File Type: SAMMC Data File File Name: d0reco_p14.05.01_NumEv-0_b+b-stable-b-hadrons_bphysics_mcp14_nikhef_12946_04146084043 File ID: 4354466 File Size: 104992642 [B] CRC Data: 2498068632L [adler 32 crc type] File Start Time: 05/25/2004 17:30:04 File End Time: 05/25/2004 17:56:35 Physical Stream: notstreamed File Format Info: unknown First Event: 180 Last Event: 24145 Total Events: 250 Application Family: reconstruction Application Name: d0reco Application Version: p14.05.01 Import Process ID: 0 Node Name: Work Group: bphysics User Name: willem Produced For: tulika Produced By: willem Origin Location: nikhef Origin Facility: nikhef Physics Channel: Description: B0bar to D+muX, D+ to PhiPi+ MC Phase: mcp14 Run Number: 437567 Run Type: monte carlo Run Start Time: 05/25/2004 10:22:19 Run End Time: 05/25/2004 10:32:24 Run Description: B0bar to D+muX, D+ to PhiPi+ Run CM Energy: 0.0 Parent Files: ['d0trigsim_p14.05.02_NumEv-0_b+b-stable-b-hadrons_bphysics_mcp14_nikhef_12946_04146084043'] Split: 0 Merge: 0 Key: facilityname = nikhef (Category: global) Key: groupname = bphysics (Category: global) Key: originname = nikhef (Category: global) Key: phase = mcp14 (Category: global) Key: producedbyname = willem (Category: global) Key: producedforname = tulika (Category: global) Key: requestid = 12946 (Category: global) Key: runjobversion = v06-02-08 (Category: global) Key: workrequestid = 04146084043 (Category: global) Key: appfamily = reconstruction (Category: reconstructed) Key: appname = d0reco (Category: reconstructed) Key: appversion = p14.05.01 (Category: reconstructed) Key: d0release = p14.05.01 (Category: reconstructed) Key: datatier = reconstructed (Category: reconstructed) Key: filesize = 102532 (Category: reconstructed) Key: finishdate = 05/25/2004 17:56:35 (Category: reconstructed) Key: firstevent = 180 (Category: reconstructed) Key: frameworkrcpname = runD0reco_mc.rcp (Category: reconstructed) Key: inputfilesperfile = 0 (Category: reconstructed) Key: lastevent = 24145 (Category: reconstructed) Key: numfiles = 0 (Category: reconstructed) Key: numrecords = 0 (Category: reconstructed) Key: paramcategory = Reconstructed (Category: reconstructed) Key: reprocess = off (Category: reconstructed) Key: runondata = off (Category: reconstructed) Key: samconsumerid = 0 (Category: reconstructed) Key: samdeliverytimeout = 0 (Category: reconstructed) Key: samprojectinput = off (Category: reconstructed) Key: skiprecords = 0 (Category: reconstructed) Key: startdate = 05/25/2004 17:30:04 (Category: reconstructed) Key: thumbname = /tmp/dest/d0reco/tmb_p14.05.01_NumEv-0_b+b-stable-b-hadrons_bphysics_mcp14_nikhef_12946_04146084043 (Category: reconstructed) Key: totalevents = 250 (Category: reconstructed) Request ID: 12946 Data Tier: reconstructed