#!/usr/local/bin/perl -P #; #; Perl Script to create a liftoff.html in ...sts-##/ dir #; #; #; #; USAGE: build_liftoff_html 69 #; $author = "Tom Nguyen 9/22/95"; #; #; check for parameter #; die "\nYou must specify a mission number to execute this script.\n\nUsage: build_liftoff_html ## \-\- where ## is like 69 for sts-69 mission.\n\nby: $author\n" unless @ARGV; $mission_num = $ARGV[0]; $edit_date = `date`; chop $edit_date; $mapdir = "/shuttle/missions/sts-$mission_num"; #; #; $htmlfile = "/ftp/www/shuttle/missions/sts-$mission_num/liftoff\.html"; print "Created html file: $htmlfile\n"; open (HTMLFILE, "> $htmlfile") || print "Error creating $htmlfile\n"; #; #; trick is to do write this to a file until we get to EndofText string #; at the same time we also insert text/replace text as necessary per our variables declared #; print HTMLFILE < STS-$mission_num Shuttle Liftoff Home Page

Landing of Endeavour at 7:37:56am EDT 9/18/95
Click here for NASA Select

Shuttle Liftoff Home Page

Click here to see the launch countdown clock
Click here to follow the shuttle's progress after liftoff
Click here for the Space Shuttle Status Reports

Shuttle Launch Status

Space Shuttle mission STS-$mission_num

STS-$mission_num Movies and Images


Launch Home Page Countdown Home Page
Developed under the direction of the NASA/KSC Public Affairs Office
Authors: Tom Nguyen / NASA (nguyen\@titan.ksc.nasa.gov)
Mike Downs / NASA (downs\@titan.ksc.nasa.gov)
Curator: Jim Dumoulin / NASA (dumoulin\@titan.ksc.nasa.gov)
Coordinator: Paula Shawa (Paula.Shawa-1\@ksc.nasa.gov) / SHER-10
Last Updated: $edit_date

A service of NASA/Kennedy Space Center Public Affairs Office, Hugh Harris,Director (Hugh.Harris-1\@kmail.ksc.nasa.gov)

EndofText close(HTMLFILE);