FEBRU~RY, 1926 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW 65 Nature. London. v. 117. 1936. Climate changes in western America. p. 238-239. (Feb. [Reviews papers by Antevs and Huntington on tree 13.) rings and climate.] 232-233. (Feb. 13.) Hobbs, William Herbert. Greenland or polar front. p. Stewart, C. D. Weather Drediction from observation of cloudiets. p. 270. (Fell. 20.) fhvrier.) tions du climat. p. 148-143. (37 f6vrier.) Nature. Paris, 64 annte. 1.936. Mercanton, P.-L. Encore le “rayon vert.” suppl. p. 49. (13 Mascart, Jean. T6moignage de la faune dans les modifica- Nature magazine. Washington, D . C . 11. 7. March. 1926. Christman, W. W. Volcanoes of foam. p. 144. [Describes conical formations of frozen foam over bre?ks in ice covering a stream.] Schoonhoven, John J. Red snow. p. 145. Schubert. Verdunstung und Dampfmangel im Flach- und Berglande, in Nadel- und Buchenwaldern. p. 32. [Ahstract.] Observatoire gtophysique central. Recueil de gdophysiqrie. Lenin- Berg, E. Eszessive Regengusse verschiedener Dauer ini Euro- piiischen Russland iin Jahrzehnt 1903-1912. Kalitine, N. N. La transparence de l’atmosphere d’apri.s les observations faites B Sloutzk (Pavlovsk). Savinov, S. J. The anomaly of temperature of 1934-25 ac- cording to the observations effected at the Magnetic meteo- rological observatory in Slouzk (Pavlovsk). Schoenrok, A. Zahl der Frosttage unci der Wintertage iru Europaischen Russland. p. 2S-4S. Shostakovitch, W. B. The snow cover in eastern Siberia. p. Wiese, W. u b e r die langfristige Vorhersage der Rlenge des Niederschlages in den zentralen unci ostlichen Teilen Rubs- lands im April und hIai. p. 67-98. Naturiuissenschaflen. Berlin. 14. Jahrgang. S. Janiiar 1926. grad. t. 4 . fasciciile 3. 1925. p. 9-27. p. 49-Stj. p. 99-110. 111-123. Philosphical magazine. Lontloi:. v. 1 . February 1926. Brunt, D. Energy in the earth’s atmosphere. p. 523-532. Nolan, P. J. The character of the ionization produced by Physical review. Minneapolis. 1 1 . 27. February, 1926. Taylor, A. Holt, & Hurlburt, E. 0. The propagation of radio Physico-mathematical society of Japan. Proceedings. T6ky6. is. S . January 1926. I Aukiyama, Daizo, R. Nakcta, Kin’iti. Atniospheric potential Kolhorster, Werner. Appai at zur Messung der durchdrin- spraying water. p. 417- 428. waves over the earth. 1,. 189-315. in lower stratum of atmosphere. genden Strahlung. p. 62-63. p. 5-14. Physikalische Zeitschrift. Leipirg. 27. Jahrgang, no. 2. 1936. Po12t ificia accademia delle scienze nuovi Lincei. Atti. Roma. Annb Martinelli, G. Due eccezionali depressioni barometriche sull’ Palazzo, Luigi. Marco Dechevrens. p. 157-15s. (Sess. VI- Popular astronomy. Northjield, Afinn. v. S4. hlarch, 1996. Petersen, Max. The shadow bands. p. 217-218. Prussia. hfeteorologisches Institut. Abhaiidlnngen. Berlin. Band Gessler, R. Die St5rlie der unmittelbaren Sonnenbestrahlung der Erde in ihrer .4bhiingigkeit von der Auslage. Revue gdnCrnle des sciences. Paris. 97 an. 21. janvier 1926. Mascart, Jean. Les chotts algeriens e t le climat africain. p. 35-37. Royal astronomical society of London. Monthly notices. v. 86. 77. 1924. Italia. p. S2-85. (Sess 11.. 20 gennaio.) VIIS. 18 maggio-15 giugno.) [Obituary.] S, N r . 1 . 192ci. Jan uary 1936. Turner, H. H. On a period of approximately 9.2 years in the Greenwich observations of niaanetic declination and hori- - zontal force. p. 10s-11s. Turner, H. H. On an unsuccessful search for the 9.2-year magnetic period in sunspot records, with a new analysis of those records back t o 1610. p. 11S-130. Hobbs, William Herbert. Arctic explorations and the origin Aldrich, L. B. Studying the sun in Chile. p. 258-261. Fairchild, Herman L. Changing levels of the Great Lakes. p. Humphreys, W. J. Winter’s Inusic. p. 215-217. Sociedade de geografia. Boletim. Li.sbon. .$Os serie. Julho-setembro Lima, Almeida. 0 problems de locomocfio a6rea e o serviqo Washingfon acadcmy nf sciences. Journal. Baltimore, Md. 11. 16. Austin, L. W. The present status of radio atmospheric dis- Fergusson, S. P. Meteorology of the total solar eclipse of Dorsey, N. Ernest. A lightning stroke. p. S7-93. (Feb. 19.) Fleming, J. A. The magnetic and electric survey of the earth: p. Diesner, P. Der Geltungsbereich klimatologischer Stationen. Meissner, Otto. Bemerkenswerte Witterungsereignisse der Peppler, Albert. Die Meteorologie an den deutschen Hoch- Science. New Yorf:. 11. 6.3. March 12, 1996. Seieiilific monthly. New York. t i . 22. i l f ~r c h , 1936. of storms. suppl. p. x. 193-199. de 1923. aerol6gico em Portugal. p. 320-322. 1926. turbance. p. 41-46. (Jan. 19.) January 24, 1925. p. 46-48. (Jan. 19.) I t s physical and cosmical bearings and development. 109-133. (March 4.) 1Vetfer. Berlin. 43. Jahrgang. Januar 1926. p. 31-24. letzten 10 Jahre (19161925). p. 17-21. schulen. p. 1-15. SOLAR OBSERVATIONS SOLAR AND SKY RADIATION MEASUREMENTS DURING FEBRUARY, 1926 By HERBERT H. KIMBALL, Solar Radiation Investigations For a descri tion of inqtrunients and exposures and measurements, the reatlw is referrrtl to the REVIEW for January, 1924, 52:43, Jtinuilry, 1935, 53:20, and Jul , 1925, 53:313. &om Table 1 it is seen that solar radiation intensit,ies averaged slightly above Februarp nornials at, 1x11 t h e e stations except for a. in. ohserrations at Lincoln. Table 2 shows thnt the total solar and skv radiation received on a horizont:d surface areraged 1~1ow normal for all four weeks at, the t h e e stations for which normals have been determined. No skylight polarization measurements were obtained at Madison, as the ground was coT-erecl with snow throughout the month. Measurements made on five days at Washington giw n mean of 5s per cent with a maximum of GO per cent, on the 25th. These are close to the February arerages for Washington. an account of t R, e method of obtaining ant1 reducing the TABLE 1.-Solar radiation intensities during February, 1096 [Gram-calories per minute per square centimeter of normal surface.] WASHlNQTON, D. C. - Feb. Date Sun’s zenith distance ~ ~ dnlo.1 78.7’ 1 i5.i’ I 7 0 .7 O 1 60.0° I 0.0’ ~ 60.0° I i0.i‘ ! -~ Air NRSS A. hf. P. M. time time 1.961 ____-- 2. 74 0. 64 1.96 0 66 1.68’ 0.63 3.451 __---- . 3.001 0192 cal. cal. 0.87 1.07 0. 75 0.93 0. 79 0. 92 0.84 0.96 0.82 0.95 1.00 1. 16 - - -. . . - - - - - .- - - - - - - - - - - mm. 2 10 1. 45 2% 3.00 am 2 10 2% 3.30 Means __.______ ______ 0.71 0.84 1.00 I 17 ______ 1.31 I. 13 (0.93) (0 80) ______ Departures ___. -1 _____ ~~O .O O ~+O .O J /+O .O l /+d O l ~ ______ j+O. lJ,+O. III+O.081+0.0~. _____ 66 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW F~RUARY, 1926 TABLE 1.-Solar radiation intensities during February, 1026-Con. TABLE 2.--Solar and s k y radiation received on a horizontal aurfacs Week heglnning- 1926 January 22 ________ Fehruary5 ________ 13 ________ 19 ________ MADISON, WE. [Oram-calories per square centimeter of hprizontal surface.] I Average d a b departure ll from niormal Average daily radiation Sun's zenith distance I Wash- Madi- Lin- Chi- New Wash- Madi- I ington son coln cago York ington son cal. cal. cal. eal. cal. cal. cal. -__----. 1?0 104 145 44 86 -78 -98 158 163 251 48 132 -57 -54 218 176 263 54 104 -16 -63 241 196 266 83 108 -17 -63 Deficiency since first of year on Feb. 35 ______________________ - -- -1,190 -2,212 LINCOLN, NEBR. 4 n .m . 7 ~.7 ~~7 5 .1 ~~7 0 .i o ~~o .o ~~ 0.00 I~o.oO17o.7'175.70178.7' .. - Air mass 75th nwr. Date I 0.90 1.05 1.18 1.30! 1.58 1.37 1.n 1.09 0.95 ______ -0.05 4-0.01 -0.02 -0.08'______ +O. 03 +O. 05 4-0 06 4-0.04 ______ ' ~- I I L L -- Mea ns... ____ ._ Depart ures... __ 1:: :::I I Noon Local mean 'Extrapolated. St. Johns, Newfoundland. Nantucket _______._..____ ~ Batters ._______...._ ~ ____ Key West ______.___._____ New Orleans _____________ Swan Island ____..._._ ____ TurksIsland ___..... ~ ___. Bermuda __.__.._....____. Horta, Azores .__._______. Lerwick,ShetlandIslands Valencia, Ireland __.______ London ._________....____. WEATHER OF NORTH AMERICA AND ADJACENT OCEANS ss/.So6 (261- 1) ~~__-- -~ Inches Inch Inrhrs Inchrs 29.47 -0.35 30.10 15th _____ 38.04 12th. 29.79 -0.27 30.28 47th ____ ~ 29.16 14th. 29.97 -0.16 30.46 17th _____ 29.54 10th. 30.09 +O.Ol 30.30 28th _____ 28.84 10th. 30.08 -0.02 30.36 30th _____ 29.82 2 14th. 29.94 -0.05 30.06 20th _____ 29.86 110th. 30.08 0.00 30.16 2 6th ___. 29.94 11th. 30.06 -0.08 30.46 18th _____ 29.50 11th. 30.01 -0.09 30.56 28th ____. 29.42 4th. 29.71 -0.01 30.23 28th _____ 3.G2 17th. 29.66 -0.24 30.66 28th ____. 23.97 1st 29.87 , -0.13 30.58 29th _____ 29.27 I3d.' .NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN By F. A. YOUNG February was another unusually stormy month over the North Atlantic. The percentage of days wit,h gales was considerably above the normal over the middle and western sections of the steamer lanes, where they were reported on from 7 t'o 9 days, the storm area on a number of days extending as far south as the 35th parallel. The conditions over the eastern section of the northern steamer lanes were moderate Its compared with the two revious months, although that region was by no means free from heavy weather. A number of reports were re- ceived from vessels indicating winds of force 11 and 12, although they were not quite as common as in January, and the number of marine casualties was also less. TABLE l.--riiwrnges, departures, and extremes of atmospheric pres- sures at sea level, 8 a. m. (75th meridian), North Atlantic Ocean, February, 1926 I From normals shown on H: 0. Pilot Chart, based on observations at Oreenwich 2 And on other dated. wean noon, or 7 a. m., 75th menhan. - Lin- coln tal. - -KO -16 -31 -La -2,191 - Fog was uiiusually prevalent off the New England coast and in the Gulf of Mesico, while the number of days on which it occurred was about normal in the vicinity of the British Isles, and somewhat below over the Grand Banks and steamer lanes. Low pressure prevailed a t practically all of the stations during the greater part of the mouth, although a t Horta there mere two short periods in the second and third decades, respectively, when the barometric readings were considerably above norinal, indicating that the North Atlantic HIGH was well developed. Charts VI11 to XI11 show the conditions from the 1st to Gth, inclusive. During the first art of this period the same disturbance shown on Charts 5 and XI for January covered the eastern section of the steamer lanes. The LOW that was centrd near St. Johns, Newfoundland, on the Gth, as shown on Chart SIII, moved steadily ease ward, and on the 7th the center was near 45' N., 40' W., and moderate to strong gales revailed over the region meridians. The LOW that was off the coast of Ireland on the Gth moved but little, decreasing in intensity, as on the 7th moderate weather prevailed over the eastern section of the steamer lanes, although on that date and the 5th vessels between the Azores and the Spanish coast reported moderate southwesterly gales. On the 8th hhere was a slight depression off Hatteras that afterward developed into a severe disturbance. On that date there was also a LOW central near 50° N., 40' W., and strong gales swept the steamer lanes between the 30th and 50th meridinnu. The Hatteras disturbance moved northeastward along the coast, and on the 10th was near Nantucket. On the 11th it was near Halifax, while on both of these dates southwesterly to north- between the 35th and 50th para K els and the 35th and 50th