virulence database sync

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129361-129460 (1-100) 129461-129560 (101-200) 129561-129660 (201-300) 129661-129760 (301-400) 129761-129860 (401-500)
129861-129960 (501-600) 129961-130060 (601-700) 130061-130160 (701-800) 130161-130260 (801-900) 130261-130360 (901-1000)
130361-130827 (1001-1100) [130828-131007 (1101-1200)] 131009-132588 (1201-1300) 132645-133308 (1301-1400) 133309-133408 (1401-1500)
133409-133508 (1501-1600) 133509-133608 (1601-1700) 133609-133708 (1701-1800) 133709-133808 (1801-1900) 133809-133908 (1901-2000)
133909-134008 (2001-2100) 134009-134108 (2101-2200) 134109-134208 (2201-2300) 134209-134308 (2301-2400) 134309-134408 (2401-2500)
134409-134508 (2501-2600) 134509-134608 (2601-2700) 134609-134708 (2701-2800) 134709-134808 (2801-2900) 134809-134908 (2901-3000)
134909-135008 (3001-3100) 135009-221723 (3101-3200) 221724-223389 (3201-3300) 223390-223489 (3301-3400) 223490-223591 (3401-3500)
223592-223695 (3501-3600) 223696-223797 (3601-3700) 223798-223910 (3701-3800) 223911-224015 (3801-3900) 224016-224119 (3901-4000)
224120-224342 (4001-4100) 224343-225232 (4101-4200) 225233-225332 (4201-4300) 225333-225434 (4301-4400) 225435-225538 (4401-4500)
225539-225638 (4501-4600) 225639-225740 (4601-4700) 225741-225856 (4701-4800) 225857-225958 (4801-4900) 225959-225979 (4901-4919)

Single chain protein id Protein name Protein type Locus tag Description / User comment Database name Database id Genbank accession Length Start on contig / cds translation End on contig / cds translation
130828 tr|O04072 Precursor ribosome inactivating protein precursor (EC (rRNA N-glycosidase) - Sam hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:3641
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1619 566
130829 sp|P21326|RIPP_MIRJA Antiviral protein MAP precursor (Ribosome-inactivating protein) (rRNA N-glycosi hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:3647
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1620 278
130830 sp|Q06077|ABRB_ABRPR Abrin-b precursor [Contains: Abrin-b A chain (rRNA N-glycosidase) (EC hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:3653
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1621 527
130831 tr|O22415 Type 2 ribosome-inactivating protein SNAIf precursor (EC (rRNA N-glycosidase) - hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:3659
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1622 570
130832 sp|P28590|ABRC_ABRPR Abrin-c precursor [Contains: Abrin-c A chain (rRNA N-glycosidase) (EC hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:3665
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1623 562
130833 sp|Q00465|RIPA_LUFCY Ribosome-inactivating protein luffin-alpha precursor (rRNA N-glycosidase) (EC 3 hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:3671
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1624 277
130834 sp|P22851|RIPB_LUFCY Ribosome-inactivating protein luffin-B (rRNA N-glycosidase) (EC - Luf hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:3677
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1625 250
130835 tr|Q41216 Trichosanthin (EC (rRNA N-glycosidase) - Trichosanthes kirilowii (Mongolian snak hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:3683
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1626 289
130836 sp|P16094|RIP1_MOMCH Ribosome-inactivating protein momordin I precursor (rRNA N-glycosidase) (EC 3.2 hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:3689
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1627 286
130837 tr|O04356 Ribosome inactivating type 1 protein precursor (EC (rRNA N-glycosidase) - Iris h hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:3695
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1628 300
130838 tr|O04357 Ribosome inactivating type 1 protein precursor (EC (rRNA N-glycosidase) - Iris h hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:3701
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1629 300
130839 tr|Q00980 B-luffin (EC (rRNA N-glycosidase) - Luffa cylindrica (Smooth loofah) (Sponge gou hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:3707
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1630 278
130840 tr|O04358 Ribosome inactivating type 1 protein precursor (EC (rRNA N-glycosidase) - Iris h hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:3713
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1631 298
130841 tr|O04367 Ribosome inactivating protein precursor (EC (rRNA N-glycosidase) - Sambucus nigr hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:3719
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1632 563
130842 sp|P27559|RIP2_SAPOF Ribosome-inactivating protein saporin-2 precursor (SAP-2) (SO-2) (rRNA N-glycos hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:3725
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1633 292
Single chain protein id Protein name Protein type Locus tag Description / User comment Database name Database id Genbank accession Length Start on contig / cds translation End on contig / cds translation
130843 sp|Q40772|RIP2_PHYAM Antiviral protein 2 precursor (PAP-II) (Ribosome-inactivating protein) (rRNA N- hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:3731
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1634 310
130844 tr|P93261 Polynucleotide:adenosine glycosidase (EC (rRNA N-glycosidase) - Mesembryanthemum hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:3737
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1635 289
130845 sp|P33185|RIP1_BRYDI Ribosome-inactivating protein bryodin I precursor (rRNA N-glycosidase) (EC 3.2. hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:3743
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1636 290
130846 sp|P02879|RICI_RICCO Ricin precursor [Contains: Ricin A chain (rRNA N-glycosidase) (EC; Ri hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:3749
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1637 576
130847 tr|Q41358 Lectin precursor (EC (rRNA N-glycosidase) - Sambucus nigra (European elder). hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:3755
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1638 570
130848 sp|P33183|NIGB_SAMNI Nigrin b precursor (Agglutinin V) (SNAV) [Contains: Nigrin b A chain (rRNA N-gl hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:3761
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1639 563
130849 tr|P93444 Pokeweed antiviral protein precursor (EC (rRNA N-glycosidase) - Phytolacca ameri hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:3767
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1640 314
130850 tr|P93543 Ribosome-inactivating protein SNAI` precursor (RRNA N-glycosidase) (EC - Sambucu hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:3773
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1641 569
130851 sp|P20656|RIP6_SAPOF Ribosome-inactivating protein saporin-6 precursor (SAP-6) (SO-6) (rRNA N-glycos hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:3779
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1642 299
130852 sp|P56626|RIP1_TRIAN Type I ribosome-inactivating protein trichoanguina precursor (rRNA N-glycosidas hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:3785
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1643 294
130853 tr|Q39418 Antiviral protein precursor (Ribosome-inactivating protein) (RRNA N- glycosidase) (Polynuc hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:3791
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1644 272
130854 tr|P93077 Antiviral protein (EC (rRNA N-glycosidase) - Clerodendrum aculeatum. hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:3797
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1645 302
130855 sp|P23339|RIPS_PHYAM Antiviral protein S (PAP-S) (Ribosome-inactivating protein) (rRNA N-glycosidase hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:3803
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1646 261
130881 sp|P33295|PEPC_ASPNG Subtilisin-like serine protease PEPC precursor (EC 3.4.21.-) - Aspergillus nige hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4069
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1682 533
Single chain protein id Protein name Protein type Locus tag Description / User comment Database name Database id Genbank accession Length Start on contig / cds translation End on contig / cds translation
130883 sp|P51559|BLI4_CAEEL Endoprotease bli-4 precursor (EC 3.4.21.-) (Blisterase) (Blistered cuticle prot hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4077
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1684 943
130884 tr|O13304 Protease 1 - Pneumocystis carinii. hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4081
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1685 790
130886 tr|O13305 Protease 1 - Pneumocystis carinii. hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4089
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1687 926
130888 tr|Q01707 Convertase PC2 - Xenopus laevis (African clawed frog). hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4097
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1689 639
130889 tr|O81324 F6N15.3 protein (Putative CUCUMISIN protease) - Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress). hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4101
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1690 706
130890 tr|O13464 Protease - Epichloe typhina. hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4105
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1691 463
130893 tr|Q17325 CelfurPC protein - Caenorhabditis elegans. hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4117
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1694 692
130897 sp|Q09175|KRP1_SCHPO Dibasic processing endoprotease precursor (EC 3.4.21.-) (KEX2-related protease) hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4133
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1698 709
130898 tr|O82777 Subtilisin-like protease - Lycopersicon esculentum (Tomato). hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4137
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1699 761
130900 sp|P29122|PAC4_HUMAN Paired basic amino acid cleaving enzyme 4 precursor (EC 3.4.21.-) (Subtilisin/k hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4145
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1701 969
130901 tr|Q94977 PC2-like prohormone convertase - Lucilia cuprina (Greenbottle fly) (Australian sheep blowf hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4149
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1702 675
130902 sp|P35211|ORYZ_ASPFL Oryzin precursor (EC (Alkaline proteinase) (ALP) (Elastase) (Elastin hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4153
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1703 403
130903 sp|P30432|FUR2_DROME Furin-like protease 2 precursor (EC (Furin 2) - Drosophila melanogas hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4157
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1704 1679
130905 sp|Q64514|TPP2_MOUSE Tripeptidyl-peptidase II (EC (TPP-II) (Tripeptidyl aminopeptidase) - hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4165
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1706 1262
Single chain protein id Protein name Protein type Locus tag Description / User comment Database name Database id Genbank accession Length Start on contig / cds translation End on contig / cds translation
130906 tr|P71402 Serine protease halolysin R4 - Halobacterium mediterranei (Haloferax mediterranei). hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4169
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1707 519
130907 sp|Q63415|PAC4_RAT Paired basic amino acid cleaving enzyme 4 precursor (EC 3.4.21.-) (Subtilisin/kex hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4173
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1708 937
130908 tr|Q07213 Proprotein convertase 4 precursor - Rattus rattus (Black rat). hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4177
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1709 654
130909 sp|P21662|NEC1_MOUSE Neuroendocrine convertase 1 precursor (EC (NEC 1) (PC1) (Prohormone hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4181
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1710 753
130910 tr|Q07214 Neuroendocrine convertase 3-B (EC (NEC 3-B) (PC4-B) (Prohormone convertase 3-B) hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4185
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1711 678
130913 sp|P09231|KEX1_KLULA KEX1 protease precursor (EC 3.4.21.-) - Kluyveromyces lactis (Yeast). hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4197
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1714 700
130914 tr|Q60424 Truncated furin endoprotease - Cricetulus griseus (Chinese hamster). hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4201
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1715 430
130916 sp|P28296|ORYZ_ASPFU Oryzin precursor (EC (Alkaline proteinase) (ALP) (Elastase) (Elastin hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4209
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1717 403
130917 tr|Q60425 Truncated furin endoprotease - Cricetulus griseus (Chinese hamster). hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4213
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1718 580
130919 tr|Q60426 Furin endoprotease - Cricetulus griseus (Chinese hamster). hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4221
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1720 794
130921 tr|O64481 Putative serine protease (Putative subtilisin serine protease) - Arabidopsis thaliana (Mou hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4229
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1722 815
130925 tr|Q16926 Vitellogenin convertase - Aedes aegypti (Yellowfever mosquito). hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4245
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1726 1060
130926 tr|Q56365 Thermostable alkaline protease - Thermoactinomyces sp. E79. hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4249
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1727 384
130927 tr|Q38708 Subtilisin-like protease - Alnus glutinosa (Alder). hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4253
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1728 761
Single chain protein id Protein name Protein type Locus tag Description / User comment Database name Database id Genbank accession Length Start on contig / cds translation End on contig / cds translation
130928 tr|P87184 Intracellular vacuolar serine proteinase precursor - Aspergillus fumigatus (Sartorya fumig hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4257
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1729 495
130931 sp|Q62849|PCK7_RAT Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 7 precursor (EC 3.4.21.-) (Proprotein hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4269
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1732 783
130932 tr|Q26489 Endoprotease furin - Spodoptera frugiperda (Fall armyworm). hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4273
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1733 1299
130933 sp|P13134|KEX2_YEAST Kexin precursor (EC (KEX2 protease) (Proteinase YSCF) - Saccharomyce hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4277
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1734 814
130936 tr|O81899 Hypothetical 189.0 kDa protein - Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress). hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4289
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1737 1736
130938 sp|Q09541|YQS6_CAEEL Hypothetical subtilase-type proteinase F21H12.6 in chromosome II (EC 3.4.21.-) hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4297
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1739 1374
130945 sp|P09230|AEP_YARLI Alkaline extracellular protease precursor (EC 3.4.21.-) (AEP) - Yarrowia lipolyt hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4325
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1746 454
130946 sp|P12547|ORYZ_ASPOR Oryzin precursor (EC (Alkaline proteinase) (ALP) (Aspergillus protei hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4329
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1747 403
130947 tr|Q54437 Stable protease precursor - Staphylothermus marinus. hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4333
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1748 1345
130953 tr|O64495 F20D22.12 protein - Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress). hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4357
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1754 775
130954 tr|O42797 Subtilisin-like serine protease - Podospora anserina. hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4361
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1755 531
130955 sp|P06873|PRTK_TRIAL Proteinase K precursor (EC (Tritirachium alkaline proteinase) (Endop hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4365
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1756 384
130957 sp|P16519|NEC2_HUMAN Neuroendocrine convertase 2 precursor (EC (NEC 2) (PC2) (Prohormone hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4373
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1758 638
130960 tr|Q94595 Kex2-like protease - Tachypleus tridentatus (Japanese horseshoe crab). hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4385
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1761 752
Single chain protein id Protein name Protein type Locus tag Description / User comment Database name Database id Genbank accession Length Start on contig / cds translation End on contig / cds translation
130962 tr|Q00206 Protease (EC - Aspergillus niger. hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4393
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1763 416
130963 tr|Q00208 Alkaline protease - Emericella nidulans (Aspergillus nidulans). hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4397
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1764 403
130964 sp|P28841|NEC2_RAT Neuroendocrine convertase 2 precursor (EC (NEC 2) (PC2) (Prohormone co hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4401
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1765 637
130965 tr|O82006 Subtilisin-like protease - Lycopersicon esculentum (Tomato). hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4405
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1766 779
130967 tr|O82007 Serine protease - Lycopersicon esculentum (Tomato). hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4413
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1768 747
130968 tr|P93204 Serine protease,
SBT1 - Lycopersicon esculentum (Tomato).
hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4417
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1769 766
130970 tr|P93205 Serine protease,
SBT2 - Lycopersicon esculentum (Tomato).
hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4425
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1771 775
130971 tr|P87203 Serine proteinase precursor - Agaricus bisporus (Common mushroom). hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4429
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1772 376
130972 sp|P30430|FURC_DROME Furin-like protease 1,
isoform 1-CRR precursor (EC (Furin 1) (Kex2-l
hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4433
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1773 1101
130973 sp|P29119|FUR1_XENLA Furin 1 precursor (EC (Paired basic amino acid residue cleaving enzy hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4437
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1774 783
130974 sp|P30432|FUR2_DROME Furin-like protease 2 precursor (EC (Furin 2) - Drosophila melanogas hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4441
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1775 1679
130975 tr|Q40764 Antifreeze-like protein (af70) - Picea abies (Norway spruce) (Picea excelsa). hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4445
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1776 779
130976 sp|Q64560|TPP2_RAT Tripeptidyl-peptidase II (EC (TPP-II) (Tripeptidyl aminopeptidase) (Ch hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4449
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1777 1249
130979 sp|P16519|NEC2_HUMAN Neuroendocrine convertase 2 precursor (EC (NEC 2) (PC2) (Prohormone hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4461
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1780 638
Single chain protein id Protein name Protein type Locus tag Description / User comment Database name Database id Genbank accession Length Start on contig / cds translation End on contig / cds translation
130982 tr|Q16944 Prohormone convertase 1 - Aplysia californica (California sea hare). hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4473
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1783 703
130983 sp|P29122|PAC4_HUMAN Paired basic amino acid cleaving enzyme 4 precursor (EC 3.4.21.-) (Subtilisin/k hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4477
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1784 969
130985 sp|Q16549|PCK7_HUMAN Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 7 precursor (EC 3.4.21.-) (Proprote hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4485
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1786 785
130986 tr|Q08845 Neuroendocrine convertase 2 precursor (EC (NEC 2) (PC2) (Prohormone convertase hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4489
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1787 653
130987 sp|Q92824|PCK5_HUMAN Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 5 precursor (EC 3.4.21.-) (Proprote hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4493
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1788 913
130988 sp|P23377|FURI_RAT Furin precursor (EC (Paired basic amino acid residue cleaving enzyme) hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4497
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1789 793
130990 sp|P09232|PRTB_YEAST Cerevisin precursor (EC (Vacuolar protease B) (Proteinase YSCB) - Sa hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4505
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1791 635
130991 tr|O93577 Proprotein convertase PC2 - Rana ridibunda (Laughing frog) (Marsh frog). hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4509
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1792 636
130994 sp|P23188|FURI_MOUSE Furin precursor (EC (Paired basic amino acid residue cleaving enzyme hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4521
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1795 793
130997 sp|P29122|PAC4_HUMAN Paired basic amino acid cleaving enzyme 4 precursor (EC 3.4.21.-) (Subtilisin/k hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4533
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1798 969
131003 tr|Q17123 SPC2 - Branchiostoma californiensis (California lancelet) (Amphioxus). hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4557
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1804 688
131004 sp|P42781|XPR6_YARLI Dibasic processing endoprotease precursor (EC 3.4.21.-) - Yarrowia lipolytica ( hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4561
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1805 976
131005 tr|Q17124 SPC3 - Branchiostoma californiensis (California lancelet) (Amphioxus). hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4565
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1806 774
131006 tr|Q00296 Subtilisin-like protease precursor - Beauveria bassiana (Tritirachium shiotae). hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4569
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1807 360
Single chain protein id Protein name Protein type Locus tag Description / User comment Database name Database id Genbank accession Length Start on contig / cds translation End on contig / cds translation
131007 tr|Q10575 Neuroendocrine convertase 2 precursor (EC (NEC2) (PC2) (Prohormone convertase 2 hypothetical virulence sequence, sub_seq_id:4573
from virulence annotation sync operation
virulence 1808 652

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