About the Group

Process Diagram

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is the science of creating systems to fit human capabilities and practices. The HCI Group at Ames engages in a unique combination of applied, mission-critical work and innovative research. Applied projects allow us to deploy our work in real use contexts and gather metrics that feed the core research areas of the group.
The Applied HCI Group is part of the Human Automation Integration Research Branch in the Human Factors Research and Technology Division.

Research Projects

We advance the field of HCI by developing and testing innovative tools and techniques. Currently our primary research interests include: human performance modeling, mixed initiative planning, and collaborative decision making.



A suite of usable cognitive modeling tools designed to interact with the HCI Group's own CORE modeling engine, the goals of this toolkit are to allow extremely fast and easy model building and innovative visualization of PERT-chart-like timecourse output.


Applied HCI Projects

The HCI Group contributes to the development of measurably better NASA software through careful application of HCI methods. We follow an iterative process that consists of user research, interaction design, and usability evaluation. It is commonly assumed that HCI is exclusively focused on the interface. We are focused on the users and their goals in order to build the right tool which means that we are focused on functionality as well as interface.



The SPIF-e (Science Planning InterFace to engineering) project is approaching the challenge of mixed-initiative planning from a human perspective. By synthesizing cutting-edge developments in planning technology, proven HCI methodology, and hundreds of hours of experience designing and building mission systems, the HCI Group is developing a tool aimed squarely at solving key challenges for mixed-initiative mission planning.



Ames Research Center is a member of the Human-Computer Interaction Consortium. Alonso Vera is the Ames representative on the governing board.


Alonso Vera is on the faculty of the Carnegie Mellon Human-Computer Interaction Institute, and the Ames HCI Group regularly collaborates with the Institute's faculty and students.