Minutes of the Nov 7, 2003 Tevatron Dept Meeting 1. shutdown progress: a) Bruce - Tev was sucessfully ramped to 1005 GeV though we were forced to switch from A3 to A2 main bus PS (ripple issues); radiography at B16-1 did not reveal big quad displacement wrt to dipoles (that happened to be datalogging error; vacuum was good everywhere... till minor accident at P2 line - which goes thru F0 Lambertson... recovering; b) Dean - A0 sextupole aligned, power leads covered by plastic cage, ready for power next week; c) Fritz - pbar ends cabling 100% done, electrical offsets of several BPMs has to be understood together with TD experts; d) Ron - A48 collimator was found 0.1" off horizontally, fixed; e) see also recent J. Volk shutdown status report in the Tev Web page. 2. Pierre Bauer presented results of b2 snapback studies at TD which concluded in several recommendations: a) backporch time duration has to be stabilized; b) number of ramp cycles after quench can be reduced to 1 (6 now) with 40 min at flat top; c) operational b2 snapback algorithm (waveform) should be improved; d) there is no need in beamless precycle after each sucessful store if the store is longer than 1 hour. Slow drift of main dipole field at 980 GeV was found to be dB/B=1e-4 over 1/2 hr. 3. Vladimir presented one week B-sector HLS data (24 quad elevations logged every minute) - there are slow drifts of about 10's to 100's microns (depending on distance between quads), 20 micron Earth tides over 720 m with 12 hour period. 4. Vaia summarized recent indications of the beta^* drift at IPs which occured since about Feb'03 (from 37-38 to some 42-45 cm): a) sigma_zL of luminous region is up 7-10% (=the quantity propto sqrt(beta^* sigma_z) while bunch length sigma_z was about constant; b) ratio of (Effective emittance from Luminosity/effective emittance from Flying Wires) (=propto beta^*/Hourglass) grown by 6% since June'03; c) beta^* parameter of CDF SVT off-line analysis grown by some 10-15%. 5. Vladimir informed about changes in the BD organization - formation of a new Accelerator Integration Department - and what it means for us: several scientists will join the Physics group of the Tev Dept, Jim Morgan will become permanent "Run coordinator"= "operation coordinator" whom Tev coordinators will need to contact with, etc. 6. Vladimir presented bi-monthly Tev progress report (see beams-doc-905), he expects luminosity back to 40e30 sometime mid-Dec'03, and hopes we will break 50e30 before Jan 8, 2004; 15 major FY'04 Tev projects listed. Minutes recorded by V. Shiltsev, edited by R. Moore