Betsy L. Tipps, P-III Associates, Inc.,
2759 South, 300 West, Suite A
Salt Lake City, UT 84115

Preserving, protecting, and encouraging the scientific study of archeological sites over a large area were among the important reasons for establishing the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. Previous archeological research in and around the monument is not extensive, but shows that sites in the monument have vast research potential and are well suited to addressing a multitude of scientific research problems. This paper identifies examples of this research potential, with an emphasis on hunter-gather archeology before and during the arrival of agriculture. In addition, scientific data needs and new impacts expected as a result of increased visitation are outlined, as are options and avenues for site conservation and management.


Geib, Phil R. 1996, "Glen Canyon Revisited", Anthropological Papers Number 119. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.

Janetski, Joel C. 1993, "The Archaic to Formative Transition North of the Anasazi: A Basketmaker Perspective", in Anasazi Basketmaker: Papers from the 1990 Wetherill-Grand Gulch Symposium, (Victoria M. Atkins, ed.), Cultural Resource Series 24, Bureau of Land Management, Utah State Office, Salt Lake City, pp. 223-242.

Kearns, Timothy M. 1982, "The Escalante Project: A Class II Cultural Resource Inventory of Preference Right Coal Lease Tracts in South Central Utah", ESCA-Tech Corporation, Albuquerque. Submitted to U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Kanab Resource Area, Kanab, Utah.

Tipps, Betsy L. 1988, " The Tar Sands Project: An Inventory and Predictive Model for Central and Southern Utah", Cultural Resources Series 22, Bureau of Land Management, Utah State Office, Salt Lake City.

Tipps, Betsy L., 1992, "The Burr Trail Archeological Project: Small Site Archeology on the Escalante Plateau and Circle Cliffs, Garfield County, Utah", P-III Associates, Inc., Salt Lake City, Submitted to Bureau of Land Management, Kanab Resource Area, Cedar City District, Kanab, Utah.