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Weather Archive

Jet Stream Revisited


name         Peter E.
status       educator
age          60s

Question -   Dear Dr.R.Cook.
I have read your archival info re "Jet Streams" and in my studies have
realized that this complex 3-D system (according to some authors)
BEGINS with the temp/press gradients at a low level, influencing
mid level winds moving either cyclonically or anticyclonically;add
the intrusion of high level winds and the Coriolis Effect; plus the
effect of the pressure gradient at the 300mb. level and the position
of the Polar Front == THE PATTERN for the Jet Stream.
1] in this simplification have I left out an important "factor"?
2]does the system BEGIN at the temp/press gradient at a LOW level?
3]or perhaps, there is a causality which begins with the jet stream
and works its way down to the surface

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