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Kidney Diseases Dictionary: K-O

Kidney Diseases Dictionary Index

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kidney (KID-nee):

One of the two bean-shaped organs that filter wastes from the blood. The kidneys are located near the middle of the back. They create urine, which is delivered to the bladder through tubes called ureters.

kidney failure:

Loss of kidney function. (See also end-stage renal disease, acute renal failure, and chronic kidney disease.)

kidney stone:

A stone that develops from crystals that form in urine and build up on the inner surfaces of the kidney, in the renal pelvis, or in the ureters.

Kt/V (kay-tee over vee):

A measurement of dialysis dose. The measurement takes into account the efficiency of the dialyzer, the treatment time, and the total volume of urea in the body. See also URR.



lithotripsy (LITH-oh-TRIP-see):

A method of breaking up kidney stones using shock waves or other means.

lupus (LOO-pus) nephritis (nef-RY-tis):

Inflammation of the kidneys caused by an autoimmune disease called systemic lupus erythematosus (eh-rih-theh-mah-TOH-sis). The condition can cause hematuria and proteinuria, and it may progress to end-stage renal disease.



membrane (MEM-brane):

A thin sheet or layer of tissue that lines a cavity or separates two parts of the body. A membrane can act as a filter, allowing some particles to pass from one part of the body to another while keeping others where they are. The membrane in a dialyzer filters waste products from the blood.

Illustration of a dialyzer membrane

Dialyzer Membrane

membranoproliferative (MEM-bray-no-pro-LIF-er-uh-tiv) glomerulonephritis (gloh-MEHR-yoo-loh-nef-RY-tis):

A disease that occurs primarily in children and young adults. Over time, inflammation leads to scarring in the glomeruli, causing proteinuria, hematuria, and sometimes chronic kidney disease or end-stage renal disease.

membranous nephropathy (neh-FROP-uh-thee):

A disorder that hinders the kidneys' ability to filter wastes from the blood because of harmful deposits on the glomerular membrane. Some cases of membranous nephropathy develop after an autoimmune disease or malignancy, but most develop without a known cause.



nephrectomy (nef-REK-tuh-mee):

Surgical removal of a kidney.

nephrogenic (NEF-roh-JEN-ik) diabetes (DY-uh-BEE-teez) insipidus (in-SIP-ih-dus):

Constant thirst and frequent urination because the kidney tubules cannot respond to antidiuretic hormone. The result is an increase in urine formation and excessive urine flow.

nephrolithiasis (NEF-roh-lih-THY-uh-sis):

See kidney stones.

nephrologist (nef-RAHL-oh-jist):

A doctor who treats patients with kidney problems or hypertension.

nephron (NEF-rahn):

A tiny part of the kidneys. Each kidney is made up of about 1 million nephrons, which are the working units of the kidneys, removing wastes and extra fluids from the blood.

nephropathy (neh-FROP-uh-thee):

Any disease of the kidney.

nephrotic (nef-RAH-tik) syndrome:

A collection of symptoms that indicate kidney damage. Symptoms include high levels of protein in the urine, lack of protein in the blood, and high blood cholesterol.

nuclear (NEW-klee-ur) scan:

A test of the structure, blood flow, and function of the kidneys. The doctor injects a mildly radioactive solution into an arm vein and uses x rays to monitor its progress through the kidneys.



oxalate (AHK-suh-late):

A chemical that combines with calcium in urine to form the most common type of kidney stone (calcium oxalate stone).

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