out au‘ wotk in de fiel‘s to kie‘p gather in de crop. “Frank foun‘ ue a place to work an‘ put us ai]. in de fiel‘. I never had worked in de fiel‘ before. I‘d faint away moe‘ ever‘day ‘bout eleven o‘clock. It was de heat. Some of ein would have to tote me to de house. I‘d soon come to. Den I had to go back to de fiel‘. Us was on Maree Davis Cox‘s place den. 9~wo years later I met Pet Franke an‘ us married. De Çox‘s was good folks an‘ give us a big weddin‘. All de white folks an‘ de Niggers for miles a—round come to see ~ue‘ git married. De Nigger. had a big eupper an‘ had a peck t‘est. Us had eight chillun, but amt but tkiree of ‘em livin‘. Me an‘ Pet amt been a-livin‘ together for de las‘ twenty-three years. Us jus‘ couldn‘ git ‘long together, so us quit. He lives out at Acker‘s J~iehing Lodge now en‘ dose de cookin‘ for ‘e~. . •0$1 flOVßt will forgit de K1u Klux Klan. Never will ~ ~or~ git de - way~‘dat horn soup ‚ at night when dey was a-goin‘ aft er some mean Nigger. Ue‘d all run an‘ hide. Ue was livin‘ on de Troup place din, near old Hamilton, in one o‘ de brick houses back o‘ de housi whar dey used to keep de slaves. Marse Alec Troup was one o‘ de lUta Klux‘s an‘ so was Marse Thad llj.Ltia dat lived close by. Dey‘d make plans together somet ime an‘ I‘ d hear ‚ ~. One time dey caught me lis‘nin‘, but dey didn‘ do nothin‘ to me~ ‘cau8e dey knowed I warnt gwine tell. Us was all good Nigger. ou his place. “Lawd, Miss, dese here young folks today is gwine straight to de Devil. AU dey do all day an‘ all night is run ‘round an‘ 6