NASA - Space Science graphic with planets and solar systems
Contacting the Curator  

The curator of the Space Science web (pages with addresses starting with manages the site in his "spare time", and is swamped with his primary job, which involves financial management of Space Science programs. He cannot search the Web for you, answer your science questions, help you write your science project, or evaluate your personal theory, much as he might like to. Any such questions submitted to the curator will be ignored. If you have questions of that nature, please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions page, which provides many helpful links.

The curator is not responsible for web pages that do not start with the address Please call any problems with such pages to the attention of the responsible person.

If there is a problem (broken link, factual error, missing information, etc.) on a web page that DOES start with the address, then please inform the curator by sending an email to dtupper at hq dot nasa dot gov. Please specify the nature and exact location (that is, the url address) of the problem.

Thanks for your consideration.

-- the curator