Class AlgorithmConvolver

  extended by java.lang.Thread
      extended by gov.nih.mipav.model.algorithms.AlgorithmBase
          extended by gov.nih.mipav.model.algorithms.AlgorithmConvolver
All Implemented Interfaces:
ActionListener, WindowListener, Runnable, EventListener

public class AlgorithmConvolver
extends AlgorithmBase

Convolves kernel with a 2D or 3D image - only pixels where the kernel is completely contained in the image are convolved, otherwise they are set to zero. This is reasonable since data at the edges of images is rarely used and large kernels should not be used since it is much faster to perform FFT, filter, and IFFT. The break even point is probably around a kernel size of 11 or so.

Since this class extends the AlgorithmBase class that extends the Thread class it can be run in its own thread by invoking algoConvolver3DObj.start(); It can also be invoked without a new thread by calling the the run() method directly (ie.

  1. Source image is exported (locked and unlocked by export)
  2. Kernel is exported
  3. Image is convolved with kernel
  4. Return

0.1 Aug 1, 1997
Matthew J. McAuliffe, Ph.D.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.lang.Thread
Thread.State, Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class gov.nih.mipav.model.algorithms.AlgorithmBase
destFlag, destImage, image25D, mask, maxProgressValue, minProgressValue, multiThreadingEnabled, nthreads, progress, progressModulus, progressStep, runningInSeparateThread, srcImage, threadStopped
Fields inherited from class java.lang.Thread
Constructor Summary
AlgorithmConvolver(ModelImage srcImage, float[] kernelX, float[] kernelY, float[] kernelZ, float[] kernelXX, float[] kernelXY, float[] kernelYY, float[] kernelXZ, float[] kernelYZ, float[] kernelZZ, boolean entireImage, int[] kExtents)
AlgorithmConvolver(ModelImage srcImage, float[] kernelX, float[] kernelY, float[] kernelZ, float[] kernelXX, float[] kernelXY, float[] kernelYY, float[] kernelXZ, float[] kernelYZ, float[] kernelZZ, float[] kernelXXX, float[] kernelXXY, float[] kernelXYY, float[] kernelYYY, float[] kernelXXZ, float[] kernelXZZ, float[] kernelXYZ, float[] kernelYYZ, float[] kernelYZZ, float[] kernelZZZ, int[] kExtents, boolean entireImage)
AlgorithmConvolver(ModelImage srcImage, float[] kernelX, float[] kernelY, float[] kernelXX, float[] kernelXY, float[] kernelYY, float[] kernelXXX, float[] kernelXXY, float[] kernelXYY, float[] kernelYYY, int[] kExtents, boolean entireImage)
AlgorithmConvolver(ModelImage srcImage, float[] kernelX, float[] kernelY, float[] kernelXX, float[] kernelXY, float[] kernelYY, int[] kExtents, boolean entireImage)
AlgorithmConvolver(ModelImage srcImage, float[] kernelX, float[] kernelY, float[] kernelZ, float[] kernelX2, float[] kernelY2, int[] kExtents, boolean entireImage, boolean combined2D3D)
AlgorithmConvolver(ModelImage srcImage, float[] kernelX, float[] kernelY, float[] kernelZ, int[] kExtents, boolean entireImage)
AlgorithmConvolver(ModelImage srcImage, float[] kernelX, float[] kernelY, int[] kExtents, boolean entireImage, boolean sqrtXY)
AlgorithmConvolver(ModelImage srcImage, float[] kernel, int[] kExtents, boolean entireImage, boolean image25D)
AlgorithmConvolver(ModelImage srcImg, ModelImage kern)
          Sets the source and kernel images and calls the appropriate method based on image dimensionality.
Method Summary
static float convolve2DPt(int pix, int[] iExtents, float[] image, int[] kExtents, float[] kernel)
          A static function that convolves a kernel with an image at a position.
static float convolve2DPt(WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector2f pt, int[] iExtents, float[] image, int[] kExtents, float[] kernel)
          A static function that convolves a kernel with an image at a position.
static float convolve2DPtMed(int pix, int[] iExtents, float[] image, int[] kExtents, float[] kernel)
          A static function that convolves a kernel with an image at a position.
static float convolve2DPtNMS(int pix, int[] iExtents, float[] image, int[] kExtents, float[] kernelX, float[] kernelY, float[] kernelXX, float[] kernelXY, float[] kernelYY)
          A static function that convolves a kernel with an image at a position.
static float convolve2DPtNMSE(int pix, int[] iExtents, float[] image, int[] kExtents, float[] kernelX, float[] kernelY, float[] kernelXXX, float[] kernelXXY, float[] kernelXYY, float[] kernelYYY)
          A static function that convolves a kernel with an image at a position.
static float convolve2DPtSqrtXY(int pix, int[] iExtents, float[] image, int[] kExtents, float[] kernelX, float[] kernelY)
          A static function that convolves a kernel with an image at a position.
static float convolve2DRGBPt(int pix, int[] iExtents, float[] image, int[] kExtents, float[] kernel)
          A static function that convolves a kernel with an RGB image at a position.
static float convolve2DRGBPtSqrtXY(int pix, int[] iExtents, float[] image, int[] kExtents, float[] kernelX, float[] kernelY)
          A static function that convolves a kernel with an RGB image at a position.
static float convolve3DPt(float[] pt, int[] iExtents, float[] image, int[] kExtents, float[] kernel)
          A static function that convolves a kernel with an image at a position.
static float convolve3DPt(int pix, int[] iExtents, float[] image, int[] kExtents, float[] kernel)
          A static function that convolves a kernel with an image at a position.
static float convolve3DPtMed(int pix, int[] iExtents, float[] image, int[] kExtents, float[] kernel)
          A static function that convolves a kernel with an image at a position.
static float convolve3DPtNMS(int pix, int[] iExtents, float[] image, int[] kExtents, float[] kernelX, float[] kernelY, float[] kernelZ, float[] kernelXX, float[] kernelXY, float[] kernelYY, float[] kernelXZ, float[] kernelYZ, float[] kernelZZ)
          A static function that convolves a kernel with an image at a position.
static float convolve3DPtNMSE(int pix, int[] iExtents, float[] image, int[] kExtents, float[] kernelX, float[] kernelY, float[] kernelZ, float[] kernelXXX, float[] kernelXXY, float[] kernelXYY, float[] kernelYYY, float[] kernelXXZ, float[] kernelXZZ, float[] kernelXYZ, float[] kernelYYZ, float[] kernelYZZ, float[] kernelZZZ)
          A static function that convolves a kernel with an image at a position.
static float convolve3DPtXYZ(int pix, int[] iExtents, float[] image, int[] kExtents, float[] kernelX, float[] kernelY, float[] kernelZ)
          A static function that convolves a kernel with an image at a position.
static float convolve3DRGBPt(int pix, int[] iExtents, float[] image, int[] kExtents, float[] kernel)
          A static function that convolves a kernel with an RGB image at a position.
static float convolve3DRGBPtXYZ(int pix, int[] iExtents, float[] image, int[] kExtents, float[] kernelX, float[] kernelY, float[] kernelZ)
          A static function that convolves a kernel with an RGB image at a position.
static void convolveBlock3D(int start, int end, int lpv, float[] iImage, int[] iExtents, int[] kExtents, float[] kernel, ModelImage oImage)
static float convolveWhole2DPt(int pix, int[] iExtents, float[] image, int[] kExtents, float[] kernel)
          A static function that convolves a kernel with an image at a position.
static float convolveWhole3DPt(int pix, int[] iExtents, float[] image, int[] kExtents, float[] kernel)
          A static function that convolves a kernel with an image at a position The convolution is performed only if the whole kernel fits inside the image.
 void finalize()
          Prepares this class for destruction.
 float[] getOutputBuffer()
 boolean isBlue()
 boolean isGreen()
 boolean isRed()
 void run2D()
          Begins the excution of the 2D convolver.
 void run3D()
          Begins the excution of the 3D convolver.
 void run4D()
 void runAlgorithm()
          Begins execution of the convolver.
 void setBlue(boolean blue)
 void setColorChannels(boolean red, boolean green, boolean blue)
 void setGreen(boolean green)
 void setKernelImage(ModelImage kern)
          Accessor that sets the and kernel image.
 void setRed(boolean red)
Methods inherited from class gov.nih.mipav.model.algorithms.AlgorithmBase
actionPerformed, addListener, addProgressChangeListener, calculatePrincipleAxis, computeElapsedTime, convertIntoFloat, delinkProgressToAlgorithm, displayError, errorCleanUp, fireProgressStateChanged, fireProgressStateChanged, fireProgressStateChanged, fireProgressStateChanged, fireProgressStateChanged, generateProgressValues, getDestImage, getElapsedTime, getMask, getMaxProgressValue, getMinProgressValue, getNumberOfThreads, getProgress, getProgressChangeListener, getProgressChangeListeners, getProgressModulus, getProgressStep, getProgressValues, isCompleted, isImage25D, isMultiThreadingEnabled, isRunningInSeparateThread, isThreadStopped, linkProgressToAlgorithm, makeProgress, notifyListeners, removeListener, removeProgressChangeListener, run, setCompleted, setImage25D, setMask, setMaxProgressValue, setMinProgressValue, setMultiThreadingEnabled, setNumberOfThreads, setProgress, setProgressModulus, setProgressStep, setProgressValues, setProgressValues, setRunningInSeparateThread, setStartTime, setThreadStopped, startMethod, windowActivated, windowClosed, windowClosing, windowDeactivated, windowDeiconified, windowIconified, windowOpened
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Thread
activeCount, checkAccess, countStackFrames, currentThread, destroy, dumpStack, enumerate, getAllStackTraces, getContextClassLoader, getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler, getId, getName, getPriority, getStackTrace, getState, getThreadGroup, getUncaughtExceptionHandler, holdsLock, interrupt, interrupted, isAlive, isDaemon, isInterrupted, join, join, join, resume, setContextClassLoader, setDaemon, setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler, setName, setPriority, setUncaughtExceptionHandler, sleep, sleep, start, stop, stop, suspend, toString, yield
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AlgorithmConvolver(ModelImage srcImg,
                          ModelImage kern)
Sets the source and kernel images and calls the appropriate method based on image dimensionality.

srcImg - Source image to be convolved with kernel.
kern - Kernel image.


public AlgorithmConvolver(ModelImage srcImage,
                          float[] kernel,
                          int[] kExtents,
                          boolean entireImage,
                          boolean image25D)


public AlgorithmConvolver(ModelImage srcImage,
                          float[] kernelX,
                          float[] kernelY,
                          int[] kExtents,
                          boolean entireImage,
                          boolean sqrtXY)


public AlgorithmConvolver(ModelImage srcImage,
                          float[] kernelX,
                          float[] kernelY,
                          float[] kernelZ,
                          int[] kExtents,
                          boolean entireImage)


public AlgorithmConvolver(ModelImage srcImage,
                          float[] kernelX,
                          float[] kernelY,
                          float[] kernelXX,
                          float[] kernelXY,
                          float[] kernelYY,
                          int[] kExtents,
                          boolean entireImage)


public AlgorithmConvolver(ModelImage srcImage,
                          float[] kernelX,
                          float[] kernelY,
                          float[] kernelXX,
                          float[] kernelXY,
                          float[] kernelYY,
                          float[] kernelXXX,
                          float[] kernelXXY,
                          float[] kernelXYY,
                          float[] kernelYYY,
                          int[] kExtents,
                          boolean entireImage)


public AlgorithmConvolver(ModelImage srcImage,
                          float[] kernelX,
                          float[] kernelY,
                          float[] kernelZ,
                          float[] kernelXX,
                          float[] kernelXY,
                          float[] kernelYY,
                          float[] kernelXZ,
                          float[] kernelYZ,
                          float[] kernelZZ,
                          boolean entireImage,
                          int[] kExtents)


public AlgorithmConvolver(ModelImage srcImage,
                          float[] kernelX,
                          float[] kernelY,
                          float[] kernelZ,
                          float[] kernelXX,
                          float[] kernelXY,
                          float[] kernelYY,
                          float[] kernelXZ,
                          float[] kernelYZ,
                          float[] kernelZZ,
                          float[] kernelXXX,
                          float[] kernelXXY,
                          float[] kernelXYY,
                          float[] kernelYYY,
                          float[] kernelXXZ,
                          float[] kernelXZZ,
                          float[] kernelXYZ,
                          float[] kernelYYZ,
                          float[] kernelYZZ,
                          float[] kernelZZZ,
                          int[] kExtents,
                          boolean entireImage)


public AlgorithmConvolver(ModelImage srcImage,
                          float[] kernelX,
                          float[] kernelY,
                          float[] kernelZ,
                          float[] kernelX2,
                          float[] kernelY2,
                          int[] kExtents,
                          boolean entireImage,
                          boolean combined2D3D)
Method Detail


public boolean isRed()


public void setRed(boolean red)


public boolean isBlue()


public void setBlue(boolean blue)


public boolean isGreen()


public void setGreen(boolean green)


public void setColorChannels(boolean red,
                             boolean green,
                             boolean blue)


public static final float convolve2DPt(int pix,
                                       int[] iExtents,
                                       float[] image,
                                       int[] kExtents,
                                       float[] kernel)
A static function that convolves a kernel with an image at a position.

pix - index indicating location of convolution
iExtents - image dimensions
image - image data
kExtents - kernel dimensions
kernel - kernel data
the value of the pixel after convolution with the kernel


public static final float convolve2DPtSqrtXY(int pix,
                                             int[] iExtents,
                                             float[] image,
                                             int[] kExtents,
                                             float[] kernelX,
                                             float[] kernelY)
A static function that convolves a kernel with an image at a position.

pix - index indicating location of convolution
iExtents - image dimensions
image - image data
kExtents - kernel dimensions
kernelX - kernel data
kernelY - kernel data
the value of the pixel after convolution with the kernel


public static final float convolve2DPtNMS(int pix,
                                          int[] iExtents,
                                          float[] image,
                                          int[] kExtents,
                                          float[] kernelX,
                                          float[] kernelY,
                                          float[] kernelXX,
                                          float[] kernelXY,
                                          float[] kernelYY)
A static function that convolves a kernel with an image at a position.

pix - index indicating location of convolution
iExtents - image dimensions
image - image data
kExtents - kernel dimensions
kernelX - kernel data
kernelY - kernel data
kernelXX - kernel data
kernelXY - kernel data
kernelYY - kernel data
the value of the pixel after convolution with the kernel


public static final float convolve2DPtNMSE(int pix,
                                           int[] iExtents,
                                           float[] image,
                                           int[] kExtents,
                                           float[] kernelX,
                                           float[] kernelY,
                                           float[] kernelXXX,
                                           float[] kernelXXY,
                                           float[] kernelXYY,
                                           float[] kernelYYY)
A static function that convolves a kernel with an image at a position.

pix - index indicating location of convolution
iExtents - image dimensions
image - image data
kExtents - kernel dimensions
kernelX - kernel data
kernelY - kernel data
kernelXXX - kernel data
kernelXXY - kernel data
kernelXYY - kernel data
kernelYYY - kernel data
the value of the pixel after convolution with the kernel


public static final float convolve2DPt(WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector2f pt,
                                       int[] iExtents,
                                       float[] image,
                                       int[] kExtents,
                                       float[] kernel)
A static function that convolves a kernel with an image at a position.

pt - floating point indicating location of convolution
iExtents - image dimensions
image - image data
kExtents - kernel dimensions
kernel - kernel data
the value of the pixel after convolution with the kernel


public static final float convolve2DPtMed(int pix,
                                          int[] iExtents,
                                          float[] image,
                                          int[] kExtents,
                                          float[] kernel)
A static function that convolves a kernel with an image at a position. This version seems to just be used by AlgorithmLapMedianess.

pix - index indicating location of convolution
iExtents - image dimensions
image - image data
kExtents - kernel dimensions
kernel - kernel data
the value of the pixel after convolution with the kernel
See Also:


public static final float convolve2DRGBPt(int pix,
                                          int[] iExtents,
                                          float[] image,
                                          int[] kExtents,
                                          float[] kernel)
A static function that convolves a kernel with an RGB image at a position.

pix - index indicating location of convolution
iExtents - image dimensions
image - image data
kExtents - kernel dimensions
kernel - kernel data
the value of the pixel after convolution with the kernel


public static final float convolve2DRGBPtSqrtXY(int pix,
                                                int[] iExtents,
                                                float[] image,
                                                int[] kExtents,
                                                float[] kernelX,
                                                float[] kernelY)
A static function that convolves a kernel with an RGB image at a position.

pix - index indicating location of convolution
iExtents - image dimensions
image - image data
kExtents - kernel dimensions
kernelX - kernel data
kernelY - kernel data
the value of the pixel after convolution with the kernel


public static final float convolve3DPt(int pix,
                                       int[] iExtents,
                                       float[] image,
                                       int[] kExtents,
                                       float[] kernel)
A static function that convolves a kernel with an image at a position.

pix - index indicating location of convolution
iExtents - image dimensions
image - image data
kExtents - kernel dimensions
kernel - kernel data
the value of the pixel after convolution with the kernel


public static final float convolve3DPtXYZ(int pix,
                                          int[] iExtents,
                                          float[] image,
                                          int[] kExtents,
                                          float[] kernelX,
                                          float[] kernelY,
                                          float[] kernelZ)
A static function that convolves a kernel with an image at a position.

pix - index indicating location of convolution
iExtents - image dimensions
image - image data
kExtents - kernel dimensions
kernelX - kernel data
kernelY - kernel data
kernelZ - kernel data
the value of the pixel after convolution with the kernel


public static final float convolve3DPtNMS(int pix,
                                          int[] iExtents,
                                          float[] image,
                                          int[] kExtents,
                                          float[] kernelX,
                                          float[] kernelY,
                                          float[] kernelZ,
                                          float[] kernelXX,
                                          float[] kernelXY,
                                          float[] kernelYY,
                                          float[] kernelXZ,
                                          float[] kernelYZ,
                                          float[] kernelZZ)
A static function that convolves a kernel with an image at a position.

pix - index indicating location of convolution
iExtents - image dimensions
image - image data
kExtents - kernel dimensions
kernelX - kernel data
kernelY - kernel data
kernelZ - kernel data
kernelXX - kernel data
kernelXY - kernel data
kernelYY - kernel data
kernelXZ - kernel data
kernelYZ - kernel data
kernelZZ - kernel data
the value of the pixel after convolution with the kernel


public static final float convolve3DPtNMSE(int pix,
                                           int[] iExtents,
                                           float[] image,
                                           int[] kExtents,
                                           float[] kernelX,
                                           float[] kernelY,
                                           float[] kernelZ,
                                           float[] kernelXXX,
                                           float[] kernelXXY,
                                           float[] kernelXYY,
                                           float[] kernelYYY,
                                           float[] kernelXXZ,
                                           float[] kernelXZZ,
                                           float[] kernelXYZ,
                                           float[] kernelYYZ,
                                           float[] kernelYZZ,
                                           float[] kernelZZZ)
A static function that convolves a kernel with an image at a position.

pix - index indicating location of convolution
iExtents - image dimensions
image - image data
kExtents - kernel dimensions
kernelX - kernel data
kernelY - kernel data
kernelZ - kernel data
kernelXXX - kernel data
kernelXXY - kernel data
kernelXYY - kernel data
kernelYYY - kernel data
kernelXXZ - kernel data
kernelXZZ - kernel data
kernelXYZ - kernel data
kernelYZZ - kernel data
kernelZZZ - kernel data
the value of the pixel after convolution with the kernel


public static final void convolveBlock3D(int start,
                                         int end,
                                         int lpv,
                                         float[] iImage,
                                         int[] iExtents,
                                         int[] kExtents,
                                         float[] kernel,
                                         ModelImage oImage)
start -
end -
lpp - length per voxel, for example 4 for RGB image.
iImage -
iExtents -
kExtents -
kernel -
oImage -


public static final float convolve3DPt(float[] pt,
                                       int[] iExtents,
                                       float[] image,
                                       int[] kExtents,
                                       float[] kernel)
A static function that convolves a kernel with an image at a position.

pt - floating point indicating location of convolution
iExtents - image dimensions
image - image data
kExtents - kernel dimensions
kernel - kernel data
the value of the pixel after convolution with the kernel


public static final float convolve3DPtMed(int pix,
                                          int[] iExtents,
                                          float[] image,
                                          int[] kExtents,
                                          float[] kernel)
A static function that convolves a kernel with an image at a position. This version seems to just be used by AlgorithmLapMedianess.

pix - index indicating location of convolution
iExtents - image dimensions
image - image data
kExtents - kernel dimensions
kernel - kernel data
the value of the pixel after convolution with the kernel
See Also:


public static final float convolve3DRGBPt(int pix,
                                          int[] iExtents,
                                          float[] image,
                                          int[] kExtents,
                                          float[] kernel)
A static function that convolves a kernel with an RGB image at a position.

pix - index indicating location of convolution
iExtents - image dimensions
image - image data
kExtents - kernel dimensions
kernel - kernel data
the value of the pixel after convolution with the kernel


public static final float convolve3DRGBPtXYZ(int pix,
                                             int[] iExtents,
                                             float[] image,
                                             int[] kExtents,
                                             float[] kernelX,
                                             float[] kernelY,
                                             float[] kernelZ)
A static function that convolves a kernel with an RGB image at a position.

pix - index indicating location of convolution
iExtents - image dimensions
image - image data
kExtents - kernel dimensions
kernelX - kernel data
kernelY - kernel data
kernelZ - kernel data
the value of the pixel after convolution with the kernel


public static final float convolveWhole2DPt(int pix,
                                            int[] iExtents,
                                            float[] image,
                                            int[] kExtents,
                                            float[] kernel)
A static function that convolves a kernel with an image at a position. The convolution is performed only if the whole kernel fits inside the image.

pix - index indicating location of convolution
iExtents - image dimensions
image - image data
kExtents - kernel dimensions
kernel - kernel data
the value of the pixel after convolution with the kernel or 0 if the kernel does not fit wholly within the image


public static final float convolveWhole3DPt(int pix,
                                            int[] iExtents,
                                            float[] image,
                                            int[] kExtents,
                                            float[] kernel)
A static function that convolves a kernel with an image at a position The convolution is performed only if the whole kernel fits inside the image.

pix - index indicating location of convolution
iExtents - image dimensions
image - image data
kExtents - kernel dimensions
kernel - kernel data
the value of the pixel after convolution with the kernel or 0 if the kernel does not fit wholly within the image


public void finalize()
Prepares this class for destruction.

finalize in class AlgorithmBase


public void run2D()
Begins the excution of the 2D convolver.


public void run3D()
Begins the excution of the 3D convolver.


public void run4D()


public void runAlgorithm()
Begins execution of the convolver.

Specified by:
runAlgorithm in class AlgorithmBase


public void setKernelImage(ModelImage kern)
Accessor that sets the and kernel image.

kern - Kernel image.


public float[] getOutputBuffer()