COMECTICUT VALLEY BRANCH SOCIETY OF AIIERICA!I BdCTEltIOLOGISTS AIIIJUi\L MEETIIIG Saturday - 2;OO P.M. - December 7, 19l,G Auditorium of Brady Momorial Hall, Yale University, Hew Havon, Connecticut 2,OQ .P.M. Business Meeting Dr. Paul R. Burkholdsr, President, presiding. 2,30 P.M. Soiantifia Program GENZTIC EVIDBICE FOR SZX IN BhCT2RIA JOSH% LEDERBERG, Follow of Chllds Fund for Medioal Rssearoh and E. I,, T;,TUM, Prafeasor of Hiorobiology, Oaborn Botnnloal laboratory, Yale University, New tiaven, COMeOtiOUt, A QUANTITATIVE k!ETHOD FOR THE DETERMINATIONS OP THE FUIIGISTLTIC `ACTIVITY OF l.NTISEPTIC PWDERS MARSON 8. SHERflOOD, Resesrab .Raotsrlalogist, Vlelloone Rcsearoh Laboratory, .Tuokahoe, N.Y, TiIER'.PY OF TRYPAIIOSOMIASIS B"cNJMIIB I.RNOLD RUBIH, Dept. of Baoteriology, Ynle University, llew Hnvnn, Corm. W.RIATION Ill TISSUE SPECIFICITY OF THE ROUS CHICKEN SARCOW VIRUS FOLtCWtJC GRCJWi OF THE TUMOR IN TKE !`WI&LIQ1 EYE. EU.71.RD %. SHRIGL'LY, Assistnnt Professor of Bnotcriology, Department of Bacteriology, Yale University, Sohool of Medicine, New Haven, Corm. THE XSOIATIOW OF P,:Rf,COCCIDfOIDES BIXSILIE~JSIS. FRO!l h C;.SE OF SOUTH A!! BUSS7 . I ROS.'.LIE FERGUSOI~ (by invitation) and Mi.RCARET F. UPTOII. ?h. D., BaoterioAogist, St. Lukea Hospital, New York 25, N. Y. ' -\. Connectiaut valley %ach , Sdcietye oi APII)rican *scteriologlatr YAA.e University school8 of Lbdicine, bcsmber 7, 19L6. Genetic svidtnae for IOX in bacteria. Joshua bderbrg, Jane Coffin Chilfir Fallow in Medical heeoarch, culd EtL+`Tatup, Professor of Ucroblology, Iale 0. In ttm short tlmo allotted, lt u.lll be lmpossibla to diecurr ln any detail &!t tto exgmrimantr that han lad UI to th coarolwlon tht thbm i, a suunl pbee In the U,fo hidcry of a mtrdn of %charlchia toll with which m ~ZLYO beam working. It waw best to pmeutt a dng& upebmnt in detail, 8hlch moat forcefully illustrates th kinl of o ridenco t)rt tsr ken o mtlrmlatod. The gsnrral thrris of tbrs uperimsnta ~LII is the o BSB as ttmt tilch USI P pored by She-n irrrd Wing 10 yam ago, that if thrs lr a o aual pbw tn bactwla, it rhould b porrlblo to shor tbst uhar tid culturar caxtainiry orgpdaas diffarhg in various cbmatom am atudfed, new type ulll b lound ubich am characterized by mccmhlnatiom of thoee dataatom. The rtralrm wed by them authcre uem too vatiblo for thsm to draw w contlwlot~s o @ to tb OCCUIIMCO of mend fuaimr, and otht authors hsrrr hd alAlar difficultleo. Several type8 of charaatem han km ursd in our inve6tlagtlau. ft They hte all baen obtained o~ mtaticma in a rin&a strain of E. ooU (atrain W-l2).Tho rpontaneous rariebillty of eachbof thro chamcterr has baen studied intonrire~ and it can be antlclptd catagoriuUy tknt nono of th phmomma uhich 1 am bout to dercriks can be uxounted for on this t83sls. Yost of th chrnctsrs uaod am nutritioni requl~~~nts, i.e. the `need for a qecific grcmth ;.faCtor, including such compounds a8 biotln, thiamine, thrmanlw, lwcino, and other vitamin arid wtino acidr. chuy am sharply da- t@nuinable, rlhca optimal growth cm b obtained in tb pnaence of ttw opdUia mqUmwat, whereas #n it, &enco grarth cWer not take pticr. - 3ATlul-l in them rtudies. Other ckmractsra which pave baen'usrd are reaiutanco to a spaciflc bacterlpphnge, and the inability to fermnt laotoee (ar indicated on Eosin-Uothylme blub-iactoae plates much AD thre.) Charactor recombination in E. coli can k detected by the appurance of tild types in mlxed culturer of biochanicil r&ants , Juch wild tna# have never been found b the individual cu1tur.a. Thelct)"' dld typa can'ba detected nadlly rinco thy fom oolonior ln minimal rpr mmdiup~, wiuwaas~ the orlglnml xxtantr am unable to pmlifer~to In thr abraro of tholr opoclflo roquir-to. Thur although only about 1 toll in lO mlllim ln tharo mixed culturer o? o rild type, tF,r cm be rkilly dahcted by plating about 500 SdUon aeUs oftor cataful arhin& Into 8 mi agar plbt0. If thaw rild typa urn the result of rrctmbination of charactera, mw?v- h but lsklng biotin,,thraonina or lruclno, thm colonimr which o ????? rho&l npramt thwo color rhich ban naomblnsd with nmpoct to B.Y. T and L, aa indicatmi on the boa&. OM rhould alao rxpat to find tht the ottmr 3 7 c~ctrrr rhould nodho ho, namb 81'; Lao- and Tf . Tbm o n 8 porsiblm ncarbinrtiacm of thro chrtabtarr, aa lndlcatul, urd the oam whiah uw part of by thir ptta, md tbomo tubor. The figurer on tha board rrp&% th rsl.divm frtxpaacior dth wblcb they ha-k obta.iad,Tho dirprity in tlqq&nuWora *??????????????? ?o??? ?????*??o? 2typr ???oo o tath, atruq#haUgtho hypaMada that these rLfr &a be u$dnoQ by b aall huion and the onfar ngngAtioo of /QOA. --- _ . .._.. a - c-- - .. -- _I :: TL BIT1 `3 -- - g ++ ++ 0 BU TL b*o*o.moeb % Wq. + *-+ _ 4 + w4a (T-53) 0 0 Tl &c R - 100 .R -"- 557 - -- 3 J- -%i s + 1, R - 17 100 55 50 4