ais ACCOUNT OF AN EXPEDITION Laft autumn he returned to Oonalafhka, where he paffed the winter. A European veffel put into the bay of Udagha, which Mr. Pribuloff vifited : it was the Mercury, Captain Coxe, copper- bottomed, and mounting fixteen guns. From this veffel, which' he faid had only two mafts, he received intelligence of the war between Ruflia and Sweden. The Captain was inquifitive about the Ruffian eftablifhments, their force, and fhipping: to explain which, Pribuloff took the Captain and his officers to their habita- tions, but could not treat them with any thing except faranna, berries, the dried meat of the fea-lion, and fifh, without bread. They expreffed aftonifhment at every thing they faw, but mod at their manner of living, &c. On their return to their own ihip, they fent Pribuloff a fupply of bread, brandy, and other ne- ceffaries, fome articles of drefs, and a quadrant, as prefents ; and a few days after left the ifland. Nothing in the world can aftoniQi a Ruffian more than difm- terefted liberality, or any kindnefs without fome profpecT: of fu- ture benefit. Greatnefs of foul is applied to every man who is juft, and grants his fervants fome few indulgences; every thing beyond this is called folly, and is fure to be impofed upon : nor have they any fentiment of feeling, except it be excited by blows. Taking this for the ruling character of the Ruffian hunters, it will be eafy to conceive the aftonifhment of Pribuloff and his com* panions at the liberality of Mr. Coxe : but how much was their amazement increafed, when, on their returning to Ochotfk, they were informed, that this very Captain commanded an enemy's ihip, and actually had a Swedifh commiffion to deftroy the Ruf- fian eftablifhments! They could not imagine what inducement he could have to mew them any mercy, much lefs to heap kind- neffes