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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
Title: Two New White-Flowered Griffinia Species

item Pruess, K - UNIV OF FLORIDA
item Meerow, Alan

Submitted to: Herbertia Journal of the International Bulb Society
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: September 1, 2002
Publication Date: January 15, 2003
Citation: Pruess, K.D., Meerow, A.W. 2003. Two new white-flowered Griffinia species. Herbertia Journal of the International Bulb Society.

Interpretive Summary: The genus Griffinia is a genus of endangered ornamental bulbs in the Amaryllis family found only in Brazil. Two new species, G. leucantha and G. cordata, are described. Both G. cordata and G. leucantha have stout flowers stems and white flowers. In stature, G. cordata is intermediate between G. alba, another white-flowered species, and G. leucantha, but unlike those species it has strikingly heart-shaped leaves.

Technical Abstract: Griffinia leucantha and G. cordata, distinct from any other known species of the genus, are described as new from nineteenth century herbarium specimens. Both belong to subg. Griffinia. These Brazilian species lack blue range pigments in the flowers, a characteristic of Griffinia subg. Hyline, but share the derived characters (e.g. several flowers per scape, few ovules per locule, 5 +1 staminal arrangement) of Griffinia subg. Griffinia. Both G. cordata and G. leucantha have stout scapes and white flowers; however, the perianth is epiperigynous in G. cordata and epigynous in G. leucantha. In stature, G. cordata is intermediate between G. alba, another white-flowered species, and G. leucantha, but unlike those species it has strikingly cordate leaves.

Last Modified: 02/15/2009