Miro, Personnage Gothique, Oiseau-Éclair (Gothic Personage, Bird-Flash)National Gallery of Art
Sculpture Garden
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Chocolate Cosmos with Coreopsis Creme Brulee Chocolate cosmos
The deep maroon flowers of the chocolate cosmos add a hint of chocolate to the air. This plant is a marginal perennial that must be dug out and stored for the winter. The Crème Brûleè coreopsis exhibits an abundance of pale yellow flowers throughout the season.
Oakleaf Hydrangea Oakleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia)
The white cone flowers of the oakleaf hydrangea steal the show in the month of June. As the flowers die, they still remain attractive. However, in order to ensure a good flowering show next year, the flowers are pruned off shortly after they die.
Japanese Stewartia Japanese stewartia (Stewartia pseudocamellia)
The camellia-like flowers on this delicate small tree are a pleasure to the eye. The Japanese stewartia is very temperamental in the Washington DC, area. Temperatures can get too hot for optimum growth.
Alice Dupont Mandevilla "Alice Dupont" mandevilla
This tropical vine graces the entrance of the pavilion. The mandevilla will climb all season long while visitors relax and enjoy the colorful pink flowers.
Heliotrope/ Dwarf Red Pentas Heliotrope
The current Constitution Avenue annual display consists of three varieties of plants. The deep purple flowers of heliotrope fill the air with a vanilla scent. Dwarf red pentas line the border and artist blue ageratum fill in the corners.
Tropical Hibiscus Tropical hibiscus
Container plantings of spiral tropical hibiscus surround the fountain. Within the containers are a mix of trailing mint vine, 'Symphony Yellow' osteospernum and wave petunias. As the summer progresses, the flowers will grow abundantly. The mint vine compliments the scent of the chocolate cosmos, located at the southwest entrance.
Bracken's Brown Beauty Southern Magnolia "Bracken's Brown Beauty" southern magnolia
These large flowers add a beautiful scent to the Sculpture Garden. This tree makes a perfect windscreen, which also assists in blocking the traffic noise.

The Resident Ducks The resident ducks
Many of the plantings, as well as the fountain, in the Sculpture Garden encourage wildlife. We are home to a wide variety of birds, including ducks that return every year.
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