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The following table shows a side-by-side comparison of the impacts identified in Chapter 4 for each alternative. For more explanation, see Chapter 4.

Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 Alternative 4
Grazing Management
Reduction of 16,267 AUMs in first 5 years, carrying through implementation phase until recovery Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Reduction of 35,901 AUMs in first 5 years, until recovery
Changes to grazing systems, some exclusions, range improvements (see Table 4.3.1) Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1, except increased number and magnitude of changes (see Table&nbsp4.3.1(b))
Cost to BLM to implement projects = $2.2 million Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Cost to BLM to implement projects = $2.9 million
Current BLM Personnel Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Need 33 FTE and $350,000 operating expenses above current funding levels for 5 years
Upland Soils
Improved watershed health over the long term with:
Reduced surface crusting; reduced erosion; increased biological activity; increased permeability; increased root mass; increased fertility; increased soil cover; increased soil moisture
Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1
Weed infestations of Medusahead, etc. will continue Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1
Upland Vegetation -- Annual Grasslands
Perennial grasses increase Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1
Episodic recruitment of oaks and shrubs Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1
Upland Vegetation -- Sagebrush Steppe
Increased perennial grasses 1 Same as Alt 1 2 Slower than Alt 1 3 Faster than Alt 1 4
Increase in variety of seral stages Same as Alt 1 Slower than Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Increase in soil cover Same as Alt 1 Slower than Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Better distribution of litter and incorporation of litter into soil Same as Alt 1 Slower than Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Better root distribution in the soil profile Same as Alt 1 Slower than Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Increased species diversity Same as Alt 1 Slower than Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Increased photosynthetic period Same as Alt 1 Slower than Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Increased vegetative structure Same as Alt 1 Slower than Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Increased frequency of wild fire Same as Alt 1 Slower than Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Decreased rate of spread of juniper Same as Alt 1 Slower than Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Increased diversity of age classes in aspen Same as Alt 1 Slower than Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
If it is a DPC goal, then shrubs maintained with increased vigor Same as Alt 1 Slower than Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
If it is a DPC goal, then shrubs decreased and more perennial grasses and forbs Same as Alt 1 Slower than Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Riparian Overview
Lentic wetlands increase from 27% to 83% in Proper Functioning Condition Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1, but faster
Lotic riparian increase from 28% to 62% in Proper Functioning Condition Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1, but faster
Riparian -- Vegetation
Increased shrub and tree layers, with improved age class distribution 5 Same as Alt 1 2 Slower than Alt 1 3 Faster than Alt 1 4
Increased cover and vigor of herbaceous perennials Same as Alt 1 Slower than Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Increased streambank cover Same as Alt 1 Slower than Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Movement toward later seral stages Same as Alt 1 Slower than Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Increased diversity of plants and animals Same as Alt 1 Slower than Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Increased width of riparian zone Same as Alt 1 Slower than Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Decrease of non-riparian species in the riparian zone as water tables rise Same as Alt 1 Slower than Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Riparian -- Hydrologic Function and Water Quality
Improved hydrologic function and water quality 6 Same as Alt 1 2 Slower than Alt 1 3 Faster than Alt 1 4
Stream channels narrow and deepen Same as Alt 1 Slower than Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Increased ground water recharge Same as Alt 1 Slower than Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Increased flows in perennial streams, and longer seasonal flows in ephemeral streams Same as Alt 1 Slower than Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Improved water temperatures Same as Alt 1 Slower than Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Improved levels of oxygen Same as Alt 1 Slower than Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Reduced nutrients, sediment and pathogens in water Same as Alt 1 Slower than Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Wildlife Habitat
Wildlife habitats will generally be improved or maintained Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Habitats will develop more diversity Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Increased ground cover in annual grasslands will be good for some species, bad for others Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1
Improved habitat in oak and shrub areas, tempered by fire occurrence Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1
Increased fires in annual grasslands may negatively affect shrubs and small tree recruitment Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1
Sagebrush steppe habitats will change with increased species diversity and vegetative structure Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Increased fire occurrence with increased perennial grasses will result in decrease in pinyon-juniper community. Negative impacts for some birds, but not enough to affect their populations Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Increased fire will result in mosaic of habitat types spread across watershed. More edge will benefit most species Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Improved riparian habitats for waterfowl, shorebirds, migratory birds Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Improved aquatic habitats as more riparian areas reach Proper Functioning Condition Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Upland game habitats slowly improve (riparian component improves faster) Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Slowly improved deer habitat in perennial and annual ranges Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Improved elk habitat Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Improved pronghorn habitat due to increased diversity of plant communities Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Special Status Species
Positive responses by special status plant species to changes in grazing management Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1, but slightly faster response
Improved habitat for special status animal species Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Wild Horses and Burros
Potential reductions in herd size as managers determine that wild horse and burro populations are causing an inability to meet rangeland health standards Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1
General positive effects due to increased ecological function Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Potential restrictions on some recreation activities as managers determine that some recreation activities are causing an inability to meet rangeland health standards Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Improved naturalness due to improved ecological function (faster occurrence in riparian areas) Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Negative impacts due to increased human manipulation such as new fences, new water developments, more motor vehicle use, etc. Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Cultural Resources
Little effect upon cultural properties Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1
Potential for increased availability of traditionally used plant species for subsistence, medicinal, and craft purposes Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Faster than Alt 1
Some negative impacts to ranchers' ability to maintain traditional lifestyles Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Greater potential for negative impacts
Cost to permittees in first 5 years = $.8 million, and loss of 8 jobs Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Cost to permittees in first 5 years = $1.8 million, and loss of 17 jobs
Long term costs from AUM reductions, with incremental implementation and gradual improvement of range condition Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Faster improvement of range condition, potentially lower long term costs, quicker AUM reinstatement potential
Loss of $21,960 in grazing fee revenue each of the first 5 years, with some long term costs Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Loss of $48,488 in grazing fee revenue each of the first 5 years, with some long term costs
Loss of $3,162 to the counties each of the first 5 years Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Loss of $6,982 to counties each of the first 5 years
Lower possessory interest taxes paid by permittees in CA each year (-$3,567) Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Lower possessory interest taxes paid by permittees in CA each year (-$8,344)
Loss of real estate value due to AUM reductions = $ 30/AUM Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1
Increased expense of herding to allotments that require herding (37) = $3000/allot./yr Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Increased expense of herding to allotments that require herding (47) = $4200/allot./yr
BLM budget = current funding levels Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 BLM budget = $2.4 million/yr above current funding levels for 5 years
Economics -- County Impacts
Lassen Co first 5 years (each year) =
Reduce 5,124 AUMs (6.2%),
$ 265,216,
2.5 jobs
Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Lassen Co first 5 years (each year) =
Reduce 11,315 AUMs (13.6%),
$ 568,142,
5.4 jobs
Loss of fee share to Lassen County = $865/year Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Loss of fee share to Lassen County = $1,908/year
Loss of tax revenue to Lassen County = $2,252/year Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Loss of tax revenue to Lassen County = $4,850/year
Washoe Co first 5 years (each yr) = Reduce 8,877 AUMs (9.6%)
$ 455,426
4.3 jobs
Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Washoe Co first 5 years (each year) = Reduce 18,419 AUMs (19.9%)
$ 950,634
9 jobs
Loss of fee share to Washoe County = $1,498/year Same as Alt 1 Same as Alt 1 Loss of fee share to Washoe County = $ 3,108/year

1. The following changes will occur for all alternatives. It may be a slow process in the uplands, depending upon rainfall, soils, topography, etc. For Alt 1, the changes will occur faster in the Bishop and Redding Resource Areas, and slower in the Susanville area due to the nature of the RAC proposed guidelines for those areas.

2. For Alt 2, rates of change will be the same as Alt 1 due to using essentially the same guidelines.

3. For Alt 3, rates of change will be slower due to a lack of utilization guidelines.

4. For Alt 4, rates of change will be the fastest due to the rapid implementation.

5. The following changes will occur for all alternatives. It will be a faster process than the uplands, due to more water and better soils. For Alt 1, the changes will occur faster in the Bishop and Redding Resource Areas, and slower in the Susanville area due to the nature of the guidelines for those areas.

6. With improvements in vegetation in riparian areas, all functions will improve. Especially, proper functioning riparian zones act like a sponge, holding the water longer, and releasing it slowly throughout the year. The following changes will occur for all alternatives. For Alt 1, the changes will occur faster in the Bishop and Redding Resource Areas, and slower in the Susanville area due to the nature of the guidelines for those areas.

Rangeland Health Standards & Guidelines EIS Appendix 18
Page last updated: 2002-11-26 11:30:00.73

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