Library of Congress September 11 Web Archive Collection This is an archived Web site from the Library of Congress. maximize
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09/14/2001   09/18/2002

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Africa Reacts to Attacks on Washington, DC and New York

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Ethiopian Killed in US Terrorist Attack >>

Whole World Was Shaken

Governments, private institutions and newspapers around Africa are responding with shock and dismay to the attacks that have left many thousands of people dead and injured in New York city and in Washington, DC. The Moroccan daily Liberation said no country should consider itself safe. The Accra Mail spoke for many in calling the events "beastly".


The Nation

A Kenyan paramilitary on high alert at Nairobi airport.

Special page on African reaction
BBC reports Africa's reaction

US-based North Africans Bracing For Backlash

Despite reassurance from President Bush and other US officials, people of North African descent are deeply concerned they may get caught up in public anger, following Tuesday's devastating attacks on New York and Washington DC.


The Nation

How serious will the fallout be?

North African press on US attacks
Khartoum hopes spiral of violence can be avoided
Presidents express sorrow over US attacks

Africa-America Summit Postponed >>

Comment and Opinion from Around the Continent

Ethiopia Celebrates Its New Year

"So much has happened during the just ended Ethiopian year that the...bottom lines have not yet been said or heard." The Daily Monitor


Mail&Guardian: Conference Confirms Grown-Ups Are Strange People Indeed
Ghanaian Chronicle: Gender Implications of Information Technology
The Perspective: A Case Against Legalizing Polygamy
The Post: Religion And Racism
New Vision: Debate Capital Punishment

Battling on Against Malaria

The Namibian

Scienstists could be on the verge of a major breakthrough in the fight against malaria. They are trying to modify the gene that makes it possible for mosquitoes to pass the disease to humans.


New breed of mosquitoes fight malaria

PanAfrica: Bracing For Backlash
Kenya: Shareholders Block Pay Rise for Airways Bosses   Nation
PanAfrica: Africa Will Soon Face a Major Water Crisis   ACIS
Central Africa: Joint Agency Report Chronicles Suffering   ACIS
PanAfrica: African Leaders Call for Dialogue   ACIS
Ethiopia: Women Lawyers Say Four Girls Forced to Leave School   Addis Tribune
PanAfrica [document]: Joint Resolution To Authorize the use of United States Armed Forces   Committee on International Relations
Zambia: Opposition Explores Fielding One Presidential Candidate   The Post
Kenya: Head of Anti-Corruption Squad Appointed   IRIN
Sudan: Government And Rebels Using Antipersonnel Mines   IRIN
Rwanda: Media Trial: Prosecution Granted Permission to Introduce New Witness   Internews
Kenya: Kanu to Strip Rebels of Parliamentary Seats   Nation
Uganda [press release]: Growing Restrictions On Freedom of Association, Movement And Expression   Amnesty International
Rwanda: Tribunal Refutes Claims of Incompetence   Internews
Somalia: Human Rights Training Recommended   ACIS
PanAfrica: World Churches Prepares for Next World Mission Conference   ACIS
PanAfrica: Racism Talks: There is a Chance to Start Again   ACIS
Morocco [press release]: Human rights defenders face jail   Amnesty International
Uganda: Museveni is Going Personal, Besigye Says On Winnie   Monitor
Zambia: Oasis Convention Resolves to Amend the Constitution   The Post
Nigeria: Australia Seek Date With Super Eagles   Guardian
West Africa: Troubled Wafu Cup Postponed   Guardian
Nigeria: Obasanjo Visits Zamfara, Cautions On Sharia, Sharia Court Sentences Man to Death   Guardian
Nigeria: Citizens Vent Spleen On Arab-Americans   Guardian
more headlines >>

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