============================== b01.txt ============================== p18.03.00 build 1 - 22 Sept 05 == Fixer/D0Correct/CAF: rhauser/qzli NeuNet v00-01-02 <- new needed for NN training macros added NeuNet_t.cpp btags_cert p18-br-11 <- p18-br-06 Add NN tagger. btags_cert_evt p18-br-04 <- p18-br-03 Constructor ordering. cafe p18-br-34 <- p18-br-27 Fixes for SelectObjects & Write. Utility to dump config DB into ostream or .root file (Jeroen). SelectUserObject: before()/after() methods, keep rejected objects (optionally) Various small fixes (Hist1D title etc). Added simple Timer processor. Throw exception when listfile is not found. d0root_analysis p18-br-08 <- p18-br-07 Fix memory leak. d0root_btag p18-br-08 <- p18-br-06 Fix double delete. d0root_csip p18-br-06 <- p18-br-03 Make variables available for NN tagger. d0root_example p18-br-09 <- p18-br-08 Move caf examples to package d0root_example_caf. d0root_example_caf p18-br-02 <- new Examples showing use of b-tagging with cafe processors. First release of this package. d0root_nnbtag p18-br-01 <- new NN tagger. First release of this package. d0root_tmbtree p18-br-12 <- p18-br-11 Update CafeReadEvent to be singleton. Add cafe processor CafeReadEventProc. emreco p18-br-05 <- p18-br-04 Added a switch to turn on or off Hits-On-the-Road method in EMReco. This is set "off" by default in all rcp files. gtr_find p18-br-03 <- p18-br-02 Fix crash when there are zero events. gtrfit p18-br-02 <- p18-br-01 Fix crash. jet_evt p18-br-09 <- p18-br-04 addition of new L1 conf variables for jet-id + new jet-id from Amnon Harel New L1 variables which will be stored in CAF met_dq p18-br-02 <- p18-br-01 port to p18-br all changes in the head (v01-01-01) metreco p18-br-03 <- p18-br-02 New jet-ID cuts for fixed p17 data recompute META and METB in d0correct because jet ID changed between d0reco and d0correct recocert p18-br-03 <- p18-br-01 Add the CAL and FPS calibrater registry into /bin/OBJECTS file. Try to look for cal_event_quality flags in CalQualityChunk when making Cal Histograms, in order to save CPU time. tau_cand p18-br-06 <- p18-br-03 updated NN training macros and documentation move TTau and TauNNoutput from tau_cand to tau_tmb tau_tmb v00-00-01 <- new move TTau and TauNNoutput from tau_cand to tau_tmb thumbnail p18-br-03 <- p18-br-02 Fixed L3 Muo chisq in L3TmbObj::Muo when unpacking and repacking the thumbnail - as in the tmb fixing tmb_analyze p18-br-05 <- p18-br-03 Turn off b-tagging branches by default. Added runMConly.rcp from head branch. tmb_tree p18-br-32 <- p18-br-26 - TMBJets: Changes for TrackJetVertexID. - CalT42 class (P. Verdier) - Add status() method to TMBMCpart - Added Minuit to stand-alone Makefile - Two new jet variables for L1 confirmation. - Add zFrag() method to TMBMCpart. tmb_tree_maker p18-br-26 <- p18-br-18 - Fetch calorimeter quality flags from CalQualityChunk if available. Otherwise re-calculate on the fly as before. - TMBJets: Changes for TrackJetVertexID. - CalT42 Maker (P. Verdier) - Added missing flag to TMBCoreMC.rcp - Use ChunkType RCP parameter to select online or offline L3 chunk. - Two new jet variables for L1 confirmation. - move TTau and TauNNoutput from tau_cand to tau_tmb tmb_tree_trigger_maker p18-br-05 <- p18-br-03 Follow Changes in tmb_tree_maker p18-br-21 Use ChunkType RCP parameter to select online or offline L3 chunk. trackcaljet p18-br-01 <- p17-br-08 Speed up TrackVertexJetID class (Reiner changes) This class is NOT used in d0reco. It is called by tmb_tree_maker. trigcertcaf v00-00-01 <- new Package that contains all the trigsimcert utilities ported to CAF and CAFe. == MonteCarlo: avto d0_mcpp p18-br-01 <- p17-br-03 added _istat to MCpTmbObj, added weight info to MCgenByHand. d0_mcpp_gen p18-br-01 <- p17-br-04 added _istat to MCpTmbObj, added weight info to MCgenByHand. mcpp_gen p18-br-01 <- p17-br-06 added _istat to MCpTmbObj, added weight info to MCgenByHand. == Level 3: bellavan htrk p18-br-02 <- p17-br-04 replace RegHTrackPkg with SmtDeadList l3fstatmanager p18-br-01 <- p17-br-01 Add a protection against time violation in the CPU clock == External products: jonckheere root v4_04_02b_fbits_eh -q +GCC_3_4_3:+opt <- v4_04_02b_v2_eh -q GCC_3_4_3:opt Patch fbits problem where TObjects referecence by a TRef were treated as fixed rather than variable length. ============================== b02.txt ============================== p18.03.00 build 2 - 29 Sept 05 == D0Correct: rhauser cafe p18-br-39 <- p18-br-34 Speed-ups. Keep entry number per branch to avoid re-reading. Fix component test. d0correct p18-br-06 <- p18-br-04 adapt for p18.03.00 em_util p18-br-03 <- p18-br-02 emreco p18-br-06 <- p18-br-05 E-loss corrections based on d0gstar p17.06.02. jet_evt p18-br-10 <- p18-br-09 patch uninitialized variable mc_analyze p18-br-06 <- p18-br-04 Added overlay info to TMBMCevt (C. Biscarat) Add instantanous luminosity for overlayed MC events. recocert p18-br-04 <- p18-br-03 Bug correcton in MergeRecoCert for the MetLBNSel part verifyRecoCert now creates a parentage file tmb_tree p18-br-35 <- p18-br-32 Added overlay info to TMBMCevt (C. Biscarat) Add instantanous luminosity for overlayed MC events. Increase class version number for TMBMCevtInfo. ============================== b03.txt ============================== p18.03.00 build 3 - 4 Oct 05 == D0Correct: rhauser cal_corr_dst p18-br-02 <- p18-br-01 cal_corr_dst_evt p18-br-02 <- new Fix circular dependency related to CalQualityChunk. (Stark) cal_nlc p18-br-v01-00-26 <- p18-br-v01-00-23 update to allow for MC fixing with special MC-corrections modifies cal_corr_dst dependence to cal_corr_dst_evt to correct for circular dependence caltables p18-br-v00-03-47 <- p18-br-v00-03-44 update to allow for MC fixing with special MC-corrections calunpdata p18-br-v00-13-31 <- p18-br-v00-13-28 update to allow for MC fixing with special MC-corrections Fix circular dependency related to CalQualityChunk. cps_unpdata p18-br-v00-03-23 <- p17-br-v00-03-22 Fix circular dependency related to CalQualityChunk. fps_unpdata p18-br-01 <- p17-br-02 Fix fps mc mapping. CalQualityChunk has moved to another package. (Lam) met_dq p18-br-03 <- p18-br-02 CalQualityChunk has moved to another package. (Verdier) muonid p18-br-04 <- p18-br-01 -protection against crash due to too many central tracks. -Muon smearing bug fix recocert p18-br-05 <- p18-br-04 CalQualityChunk has moved to another package. (Verdier) tmb_tree_maker p18-br-27 <- p18-br-26 Follow calorimeter interface change. == MonteCarlo: avto mcpp p18-br-03 <- p18-br-02 modify ptable.dat to remove negative lifetimes (Bertram)