{CaptionsBy} Sherikon Space Systems {LastEditor} KSC Archive to NIX conversion program {ScannedBy} Bionetics Photo Lab {acquireddate} 15-May-1963 {author} National Aeronautics and Space Administration {date} 15-May-1963 {description} Astronaut L. Gordon Cooper leaving transfer van at Complex 14. {highres} 2256 x 1776 {highsize} 534550 {hightype} JPEG {keywords} MERCURY ASTRONAUTS,MERCURY MA-9 FLIGHT,LAUNCH COMPLEX 14,FAITH 7,TRANSFER VAN {lowres} 305 x 240 {lowsize} 101718 {lowtype} GIF {mediumres} 975 x 768 {mediumsize} 75039 {mediumtype} JPEG {names} COOPER, L. GORDON JR. {number} LOC-63-4837 {orientation} horizontal {othernumbers} P-07138, ARCHIVE-03809 {place} LAUNCH COMPLEX 14 {slideres} 164 x 156 {slidesize} 36863 {slidetype} GIF {tinyres} 100 x 79 {tinysize} 11101 {tinytype} GIF {title} MA-9 ASTRONAUT L. GORDON COOPER LEAVES TRANSFER VAN AT LAUNCH COMPLEX 14 {type} Image {view} exterior {end}