Library of Congress September 11 Web Archive Collection This is an archived Web site from the Library of Congress. maximize
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Africa Reacts to Attacks on Washington, DC and New York

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The World Bank, IMF Cancel Annual Meetings

The world's top two financial institutions have decided not to hold the Annual Meetings of their Boards of Governors and related committees on September 29-30, 2001."This decision was taken out of deepest respect and sympathy for the families of all those touched by the horrific events of last Tuesday," said a joint statement.


World Bank, IMF Press Release

Nigerians Debate Nature of Islam

In the wake of a former Nigerian ruler's call to "Islamize" Nigeria, a columnist argues that the campaign is not about religion but "is about generals realigning and seeking power."


Toru Morimoto/Galbe.Com

A mosque in Kano, Nigeria, where the introduction of Sharia law has sparked violent resistance.

Sectarian Tensions Still High in Northern Nigeria

Inter-religious meetings leading to Moslem/Christian prayer services have eased tensions somewhat in the Nigerian city of Jos, but over 10,000 people remain in refugee camps after conflict flared anew last Wednesday.


Unease in Abuja, Obasanjo blames Jos crisis on bad leadership
Christian association moves to stop introduction of Sharia in Kwara
Zamfara women defy gov's Purdah order

Ghana Airways Hit Hard >>

Sympathetic African Reaction Continues

Governments, private institutions and newspapers around Africa are still responding with shock and dismay to the attacks that have left many thousands of people dead and injured in New York city and in Washington, DC.


The Nation

A Kenyan paramilitary on high alert at Nairobi airport.

Special page on African reaction

PanAfrica: African Art Scholar Dies
Uganda: Col. Gadhafi's Makerere PHd Runs in Trouble   Monitor
Namibia: Marching Ex-Fighter Struck By a Vehicle   Namibian
Rwanda: Cross-Examination Cut Short to Allow Expert Witness to Testify in 'Cyangugu Trial'   Internews
Nigeria: Jos Crisis: Army Recommends Political Solution   This Day
Nigeria: Ethnic Clashes Impediment to Investment, Says Obasanjo   This Day
Rwanda: 'I Hid Under Corpses to Avoid Death,' Genocide Survivor Tells Tribunal   Internews
PanAfrica: IMF, World Bank Cancel Annual Meetings   This Day
PanAfrica: Museveni Laments Africa's Marginalisation in World Affairs   This Day
PanAfrica: World Cup: Korea Expresses Terrorist Concerns   Guardian
PanAfrica: Museveni Urges Curbing of Clashes, Lauds African Union   Guardian
Nigeria: Abubakar Absent At Oputa Panel, Babangida Seeks Court's Protection   Guardian
South Africa: US Attacks a Blow to Local Trade   Argus
Central African Republic: Inquiry Into Abortive Coup Ends, Report Issued   IRIN
Rwanda: Defense Attorneys Deny Father And Son's Involvement in Genocide   Internews
Uganda [press release]: New York University Roundtable with Teen War Survivors, Women's Commission Report To Be Released   Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children
PanAfrica: African New Media News Organisations Honoured   ITWeb
South Africa: Report Finds That AIDS is the Leading Cause of Death   IRIN
PanAfrica: Barclays Wins Best Bank in Africa Award   Accra Mail
PanAfrica: Pan-African Meeting for Bamako   Nation
PanAfrica: World's Parliaments Focus of the Condition of Children   IRIN
Uganda: Amnesty Decries Growing Political Repression   IRIN
Zimbabwe [document]: Focus On Continuing Crisis   IRIN
Nigeria: Jos Mayhem: 22 Inmates Shot Dead   Vanguard
more headlines >>

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