:4t~flt ~ially 7. ~tay~ with a ~isi.r Frank Dowdy. Ah dicin‘ t stay there lone tho~~ih ~ Then ~h mo ved to kinder ‚ Geo rgia. Ths~‘ tailsd it ‘1Tug ~vern in thai days, ‘ea~is• ju€a Wuz i~de there. Ah n~rried Oro~ Hinton in v~indor. Got along ~ei1 arter n~arryin‘ hii~. He tamed fur a Uvjx~‘ aM i~ade a &ood livin‘ fur !~iO 871d th8 eight o~dUune ‚ all born In ‘~finder. The ~ulluns viiz grown nearly ~hefl Ito died and wun able to help as ~?it11 the s~llew ones. J~h got along all rigit after nis deeth and didu‘ t here sich a hard tir~ie x~isin‘ tbn eJ4llune. Thon i~h married ~irn ~3~wn anti iao~Ex1 to ~tlanta. ~iia fLrI~1ed at first fur a ilyin‘ and then he worked on the rai1rc~d ~. tuS ~bOft~. He helped to grade ~J~e first raIlroad trc.ck for that line. He wuz ~ Aunt ~:;a1ly broke oDD her story hers. ‘~Lord, hones, Ah ~ot sich ~ pain in nah ~toi~teh .~h don‘t believe AL~ een go on. It‘s a gx~win‘ kind ~o pain, 3eet kee~e me weak all over.“ Naturally I suggest~ tnat we complete th. story ~i: another tiii•. So t left, pronisin‘ to return in a few days. ~ block t~‘orn the house I 8tODp~ In a store to order some grocsti tnr Auxit ~al1y. ‘ft. ptopr1etresa~, a Jeilib W~I, spoke up when I gave t~e cialirery addr•ss. ~h. •i~plained in broken &n~1isIi t~~at she knew Atint sally. ~‘I tink you vas very kin~1 to do di~ tor Aunt sally. ~ihe nests it. I often gif her ao~ food. E3‘ s very old and fsebl~. He ~ased hre yesterday a~d he look so Wftated and hungry. His stoniok look like it Y8S th~iRfl in, you know. I g:tf hun ~ fr~h hoc~n. I know dey could riot ~t till of ttie~ in a day and I‘n afi~1t it von‘t be goof for d&i today. I v~ tra1x~ed to !~elp ~~eople in neet. It‘s Ixirt ~t my rc~iigion. 3ee, if vo sit on ~1s strite~r and an oit person comes in and finde no soet ‚ ~e get up ami gif him ~)ne, If vo &oe a person 1o~ied ‘rid b~md1es 1kM he tes old and barely able to go, ye glt e hand. ~:)ee, ye Jewa - you colored but vs ~crj~:~w no d1ffer~~o•, /~nyvon neetin~ help, ~e gU.“