Honorable James Oberstar XXXXXXXXX(b)(7)(c) 231 Federal Bldg. XXXXXXXXXXXXXX Duluth, MN 55802 Duluth, MN XXXXX Re: 33 CFR # 117.11 June 7, 1993 Dear Congressman Oberstar: If I may Sir, I would like to bring to your attention the above federal regulation, having to do with the Aerial Lift Bridge here in Duluth and I'm sure other bridges in the United States also. My basic understanding of this reg. is that all non-essential navigational equipment must be lowered if at all possible to avoid unnecessary raising of the bridge(s). What I find void in this regulation is consideration for disabled and elderly people. I personally was instructed to lower my antennas on my radar arch on May 16, 1993 in 4/5 foot swells at lakeside of the lift bridge. I am 100% disabled. I feel this request was nothing less than reckless endangerment of my craft and crew. If I may add, my radio was out and I could not inform the bridge of my personal problem. However, radios are not required. If I may, could I suggest that provisions be afforded in these reg. for disabled and elderly people. Our Twin Ports here have many, many disabled and elderly boaters! To prompt honesty for identification purposes for elderly and disabled people, might I also suggest a flag, or a sticker visible, identifiable for bridge operators ....... such as I have for my car for parking purposes. Sir, I thank you for your time and consideration in the above matter and await your response. Sincerely, XXXXX(b)(7)(c) 01-02685