POLAR Telecon Agenda for July 15, 2005


0. Upcoming Polar Telecon

1. Operations:

2. Senior Review

3. Senior Review Proposal


0.  Upcoming Polar Telecons

Friday, July 15, 2005

4 pm ET, 3 pm CT, 2 pm MT, 1 pm PT

PIs and their designated representatives will be telephoned at their usual numbers.

Other participants may call in at: 1-888-810-3139, password POLAR TELECON

(Leader: John Sigwarth)


The web site for the final agenda will be:



Future Polar Telecons

Friday, August 5, 2005

Future Telecon Science Discussion Schedule

[Errors/omissions/preferences to: nicola.fox@jhuapl.edu

Aug 2005: MFE

Sept 2005: CEPPAD

Oct 2005: TIDE

Nov 2005: PIXIE

Jan 2005: SEPS

Feb 2005: UVI

Mar 2005: MDI

Apr 2006: CAMMICE

May 2006: VIS

June 2006: EFI

 July 2006: Hydra


1. Operations

If you have any concerns about Polar operations, please contact Nicky Fox (nicola.fox@jhuapl.edu)


Sun Angle Maneuver

The next Polar maneuver is tentatively scheduled for 11/14/2005.  The sun angle plot shows a likely scenario for the remaining 3 maneuvers which will allow Polar operations to December 2006 with a maximum amount of time for keeping the Polar EFI antenna out of the spacecraft shadow.  The line at 91.6 degrees shows the angle plus margin that is used for planning the Polar attitude.  In this current season, the EFI antenna exited the spacecraft shadow on June 26 and the definitive sun angle for that day was 91.45 degrees.



GTM Upsets

No GTM upsets this month


Polar Tape Recorder Servo Errors

The remaining Polar tape recorder (DTR1) has been experiencing servo errors.  These servo errors occur on approximately 25% of the playbacks and are always at the start of the playback.  It should be emphasized that no data has been lost from Polar due to the servo errors.  The DTR1 switch to the secondary encoder unit occurred on Thursday at 190101 UTC. The FOT observed the tape recorder servo telemetry in real-time with increased vigilance for about 40 minutes after the switch and data were nominal with no errors.  It will take the next 2 weeks to determine if the switch of the encoders has eliminated the servo errors.


2. Senior Review


NASA HQ has announced that a Senior Review will be held for operating missions, including Polar, in the sun solar system connection program.  The Senior Review will be held the week of November 14 with the proposals due the first week in October.  The first draft of the call for proposals for the Senior Review has been released and copies of the call for proposals and proposal directions were sent to the Polar team.  The Polar Senior Review Proposal will need to address the key issues identified in the strategic roadmap process and how the current and planned observations by Polar have strategic value within this context.  In addition, availability of high resolution data will be factored into the ranking of the proposals.


Polar operations and data analysis after the Senior Review will be contingent on the results of the review.  The results of the Senior Review should be known early in the calendar year 2006. 


3. The 2006 Senior Review Proposal

The PI teams should have received a copy of the second draft of the science section from the proposal for comment.




Science Sections:


Everyone needs to review the future science sections and send comments to the team members listed below. So far, very little input has been received from the teams – we need your feedback and edits urgently for the third draft. A number of team members have been identified to review the science sections and they are listed below.


2.1 Polar radiation belt science in the 2005-2006 interval: A return to the heart of the outer zone. Lead authors: Paul O’Brien & Bern Blake (JBernard.Blake@aero.org & Paul.OBrien@aero.org)

Reviewers: Reiner Friedel; Martin Walt


2.2 Microscale and macroscale physics of magnetic reconnection. Lead author: Karlheinz Trattner (karlheinz.j.trattner.dr@lmco.com)

Reviewers: Ted Fritz; Bill Peterson; Jack Scudder


2.3 Auroral acceleration region. Lead author: Chris Russell (ctrussell@igpp.ucla.edu)

Reviewers: Nelson Maynard; George Parks; Rob Pfaff


Accomplishments section:


This section is badly in need of work. At the moment it is composed mainly of material from the 2003 Senior Review proposal, with additions from a handful of teams. You must take time to add your team’s more recent achievements to this section. Please try to add text directly into the document (switch on track changes or at least insert text in red) failing that, you may send paragraphs containing your team’s achievements to Nicky (nicola.fox@jhuapl.edu).


We would also like to include information on how many other people use Polar data – how many SR&T, TR&T and GI grants use Polar data. Please also send that information to Nicky


Section 3: Technical and Budget


Draft 3 will contain a technical and budget section as well as the Science material. This will include a sub-section about the health of the instruments. Each team must submit a paragraph concerning their instrument. A sample paragraph pulled from the 2003 proposal is included for reference.


Hydra Status: The Hydra instrument continues to function well, with all sensors operational and all systems functioning, including the commercial burst mode memory. The inter-detector gains of the DDEIS are changing with time in an expected way with the large number of total counts these detectors have registered. The relative balancing on these detectors is accomplished by software on the ground. The absolute calibration is assisted by comparison with the ion estimates of density and intercomparison with solar wind monitors when we occasionally encounter the solar wind. The PPA sensor articulated for high resolution samples of electrons along the magnetic field direction continues to work well and is cross calibrated with the DDEIS.


Polar Senior Review Development Schedule:

May 6: Polar PI telecon

May 6-May 13: Skeleton Draft

May 13-20: writing assignments, formation of Red Team

May 23-27: AGU meeting in New Orleans (can we get together)

June 1-24: Draft 1 (circulated 23rd), Polar PI Telecon 24th)

June 27-July 1: GEM meeting in Santa Fe (can we get together)

July 5-11: Draft 2 (circulated 11th, Polar PI Telecon 15th)


July 15-August 5: Draft 3 (circulated August 1st, Polar PI Telecon 5th)

July18-29: IAGA meeting in Toulouse, France

August 6-14: Draft 4

August 15: Draft 4 sent to Red Team

August 22-23: Red Team Review

August 25: Polar PI Telecon

August 26-September 5: Draft 5 (circulated 5th)

September 12-19: Draft 6 to PI team for last review/editing, Polar telecon (16th)

September 20-26: final formatting, proofing

September 27-30: Printing and delivery