Subject: OPPOSE Rel. No. 34-39670; File No.S7-3-98 Date: 4/23/98 9:09 AM I do not believe this rule change has taken into account the TRUE damage that will ripple through the markets, economy and long term hardshipseffects placed on any potential future public companies. This country was created because of the ability of entreuprnuers to raise money and capitalize their enventions, ideas, and services. Regulating that ability to extension will crush the ability to bring creativity to market and push ligitimate business out side the country to potentially black markets to accomplish their goals. It is becoming a world economy and market place. The SEC and USA markets need to lead the way to a more secure and friendlier market for investors and companies alike. If we don't someone or some other country will and take control of a more agreeable market place. Controling fraud does not have to enclude putting a concrete block on all other companies and market makers. I request you kill this proposed rule change. Roger Ellsworth