / 938
            Glass composite ................  277 / 937
        Shelf brackets .....................  248 / 249
        Specially mounted racks ............  211 / 106
        Stand ..............................  211 / 133.1+
        Stands .............................  248 / 175
        Stovepipe mounted racks ............  211 / 112
        Supporting brackets ................  248 / 302+
        Suspended racks ....................  211 / 119
        Tension cutter .....................  83 / 200.1
        Tray ...............................  211 / 126.1+
        Wireworking ........................  140
        Wooden crate wired slats ...........  217 / 51
    Bonding ................................  228 / 904*
    Clamp ..................................  24 / 115 R+
    Coated miscellaneous ...................  428 / 364+
        Making .............................  427
        Process ............................  427 / 117+
        With metal particles ...............  428 / 553+
        Working combined ...................  29 / 527.2+
    Container or wrapper for ...............  206 / 389+
    Couplings,fasteners,holders & ties  
        Bale and package ties ..............  24 / 27+
        Bale bands with wire ...............  24 / 26
        Connections ........................  24 / 26
        Barrel covers ......................  217 / 85
        Belt fasteners .....................  24 / 39
        Check row planter wire end .........  111 / 49
        Anchor .............................  111 / 49
        Cord and rope holders ..............  24 / 131 R
        Crossed rod or wire joints .........  403 / 400
            Interfitting ...................  403 / 346
        Folded tuft brushes retaining ......  15 / 199
        Wire ...............................  15 / 199
        Hooks and eyes .....................  24 / 698.1+
            Relatively movable hook ........  24 / 598.7+
            Portions .......................  24 / 598.7+
        Insulator embracing conductor ......  174 / 173
        Ties ...............................  174 / 173
        Internal bottle closures ...........  215 / 264
        Extension ..........................  215 / 264+
        Lacing holding devices .............  24 / 712.8
        Mop holders ........................  15 / 154
        Resilient clasps ...................  24 / 530+
        Resilient head snap fastener .......  24 / 626
        Resilient socket snap fastener .....  24 / 678
        Well screen spiral wire wound ......  166 / 231+
        Wire bound and stitched brushes ....  15 / 189
        Wire bound brushes and brooms ......  15 / 207
        Wooden box stays ...................  217 / 71
        Wooden box straps ..................  217 / 68
    Cutter .................................  30
    Cutting coiled wire ....................  83 / 907*
    Cutting wires ..........................  83 / 950*
    Dental arch ............................  433 / 20
        Conductors .........................  174
        Magnetic body treating coils .......  600 / 13+
        Meter hot wire measuring ...........  324 / 106
        Telephony ..........................  379
        Tower support ......................  52 / 40
    Electroplating .........................  205 / 138+
    Fabric .................................  139 / 425 R
        Bed bottoms ........................  5 / 186.1+
        Design .............................  D05 / 47+
        Design for floor or wall ...........  D05 / 47+
        Electroforming .....................  205 / 75
        Electrolytic coating ...............  205 / 160
        Electrophoretic or electro .........  204 / 476
        Osmotic coating or forming .........  204 / 476
        With rubber or vulcanizable ........  204 / 476
        Gum ................................  204 / 476
        Pile textile weaving ...............  139 / 37+
        Wireworking ........................  140
    Gauge, strain & ........................  33 / DIG 13
    Glass, safety glass ....................  441 / 1+
        Manufacturing ......................  65
    Heat treated ...........................  148 / 400+
        Coated .............................  428
    Heat treating ..........................  148 / 595+
        Electric heat treating .............  148 / 566+
        Of layered or welded ...............  148 / 516+
    Instruments, ribbon & ..................  33 / DIG 7
    Insulation cutter ......................  30 / 90.1+
        And remover ........................  81 / 9.4+
        Casting ............................  164 / 423+
        Covered or wrapped .................  57 / 3+
        Drawing ............................  72 / 274+
        Drawing dies .......................  72 / 467
        Electroforming .....................  205 / 76+
        Electrolytic coating apparatus .....  204 / 206+
        Electrolytic coating processes .....  205 / 138+
        Electrophoretic or electro .........  204 / 476
        Osmotic coating of forming .........  204 / 476
        Rubber or vulcanizable gum .........  204 / 476
        Metal rolling processes ............  72 / 365.2+
        Screw thread rolling ...............  72 / 95+
        Wire glass .........................  65
    Metal miscellaneous  
        By electrolysis ....................  205 / 67+
        From powders .......................  419 / 4+
        Making miscellaneous ...............  72
    Packaging for ..........................  206 / 389+
    Photo systems see facsimile  
    Recorders sound .......................  360 / 89
    Recording machines .....................  360 / 89
        Wire per se ........................  360 / 131
    Rope making ............................  57
    Server/cooler ..........................  62 / 457.8
    Sheet attached lathing .................  52 / 454
        Bale or package tie ................  24 / 16 R+
        Electric conductor .................  156 / 49
        Joint ..............................  403 / 206+
        Textile analogue ...................  57 / 22+
        Trolley wire .......................  191 / 44.1
    Stitching stapling .....................  227
    Stretchers .............................  254 / 199+
    Strippers ..............................  81 / 9.4+
    Working and using machines  
        Bobbin and cop winding .............  242 / 470+
        Broom banding ......................  300 / 15
        Coiling ............................  72 / 135+
        Electric wire placing apparatus ....  254 / 134.3 R+
        Etching to section .................  134
        Grain etc compressing and ..........  56 / 451
        Binding ............................  56 / 451+
        Harvester binder type ..............  56 / 132
        Hat frame ..........................  223 / 8
        Hatbrim wire shaping ...............  223 / 17
        Metal forging and welding ..........  72 / 419
        Feeder .............................  72 / 419+
        Nail making ........................  470 / 121+
        Nailing and stapling ...............  227
        Reels ..............................  242 / 370+
        Stapling ...........................  227
        Textile spinning twisting etc ......  57
        Working ............................  140
Wired Music  
    Distributing system ....................  379 / 101.01
        With phonograph ....................  379 / 87
    Electric organs ........................  84 / 600+
    Electric phonograph ....................  379 / 87
Wireless See Radio  
Wood (See Plywood)  
    Alcohol (see methanol)  
    Ball making ............................  142 / 1
    Bending ................................  144 / 254+
    Boring .................................  408
    Buildings ..............................  52
    Carbonizing ............................  201
    Carrier ................................  294 / 149+
    Coating ................................  427
        By immersion .......................  427 / 440
    Comminution ............................  241 / 28
    Distillation ...........................  201
    Drying and vapor treatment .............  34
    Dyeing .................................  8 / 402
    Fastener made of .......................  269 / 905*
    Fences .................................  256 / 19
    Fuel ...................................  44 / 606
        Briquette ..........................  44 / 590
    Gas generation .........................  48 / 209
        Apparatus ..........................  48 / 111+
    Hydrocarbon recovery from ..............  585 / 242
        Processes for ......................  427
            Ion implantation ...............  427 / 525
            Ion impregnation ...............  427 / 525
    Insulated compartment for box ..........  217 / 131
    Moldings ...............................  52 / 716.1+
    Nails ..................................  411 / 439+
    Panel track combined ...................  16 / 95 W
        Flexible panel attachment ..........  16 / 87.4 W+
    Pulp making  
        Comminution processes ..............  241 / 21
        Pulp mill ..........................  241 / 280+
    Receptacles ............................  217
    Saturating or indurating  
        Compositions .......................  106 / 12
        Compositions mineral oil ...........  208 / 2
        Fireproofing .......................  252 / 607
    Screws metal ...........................  411 / 378+
        Making .............................  470 / 8+
    Shavings making ........................  241
    Ships ..................................  114 / 82
    Shoe soles .............................  36 / 33
        Attaching means ....................  36 / 13
    Slicing ................................  144 / 162.1+
    Splitting ..............................  144 / 193.1+
    Staining ...............................  8 / 402
        Composite columns ..................  52 / 847+
        Compound lumber ....................  52 / 782.1+
        Joist connections ..................  403 / 230+
            Through intermediate member ....  403 / 187+
        Nailing beam .......................  52 / 376
        Panels .............................  52 / 782.1+
        Rail pedestal ......................  238 / 118
        Rail seat cushions .................  238 / 285
        Splices and joints .................  403
        Wheel making .......................  144 / 15
    Sugar production .......................  127 / 37
        Apparatus ..........................  127 / 1
    Turning lathes .........................  142
    Wind musical instruments ...............  84 / 380 R+
    Working ................................  144
        Design .............................  D15 / 122+
        Sawing .............................  83
        Tools (see tools)  
        Turning ............................  142
Woodbury Type ..............................  101
    With photographic step .................  430 / 300+
Woodwinds ..................................  84 / 380 R+
    Chemical modification ..................  8 / 128.1
    Cleaning or laundering .................  8 / 137+
        Devices and machines ...............  68
        Waste cleaning .....................  68 / 1
    Dyeing .................................  8
        Mixed textiles .....................  8 / 529+
        Vat or sulphur dyes ................  8 / 650+
    Fertilizers containing .................  71 / 18
    Liberation mechanical ..................  19 / 2+
    Mercerizing ............................  8 / 128.1
    Removing grease from ...................  8 / 139+
    Steel wool making ......................  29 / 4.51+
        Cleaning and reconditioning ........  68 / 1
    Carrier and support for ................  112 / 470.14+
    Sewing machine work ....................  112 / 470.14+
        Pattern controlled or programmed ...  112 / 470.06+
    Holder .................................  269
        Dental .............................  433 / 49+
        Electric welding ...................  219 / 158+
        For testing by stress or strain ....  73 / 856+
        Application to specimen ............  73 / 856+
        Dynamometers .......................  73 / 862+
        Power unit efficiency ..............  73 / 114.55+
    Work table lighting system .............  362 / 33
World Wide Web (See Internet)  
Worm (See Gearing)  
    Culture ................................  119 / 6.7
        Silkworm ...........................  119 / 270
    Electrical expeller ....................  47 / 1.3
    Gearing ................................  74 / 425+
    Silkworm culturing .....................  119 / 270
    Cabinets ...............................  312 / 33
    Teaching ...............................  434 / 245+
    Making .................................  426 / 16
        Apparatus ..........................  99 / 278
Wrap-Forming Metal .........................  72 / 296+
Wrapper See Package  
    Bicycle article carrier ................  224 / 436+
    Coin type ..............................  229 / 87.2
    Label pasting ..........................  156
    Newspaper ..............................  229 / 92
    Paper ..................................  229 / 87.01+
    Paperboard boxes .......................  229 / 103.2+
    Tobacco ................................  131 / 365
        Cigar etc tube feeding .............  131 / 74+
        Holders and carriers ...............  131 / 105
Wrapping and Wrapped  
    Chain links ............................  59 / 92
    Chain making ...........................  59 / 19
    Cigar and cigarette making .............  131 / 27.1+
        Packaging combined .................  131 / 283
        Wrapping materials and devices .....  131 / 58+
    Containers .............................  D09 / 713
    Food preservation ......................  426 / 392+
    Machines ...............................  53 / 203+
        Receptacle forming & filling .......  53 / 558+
    Paper ..................................  D05
    Sheet material  
        Folding ............................  53 / 116+
        Printing and folding ...............  53 / 116+
        Printing and rolling ...............  53 / 116+
        Rolling ............................  270 / 32+
    Spinning etc apparatus .................  57 / 3+
    Spinning etc processes .................  57 / 3+
    Strand structure .......................  57 / 210+
    Textile smoothing implements ...........  38 / 73
    Warp preparing .........................  28 / 176
    Wire fabric stay applying ..............  140 / 10+
        Portable machines ..................  140 / 16+
    Artificial .............................  428 / 10
    Design .................................  D11 / 120
    Illuminated ............................  362 / 122
    Natural flora sustaining ...............  47 / 41.01
Wrenches ...................................  81 / 52+
    Adapted to turn eye screw ..............  81 / 901*
    Compound ...............................  7 / 138+
    Constructed from specific material .....  81 / 900*
    Design .................................  D08 / 21+
    Impact .................................  81 / 463+
    Impact delivery clutch .................  173 / 93.5+
        Forging dies for ...................  72 / 470+
        Machines ...........................  76 / 10
        Methods ............................  76 / 114
    Monkey, combined with other tools ......  7 / 139+
    Pump and oiler combined with ...........  81 / 2
    Tap, ratchet ...........................  408 / 120+
Wrigglers ..................................  239 / 229
Wringers ...................................  68 / 241+
    Bevel gearing for ......................  74 / 387
    Drier combined .........................  34 / 70
    Mechanisms for washer and ..............  74 / 17
    Mop ....................................  15 / 260+
        Brush combined .....................  15 / 116.1+
        Combined ...........................  15 / 119.1+
    Supports ...............................  68 / 239
        Wash bench combined ................  68 / 236
        Wash tub etc attachments ...........  68 / 238
    Coatings ...............................  427 / 257
    Corrugating metal ......................  72 / 191+
    Paper apparatus ........................  162 / 280+
    Paper processes ........................  162 / 111+
Wrist Pins .................................  74 / 595+
    Bearing ................................  384 / 266+
    For piston rod connection ..............  384 / 268+
Wrist Watch (See Watch)  
    Design .................................  D10 / 30+
    Fastener ...............................  63 / 3
Wristlets ..................................  2 / 170
    Forms ..................................  283 / 45
    Guides .................................  434 / 164
        For the blind ......................  434 / 117
    Implement (see pen; pencil) ...........  D19 / 35+
    Multi signature ........................  33 / 23.06
    Papers .................................  D19 / 1
    Surfaces ...............................  D19 / 52
    Surfaces erasable ......................  434 / 408+
        Cabinet with .......................  312 / 230
    Teaching ...............................  434 / 162+
    Telegraphic ............................  178 / 18.01+
Wrought Iron  
    Producing ..............................  75 / 438+

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