// MuonParticleReco.rcp // string PackageName = "MuonParticleReco" string Algo = "MuoCandidate" int DebugLevel = 0 bool doFixing = false bool PtSmear = false; RCP Muon_PtSmear = // old chunk (from d0reco): RCP Muonid_Algo = bool delete_old_chunk = true // cosmic cut parameters: bool cutCosmics = false; bool cutCosmics_tight = false; // add dca cut float timeA_cut = 10; // ns (will cut out abs(time)>value) float timeBC_cut = 10;// ns (will cut out abs(time)>value) float dca_cut = 0.16; // cm (will cut out abs(dca)>value) // if false: apply new p14 criteria for Loose/Medium/Tight definition: bool apply_p13_certification = false; // try to rematch nseg=1 and nseg=-2 (|eta|~1) bool rematch_plus1_minus2 = true; // do you want to rebuild MTC bool rebuildMTC = false; // for isolation from jets RCP rcpJet5 = // z match at the beam spot for track isolation (cm): float dz_track = 2 // probabibilty to reach the B-layer (for low pt p14 certification) // for nRange=(higherP-lowerP)/pStep generated momentum ranges: // first range: for generated momentum from lowerP to lowerP+pStep // last range: from higherP-pStep to higherP // prob = 0 for p < lowerP GeV and 1 for p > higherP GeV // as a function of abs(eta) (eta bins = probB.size/nRange, from 0 to 2) float lowerP = 3; float higherP = 6; float pStep = 1; float probB = (0.218,0.25,0.18,0.133,0.086,0.109,0.191,0.289,0.45,0.456,0.274,0.061,0.028,0.027,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0.928,0.9,0.837,0.775,0.693,0.602,0.7,0.825,0.91,0.82,0.546,0.181,0.125,0.044,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0.986,0.985,0.961,0.955,0.925,0.911,0.944,0.936,0.97,0.912,0.916,0.772,0.588,0.41,0.454,0.555,0.625,0.7,0.8,0.857); // minimum probability (to reach the B-layer) to define a nseg=1 muon as non medium float min_probB = 0.7;