Hanford Reach, Washington

"Approximately 94 km of the Columbia River bordering Hanford between Priest Rapids Dam and Richland, Washington, was closed to public access from 1943 until the late 1960's, although partial access to the lower section of the reach was allowed during the 1970's. It was not until 1978 that the entire reach was opened to daytime public boating. Thus the Hanford Reach is undammed and undredged; it is the last "free-flowing" section of the mainstem Columbia River in the United States and the last significant mainstem Columbia spawning location for fall chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)."

- excerpt from: Geist, D.R. 1995. The Hanford Reach: What Do We Stand to Lose? Illahee 11(3 and 4): 130-141.