We have 3 visitors from Chris Hogue's group from Toronto (at the Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute). Katerina Michalickova, Gary Bader, and Howard Feldman. They are students with him and will be presenting their projects (see below). Each will speak for about 20 minutes. If you would like to speak to any of these individuals, please let me kow. David SeqHound, an ASN.1 based in-house database system. Katerina Michalickova Our bioinformatics research requires a fast, reliable and up-to-date in-house database system with public biological sequence and structure databases. Starting with the NCBI ftp site and the relevant databases in ASN.1 binary form and the NCBI toolkit we have designed a lightweight, portable integrated database system that can support our bioinformatics research. Database index information is stored together with the original ASN.1 binary data in a database built using the CodeBase Database system, (Sequiter Software Inc., Alberta) which is like the NCBI toolkit in design, and allows us to distribute excecutables royalty-free. SeqHound maintains all nucleotide, protein and 3-D data in-house in a few individual binary databases in ASN.1 format, and it can be updated daily from NCBI ftp site. Database searches are supported for the most common queries, including unique geninfo identifiers (GI), GenBank accession numbers, original sequence names, NCBI taxonomy identifiers, medline identifiers, molecular modeling database (MMDB) identifiers and protein databank (PDB) identifiers. All sequences and 3-D structures can be retrieved in several formats such as definition line, FastA format, ASN.1 print format, GenBank flat file, PDB flat file, thanks to routines from the NCBI toolkit. In addition, link information is extracted and indexed, including nucleotide-protein, structure-sequence, Taxonomy and Medline. Nonredundant information is also indexed by parsing the NR BLAST database flatfiles, and the system supports nonredundant queries. We developed our own application programming interface (API) which utilizes the in-house databases to retrieve data both from a local disk and remotely through an http interface. BIND - A Database for Storing Biomolecular Interactions and Their Properties Gary D. Bader We present a new database called BIND (Biomolecular Interaction Network Database). This database can span the complexity of interaction information gathered through experimental studies of biomolecular interactions. The ASN.1 data specification for BIND contains interaction, molecular complex and pathway records and inherits sequence, structure, taxonomy and other types from the NCBI ASN.1 data model. An interaction record is based on the interaction between two objects. An object can be a protein, DNA, RNA, ligand or molecular complex. Description of an interaction encompasses cellular location, experimental conditions used to observe the interaction, conserved sequence, molecular location of interaction, chemical action, kinetics, thermodynamics, and chemical state. Molecular complexes are defined as collections of more than two interactions that form a complex, with extra descriptive information such as complex topology. Pathways are defined as collections of more than two interactions that form a pathway, with extra descriptive information such as cell cycle stage. A Fast Method to Sample Real Protein Conformational Space Howard J Feldman A method to generate protein conformers of arbitrary amino acid composition in O(NlogN) time has been developed, taking only the primary sequence as input. These conformers possess physically and chirally valid backbones with all bond lengths, angles and dihedrals within the allowable tolerances. The method is based upon a 2-D probability distribution function for Ca placement called a 'trajectory graph'. The algorithm has been shown to be useful for both reconstructing backbones of real proteins, and generating random proteins. These modes may be mixed, making it possible to sample unknown domain structures and linker regions while reconstructing domains with known structure simultaneously. Experimental distance restraints such as NOEs or hydrogen bonds can be added to bias the random walk, if known. We have further developed a system that allows us to compute protein dynamic trajectories, based on a physical model of protein backbone motion. We show protein unfolding movies, and the energies calculated for these at each step, using an atom based potential. Through analogy to a 2-D gas, a relation has been drawn between this energy score and the motion of a given residue.