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Talks by Balaji


AR5 Science Workshop: Curator, Metafor and CMIP5

Curator, Metafor and CMIP5 at AR5 Science Workshop at GISS. Covers short-term prospects to use Curator/Metafor metadata organization work for CMIP5.


WGNE-24 - NOAA Climate Modeling Overview

An overview of NOAA Climate Modeling at WGNE-24 in Montreal, Canada.


CF Conventions

Talk solicited from the CF Conventions Committee by NASA for the NASA Earth Science Data System Working Group.


GO-ESSP 2008 Gridspec

Gridspec talk mostly focused on the tools.


The CHiMES project

Talk on CHiMES: Coupled High-Resolution Modeling of the Earth System.


World Modeling Summit: Making the heroic routine

A description of where Curator could go.


South Africa Science and Technology Delegation

Matt and I are on our way to Cape Town to teach a course similar to the one we taught at C-MMACS in 2004. I present a plan for collaborative work between GFDL and "centres of excellence" on regional climates.


METAFOR Launch meeting: Curator Review

Review of current status of ESC: given at opening meeting of the EU counterpart of ESC, called METAFOR. The talk covers recent developments in the ESC project, ands lays the foundation for Curator-Metafor collaboration.


GOESSP 2007: AR5 use cases

In this talk on AR5 use cases I present a series of real experiments in the literature, as well as imagined approaches to real experiments, illustrating what might be possible with a system such as we are proposing for AR5, with more and more advanced thoughts experiments disappearing into the blue horizons of Curator.


GOESSP 2007: Gridspec

Gridspec is now under active consideration by CF, as well as being proposed as the most plausible major advance in metadata moving towards AR5. Here I present a current status, as well as a plan for moving forward within CF in digestible chunks.


Curator talk to ESMF community

Curators as a natural outgrowth of frameworks: presentation to 2007 ESMF Community meeting. (Done in latex-beamer!)


Exchange grids

Short talk on exchange grids as requested by Phil Rasch at the NCAR-GFDL Atmospheric Model workshop.


MI Team: FRE in components

Today's MI Team talk covers changes to fremake to create libraries based on model components. Users with access to cobweb can get more details on my FRE page.


From FMS to FRE to Curator

Talk for visiting NOAA leadership.


Nalanda release

Preview of Nalanda release for MI Team.


FMS coupling architecture for NOAA

Talk presented to NOAA Unified Model Infrastructure Team.


FMS coupling architecture mapped to MAPL

Talk presented at Ocean Model Coupling Workshop: covers issues in coupling MOM4 to NASA's GEOS-5 model using the MAPL software layer.


Gridspec and unstructured grids

A detailed look at the draft grid metadata standard, for the Boulder workshop on unstructured grids.


First ESC Workshop: Introduction

Introductory slides to kick off the ESC Workshop. Lays the groundwork for ESC-ESG collaboration.


Frameworks and coastal modeling

Another talk later that month to a community interested in real-time response to coastal disasters, at the CRRC Fall Institute in Durham NH, September 2006.



Mosaic talk for CSDL visitors: develops the "model coupling, nesting, chaining" terminology.


Frameworks for Astrophysics

More outreach beyond climate modeling: this talk was solicited by an astrophysics community applying frameworks to stellar dynamics models, at the MODEST-7c workshop in Philadelphia, September 2006.


Gridspec and FMS

A detailed look at the draft grid metadata standard, and its implications for FMS.


Gridspec at GO-ESSP

... a detailed look at the draft grid metadata standard.


GO-ESSP: AR5 and "convergence"

Talks at the GO-ESSP Meeting in Livermore CA, June 2005, covered the outlook for IPCC AR5 and beyond


ESMF-ESC metadata convergence with PRISM

Overview of ESMF-ESC metadata activities given to PRISM metadata meeting in Exeter, May 2006.


NSF Petascale panel

This talk to an NSF workshop on Petascale computing in the Geosciences in San Diego, April 2006; presents Curator as part of an integrated approach to the petascale looking at models, data, and multi-model campaigns.



Lunchtime seminar at GFDL on PSETs: implementation of the uniform memory model on SGI Altix.


PRISM 2005 Meeting: Keynote address

A keynote address at the PRISM meeting intoduces the Curator use cases.


Curator to PRISM

Introducing Curator to PRISM at First PRISM Community Meeting, Toulouse, November 2005.


Rockin' in the FRE world

MI Team meeting talk promising changes in FRE...


Gollum, Global-Ocean Low-Level Utility Modules

Introduces ideas on kernelization at MI Team meeting... "protecting algorithms from frameworks".


First thoughts on gridspec?

Grid specification talk at ESMF Early Adopters meeting...


Domain decomposition on mosaics

First talk on mosaics at FV Core Workshop.


FMS 2004

2004 State of the FMS talk.



Curator introduced to modeling community at CAS Workshop in Annecy, September 2005.


ESC and grid metadata

First talk post-award, at ESMF Community Meeting in Cambridge, MA, July 2005. Also introduces the grid metadata.


FMS 2005

2005 State of the FMS talk.


ESMF and Curator

First presented to GO-ESSP (then called ESP) community, at ESP meeting in Princeton, June 2004.


Curator at APAN

Talk given at APAN eScience Workshop, January 2004: describes how Curator flows naturally from current practice in climate modeling.


First presentation on Curator

The first talk I can remember giving on Curator is my first proposal that this would be a natural development from ESMF, at the 2nd ESMF Community Meeting in Princeton, May 2003.


PRISM Community Meeting, Brussels

Coupled Modeling with MOM4


ECMWF Teracomputing Workshop, Reading

FMS: the GFDL Flexible Modeling System


Bruce Ross Symposium, GFDL, 20 June 2002

Evolution of standards in modeling software


First ESMF Community Meeting, Washington DC

ESMF: Introduction to the Earth System Modeling Framework (not actually HTML, but a Microsoft pidgin that happens to resemble HTML).


First PRISM Project Meeting, Toulouse

ESMF: Introduction to the Earth System Modeling Framework. (not actually HTML, but a Microsoft pidgin that happens to resemble HTML).


Next-Generation Climate Models (RIST)

Evolution of standards in modeling software


Coupler rewrite

I rewrote the coupler for the galway release of FMS: the main features, summarized in this talk, are the encapsulation of model component state variables in derived types (what later came to be called "import and export state" in ESMF.


NOAATech 2002, Silver Spring MD

FMS: an overview of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System.


Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences

Parallel algorithms.


ECMWF TeraComputing Workshop

Abstract parallel dynamical kernels for flexible climate models.


OASIS Workshop, CERFACS, Toulouse

FMS: the GFDL Flexible Modeling System.


FMS Workshop, GFDL

FMS communication and I/O kernels


Department of Applied Mathematics, Columbia University

Abstract parallel dynamical kernels for flexible climate models.


CRP Seminar Series, Princeton University

Abstract parallel dynamical kernels for flexible climate models


Colloque à CINES, Montpellier

Parallélisation de modèles météorologiques et climatologiques chez SGI.



Use of f90 user-defined types and operators in high-level code


CUG T3E Workshop, Princeton

A parallel spectral atmospheric GCM.


Poster at SGI/Cray MPP Workshop, CINECA Bologna

Evolution of Algorithms for the Ocean Free Surface


SGI/Cray MPP Workshop, CINECA Bologna

Parallel I/O for climate models


SGI/Cray MPP Workshop, CINECA Bologna

A parallel spectral atmospheric GCM


ECMWF TeraComputing Workshop

Evolution of Algorithms for the Ocean Free Surface



Introduction to Parallel Algorithms


CRP Seminar Series, Princeton University

Implicit and Explicit Algorithms for the Ocean Free Surface



MPP, ShmemPP: Parallel Programming for Sceptics

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last modified: 28 November 2008
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