Appendix F

Section A -- Performance Objectives

PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE #1 -- Accountability of Property

The Laboratory will achieve accountability for government property. (Weight = 45%)

1.1 Laboratory Responsibility

The accountable individual is identified for capital and attractive (sensitive) property, and the timeliness of such identification is measured. (Weight = 5%)

1.1.a Accuracy of Information

Percentage of property records with the accountable individual assigned within 60 days of the property being recorded in the property information database. (Weight = 5%)

Basis for Rating:

Percentage of property records with the accountable individual assigned within 60 days:

  • Meets = 95 to 97.4%
  • Exceeds = 97.5 to 99.4%
  • Far Exceeds = 99.5% & Up

1.2 Attractive Property Inventory

A successful attractive (sensitive) property inventory is conducted every year. Property accountability records shall be reconciled within 180 days after conclusion of the inventory. (Weight = 15%)

1.2.a Inventory Results

Percentage of attractive (sensitive) property accounted for, by value, in the most recent attractive (sensitive) property inventory conducted. (Weight = 15%)

Basis for Rating:

Percentage of property, by value, accounted for:

  • Meets = 99.5%
  • Exceeds = 99.6- 99.7%
  • Far Exceeds = 99.8%-Up

1.3 Capital Property Inventory

A successful capital property inventory is conducted every two years. Property accountability records shall be reconciled within 180 days after conclusion of the inventory. (Weight = 15%)

1.3.a Inventory Results

Percentage of capital property accounted for, by depreciated value, in the most recent capital property inventory conducted. (Weight = 15%)

Basis for Rating:

Percentage of property, by depreciated value, accounted for:

  • Meets = 99.5%
  • Exceeds = 99.6- 99.7%
  • Far Exceeds = 99.8%-Up

1.4 Property Close-Outs

The Laboratory will have an effective and timely process for processing property close-outs of those subcontracts with government-furnished and/or subcontractor acquired property. (Weight = 10%)

1.4.a Timeliness of Property Close-Outs

Percentage of expired subcontracts with GFP/SAP in which property close out is completed within 6 months of receipt of the final inventory close-out report. Property close-out means that GFP/SAP has been accounted-for and a property disposition determination has been made utilizing one of the following options: returned, sold, transferred, donated, abandoned-in-place, placed under a bailment agreement or transferred to another subcontract. The property disposition determination process includes appropriate screening. (Weight = 10%)

Basis for Rating:

Percentage of expired subcontracts with GFP/SAP in which property close out is completed within 6 months:

  • Meets = 90-94.9%
  • Exceeds = 95-97.9%
  • Far Exceeds = 98%-Up

PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE #2 -- Property Utilization Program

The Laboratory will have an ongoing, cost effective property utilization program. (Weight = 10%)

2.1 Walk-through Program

All appropriate areas and facilities will be covered by a walk-through at least every two years. (Weight = 5%)

2.1.a Walk-through Planning

The Laboratory will submit a walk-through plan / schedule by September 1, 1995 that outlines areas to be covered in FY96. Progress against the plan will be measured as well as the timeliness of resolution of walk-through actions. Walk-through actions not resolved within 90 days will have a documented action plan. The plan / schedule can be revised with DOE concurrence as a result of unavoidable changes in operational priorities. (Weight = 5%)

Basis for Rating:

Percentage of areas covered and timeliness of resolution:

  • Meets = 95% of areas are reviewed on schedule and 85% of walk-through actions resolved within 90 days

  • Exceeds = 100% of areas are reviewed on schedule and 90% of walk-through actions resolved within 90 days

  • Far Exceeds = 100% of areas are reviewed on schedule and 100% of walk-through actions resolved within 90 days


Resolution of Walk-Through actions is defined as finding resolved OR corrective action plan in place.

2.2 Vehicle Utilization

The Laboratory will have a program to ensure proper utilization of Government motor vehicles. (Weight = 5%)

2.2.a Measuring Utilization

Percentage of total eligible motor vehicles reviewed. Reviews are performed against approved local use objectives. The term 'reviews' includes actions taken for low utilization of motor vehicles.

(Weight = 5%)

Basis for Rating:

Percentage of total eligible vehicles reviewed:

  • Meets = 90-94.9%
  • Exceeds = 95-97.9%
  • Far Exceeds = 98%-Up

PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE #3 -- Disposal of Property

The Laboratory will have an efficient property disposal operation. (Weight = 10%)

3.1 Cycle time Reduction

The Laboratory will reduce cycle time in the excess process from declaration of excess to the site (excess declaration form or equivalent) to final disposition (removal from property record). (Weight = 10%)

3.1.a Measuring Cycle Time

The Laboratory will establish site specific baselines and cycle time reduction goals. The Laboratory will submit its plan of action by April 1, 1996 with reductions to be realized in FY96.

(Weight = 10%)

Basis for Rating:

Reduction goals and gradients for rating will be selected by the Laboratory in partnership with DOE and UC.


The Laboratory will baseline using FY95 data.

PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE #4 -- Customer Satisfaction

The Laboratory shall strive to improve customer satisfaction. (Weight = 10%)

4.1 Customer Feedback

The laboratory listens and responds to its internal and external customers and stakeholders in a fair and open process that encourages dialogue and participation. Weight = 10%)

4.1.a Working Customer Needs

The Laboratory shall select areas in which to determine the needs of its customers relative to its property management systems and methods. Measurement of improved customer satisfaction will be from an established baseline. The Laboratory will submit its selection by November 1, 1995 and its plan of action by February 1, 1996.

(Weight = 10%)

Basis for Rating:

  • Meets: Identify customers (end users), provide rationale for process by which customer input is to be gathered and establish methods for measurement. Implementation plan with scheduled milestones is documented and plan is initiated.

  • Exceeds: Identify customers (end users), provide rationale for process by which customer input is to be gathered and establish methods for measurement. Implementation plan with scheduled milestones is documented and milestones met. Documentation of results versus the baseline demonstrates improvements in customer satisfaction relative to product improvement ( ease of use & timeliness).

    Customer satisfaction improvement goals, selected by the Laboratory in partnership with DOE and UC, have been achieved.

  • Far Exceeds: Identify customers (end users), provide rationale for process by which customer input is to be gathered and establish methods for measurement. Implementation plan with scheduled milestones is documented and milestones met or exceeded. Documentation of results versus the baseline demonstrates significant improvements in customer satisfaction relative to product improvement ( ease of use & timeliness).

    Customer satisfaction improvement goals, selected by the Laboratory in partnership with DOE and UC, have been achieved.


The Laboratory will aggressively pursue significant cost reduction in the Lab-wide property management system. (Weight = 25%)

5.1 Cost Reduction

The laboratory shall identify opportunities to significantly reduce costs in the Property Management function. (Weight = 25%)


Measuring Cost Reductions

The Laboratory shall identify a minimum of three (3) property management functional elements with the potential to reduce costs significantly and provide rationale for choosing functional elements by September 1, 1995. The Laboratory shall submit plan of action for pursuing cost reductions in selected elements by December 1, 1995. (Weight = 25%)

Basis for Rating:

Functional elements, plan of action and gradients for rating for cost reduction will be selected by the Laboratory in partnership with DOE and UC.

Factors to be considered in scoring this measure will include:

  • Process for choosing functional elements

  • Plan of action

  • Documentation of cost reductions realized OR documentation must be sufficient to demonstrate with certainty that reductions will be realized within the agreed upon time frame and accompanied by a firm schedule of implementation.

Appendix F Table of Contents
Appendixes Table of Contents
Contract 98 Table of Contents