LABORATORIES INC. SYRACUSE - NEW YORK Dr. Joehua Lederberg Department of (knetice Collage of Agrieulturo The Univeroity of Wirconain Madiron 6, wirconoin Dear Joeht I dfrcureed the length of your stay with mu8 of the men here and it wae thought that your two-day plan would work out better for ue. I am therefore making roeervationa for you and Eather at the Hotel Syra~uee. I will meet ~roar plane on Monday (Hay 23rd) at llt37 A.M. and we can go either to the hotel or directly to the plant. Your consultation rtatement liated only the retainer. Am I oorrsct ia armming that thirr mm wae eufflcient to @over your tirm epent on our problem. If not, please rend me a rtatentent of the additional. I am encloeing a check for $50.00 covering the retainer. The people here are lookhg forward to meeting you and talking over with you come of their approacher to the problem. Since the MIcrobiology Department organisatlon may be a bit confusing to you if confronted with it cold, I am listing below the key perronuel and the type of Jobr they dot Eew Ant ibiotlce Pronraa! 1. Dr. Martin Miriek - Soil ieolation and fermentation. 2. Dr. George Hunt - Mcrobiological characterization of WitibiOtia8 in rcreenlng program* 3. Dr. Bernard Heiae- - Evaluation of new antibioticr. 4. P. Alex Qoureviteh - Erperisental procedures. 5. Dr. Kenneth Crook - Oulture collection. Production Strain Imnrevement Promam 1. Dr. mJlix Ha&la - llew techniquer. 2. Mr. Luke Sawmiller - Routine screening procedurea. Production Service Group 1. Mire Gloria Harty - Tank inoath preparation: media ingredient terting. J. Lederberg -2. MQS 6. 1955 Tank Fermentation and Inrtrumentation 1. Dr. Seal Phillipe I hope thir won' f confaee you more* Incidentally, Plthelyn Lively ir joining our group in June. Thanke a lot for the lead. Sincerely youra, BRISTOL LABORATORIBS IEC. Joeeph Lein, Director MIcrobiological Reoearcb J-Lrmjl 3Enc.