FUNCTION Array_Despike,array, $ kernel=kernel, $ sigma =sigma, $ threshold=threshold,ITMAX=itmax,$ scale = scale, $ NOLOW = NOLOW, $ verbose=verbose ;+ ; NAME: ; Array_Despike ; ; PURPOSE: ; Remove isolated HIGH SIGNAL/NOISE elements from a 2D array, replacing ; them with a local mean. This routine iterates until convergence or ; a user-supplied maximum number. Only ; points passing the S/N cut are affected. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; Newarray = Array_Despike( array, kernel=kernel, $ ; Sigma=Sigma, threshold=threshold, itmax=itmax, verbose=verbose ; INPUT ARGUMENT: ; array = the array to despike. Units are counts because sqrt(mean) used ; to determine number of standard deviations per spike ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT ARGUMENT: ; kernel = local mean computed by convol( array, kernel, /normalize,/edge_truncate) ; default kernel is the 8 cells surrounding a cell ; SIGMA = the number of standard deviations by which a pixel must ; exceed the local background for it to be replaced. DEFAULT = 5.0 ; ITMAX = the maximum number of iterations. DEFAULT = 20 ; SCALE = If any scaling is needed for cells, scale is used. ; it should have the same size as array. For example, if ; array columns have different accumulation times (livetimes) ; then this scaling can be applied here. Expectation values ; should scale with array/scale. ; NOLOW = If set, then negative spikes are not removed ; ; ; OUTPUT: ; Array_Despike returns the array, with spikes removed. ; ; REVISION HISTORY: ; 7-jul-2006, ; 12-jul-2006,, added scale array input ; and fixed problem with totally isolated spikes, minimum ; sigma is 1 to keep f_div from reporting 0 for diff/sigma ; 19-jul-2006, ras, Added removal of negative spikes and NOLOW keyword to disable this ; new feature ;- ; Fill in default parameters: on_error, 2 default, itmax,20 default, sigma, 8 ; default, threshold, 6 a = array if not same_data( size(a,/dim), size(scale,/dim)) then scale = 1.0 if not keyword_set(kernel) then $ kernel= size(/n_dim, a) eq 2 ? [[1,1,1],[1,0,1],[1,1,1]] : [1,0,1] iter = 0 test = 1 while test do begin if since_version('6.2') then $ asm = n_elements(scale) eq 1 ? convol( a, kernel, /norm, /edge_tru) : $ convol( f_div(a, scale), kernel, /norm, /edge_tru) * scale else $ asm = (n_elements(scale) eq 1 ? convol( a, kernel, /edge_tru) : $ convol( f_div(a, scale), kernel, /edge_tru) * scale ) / total(kernel) diff = a - asm sigma_array = f_div( diff, sqrt(asm)>1.) repl = where( sigma_array gt sigma and a ge threshold, nreplace) if nreplace ge 1 then a[repl] = asm[repl] if keyword_set(verbose) then print, 'replace ',nreplace, ' points for iter = ', iter iter = iter + 1 test = (iter gt itmax) or (nreplace eq 0) ? 0 : 1 endwhile test = 1 iter = 0 if not keyword_set(NOLOW) THEN while test do begin if since_version('6.2') then $ asm = n_elements(scale) eq 1 ? convol( a, kernel, /norm, /edge_tru) : $ convol( f_div(a, scale), kernel, /norm, /edge_tru) * scale else $ asm = (n_elements(scale) eq 1 ? convol( a, kernel, /edge_tru) : $ convol( f_div(a, scale), kernel, /edge_tru) * scale ) / total(kernel) diff = asm - a sigma_array = f_div( diff, sqrt(a)>1.) repl = where( sigma_array gt sigma and asm ge threshold, nreplace) if nreplace ge 1 then a[repl] = asm[repl] if keyword_set(verbose) then print, 'replace ',nreplace, ' points for iter = ', iter iter = iter + 1 test = (iter gt itmax) or (nreplace eq 0) ? 0 : 1 endwhile RETURN,A END