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Vaccines 6. Smallpox and Vaccinia


1. World Health Organization. The global eradication of smallpox. Final report of the global commission for the certification of smallpox eradication. In History of International Public Health No. 4. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1980. (pdf)

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27. J.A. Dudgeon. Development of smallpox vaccine in England in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries BMJ 1963. 1: 1367-1372. (PubMed)

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30. L.H. Collier. The development of a stable smallpox vaccine J Hyg (Lond) 1955. 53: 76-101. (PubMed)

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32. World Health Organization. Eradication of Smallpox. Official Records of the World Health Organization No. 87. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1958, pp 263  -- 264, 508  -- 512.

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39. A. Deria, Z. Jezek, and K. Markvart, et al. The world's last endemic case of smallpox: Surveillance and containment measures Bull World Health Organ 1980. 58: 279-283. (PubMed)

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50. A.W. Downie, L. St Vincent, A.R. Rao, and C.H. Kempe. Antibody response following smallpox vaccination and revaccination J Hyg (Lond) 1969. 67: 603-606. (PubMed)

51. A.W. Downie, L. St Vincent, and L. Goldstein et al. Antibody response in nonhaemorrhagic smallpox patients J Hyg (Lond) 1969. 67: 609-618. (PubMed)

52. K. McCarthy, A.W. Downie, and W.H. Bradley. The antibody response in man following infection with viruses of the pox group. II. Antibody response following vaccination J Hyg (Lond) 1958. 56: 466-478. (PubMed)

53. A.W. Downie, K. McCarthy, and A. Macdonald et al. Virus and virus antigen in the blood of smallpox patients. Their significances in early diagnosis and prognosis Lancet 1978. 2: 164-166. (PubMed)

54. E. White. Chickenpox in Kerala Indian J Public Health 1978. 22: 141-151. (PubMed)

55. Z. Jezek, R.N. Basu, and Z.S. Arya. Problem of persistence of facial pock marks among smallpox patients Indian J Public Health 1978. 22: 95-101. (PubMed)

56. Z. Jezek and W. Hardjotanojo. Residual skin changes in patients who have recovered from variola minor Bull World Health Organ 1980. 58: 139-140. (PubMed)

57. A.C. Mitra, J.K. Sarkar, and M.K. Mukheriee. Virus content of smallpox scabs Bull World Health Organ 1974. 51: 106-107. (PubMed)

58. W. Anders and J. Posch. Die Pockenausbrucke 1961/62 in Nordrhein-Westfalen Bundesgesundheitbl 1962. 17: 265-269.

59. P.F. Wehrle, J. Posch, K.H. Richter, and D.A. Henderson. An airborne outbreak of smallpox in a German hospital and its significance with respect to other recent outbreaks in Europe Bull World Health Organ 1970. 43: 669-679. (PubMed)

60. F. Huq. Effect of temperature and relative humidity on variola virus in crusts Bull World Health Organ 1976. 54: 710-712. (PubMed)

61. G.J. Harper. Airborne micro-organisms: Survival tests with four viruses J Hyg (Lond) 1961. 59: 479-486. (PubMed)

62. L. Rogers. Smallpox and vaccination in British India during the last seventy years Proc R Soc Lond 1944. 38: 135-139.

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64. Carvalho E.S. de Filho, L. Morris, and Lavigne A. de Lemos et al. Smallpox eradication in Brazil, 1967 --69 Bull World Health Organ 1970. 43: 797-808. (PubMed)

65. G.G. Heiner, N. Fatima, and R.W. Daniel et al. A study of inapparent infection in smallpox Am J Epidemiol 1971. 94: 252-268. (PubMed)

66. R.H. Henderson and M. Yekpe. Smallpox transmission in southern Dahomey. A study of a village outbreak Am J Epidemiol 1969. 90: 423-428. (PubMed)

67. D.B. Thomas, W.M. McCormack, and I. Arita et al. Endemic smallpox in rural East Pakistan. I. Methodology, clinical and epidemiologic characteristics of cases, and intervillage transmission Am J Epidemiol 1971. 93: 361-372. (PubMed)

68. D.B. Thomas, I. Arita, and W.M. McCormack et al. Endemic smallpox in rural East Pakistan. II. Intravillage transmission and infectiousness Am J Epidemiol 1971. 93: 373-383. (PubMed)

69. D.B. Thomas, T.M. Mack, A. Ali, and M.M. Khan. Epidemiology of smallpox in West Pakistan. III. Outbreak detection and interlocality transmission Am J Epidemiol 1972. 95: 178-189. (PubMed)

70. W.H. Foege, J.D. Millar, and D.A. Henderson. Smallpox eradication in west and central Africa Bull World Health Organ 1975. 52: 209-222. (PubMed)

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75. A. Herrlich, A. Mayr, H. Mahnel, and E. Munz. Experimental studies on transformation of the variola virus into the vaccinia virus Arch Gesamte Virusforsch 1963. 12: 579-599. (PubMed)

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77. T.M. Rivers. Cultivation of vaccine virus for Jennerian prophylaxis in man J Exp Med 1931. 54: 453-461.

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81. J. van der Noordaa, F. Dekking, J. Posthuma, and B.J.W. Beunders. Primary vaccination with an attenuated strain of vaccinia virus Arch Gesamte Virusforsch 1967. 22: 210-214. (PubMed)

82. C.H. Kempe, V. Fulginiti, M. Minamitani, and H. Shinefeld. Smallpox vaccination of eczema patients with a strain of attenuated live vaccinia (CV-178) Pediatrics 1968. 42: 980-989. (PubMed)

83. H. Tint. The rationale for elective prevaccinadon with attenuated vaccine (CV-178) in preventing some vaccination complications. In International Symposium on Smallpox Vaccine Symposia Series in Immunobiological Standardization 1973. 19: 281-292.

84. G.J. Galasso, D.T. Karzon, and S.L. Katz et al. (eds). Clinical and serological study of four smallpox vaccines comparing variations of dose and route of administration J Infect Dis 1977. 135: 183-186. (PubMed)

85. McIntosh K. A comparative study of four smallpox vaccines in children. In Quinnan GV Jr (ed). Vaccinia Viruses as Vectors for Vaccine Antigens. New York, Elsevier, 1985, pp 77  -- 84.

86. V. Hochstein-Mintzel, T. Hanichen, and H.C. Huber et al. Vaccinia-und variolaprotektive Wirkung des modifizierten Vaccinia-Stam-mes MVA bei intramuskularer Immunisierung Zentralbl Bakteriol Orig A 1975. 230: 283-297. (PubMed)

87. A. Mayr, H. Stickl, and H.K. Muller et al. The smallpox vaccination strain MVA: Marker, genetic structure, experience gained with the parenteral vaccination and behavior in organisms with a debilitated defence mechanism Zentralbl Bakteriol [B] 1978. 167: 375-390. (PubMed)

88. S. Hashizume. A new attenuated strain of vaccinia virus, LC 16m8: Basic information [in Japanese] J Clin Virol 1975. 3: 229-235.

89. S. Hashizume, H. Yoshizawa, M. Morita, and K. Suzuki. Properties of attenuated mutant of vaccinia virus, LC 16m8, derived from Lister strain. In Quinnan GV Jr (ed). Vaccinia Viruses as Vectors for Vaccine Antigens New York, Elsevier 1985. 87-99.

90. Kato S. Low neurovirulent variant of Lister strain of vaccinia virus. In Quinnan GV Jr (ed). Vaccinia Viruses as Vectors for Vaccine Antigens. New York, Elsevier, 1985, pp 85  -- 86.

91. Japan, Ministry of Health . Report of Committee on Smallpox Vaccination. Investigation of treatment of complications caused by smallpox vaccination [in Japanese] Clin Virol 1975. 3: 269-278.

92. A.C. Hekker, J.M. Bos, and L. Smith. A stable freeze-dried smallpox vaccine made in monolayer cultures of primary rabbit kidney cells J Biol Stand 1973. 1: 21-32.

93. Hekker AC, Huisman J, Polak MF, et al. Field work with a stable freeze-dried vaccine prepared in monolayers of rabbit kidney cells. In International Symposium on Smallpox Vaccine. Symposia Series in Immunobiological standardisation 19:187  -- 195, 1973.

94. A.C. Hekker, J.M. Bos, and N. Rai Kumara, et al. Large-scale use of freeze-dried smallpox vaccine prepared in primary cultures of rabbit kidney cells Bull World Health Organ 1976. 54: 279-284. (PubMed)

95. R.M. Cross, C. Kaplan, and D. McClean. The heat resistance of dried smallpox vaccine Lancet 1957. 1: 446-448. (PubMed)

96. A.W. Downie and K. McCarthy. The antibody response in man following infection with viruses of the pox group. III. Antibody response in smallpox J Hyg (Lond) 1958. 56: 479-487. (PubMed)

97. W.B. Pincus and J.A. Flick. The role of hypersensitivity in the pathogenesis of vaccinia virus in humans J Pediatr 1963. 62: 57-62. (PubMed)

98. R.J. Blattner, J.O. Norman, F.M. Heys, and I. Aksu. Antibody response to cutaneous inoculation with vaccinia virus: Viremia and viruria in vaccinated children J Pediatr 1964. 64: 839-852. (PubMed)

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107. H.T. Lin. A study of the effect of simultaneous vaccination with BCG and smallpox vaccine in newborn infants Bull World Health Organ 1965. 33: 321-336. (PubMed)

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